Sunday, March 14, 2010

Violin Lesson & Tips

I am not a teacher or anything (yet..?) but I am going to teach you what I exactly learned from my both violin teachers and also what the websites taught me. xD

1. Has 4 strings (G, D, A, E) <-- [From left to right]
2. Smallest in the group of stringed family
3. Has the highest notes in the group of stringed family
Stringed family [Size: Big --> Small] [Musical Notes: Lowest --> Highest]
Double Bass --> Cello --> Viola --> Violin
4. The hair of the bow used to draw the violin strings are made out of horse hair
5. ALWAYS remember to loosen the horse hair of the bow before keeping it into the case (Anti-clockwise)
6. ALWAYS remember to tighten the horse hair of the bow before playing (Clockwise)
7. Keep the distance of middle part of bow hair and the wood of the bow about 1 cm after tightening
8. ALWAYS remember to tune the violin every time before playing
9. Start with A string first before tuning the violin, you can tune any other strings after tuning the A string
10. Remember, after tuning the strings altogether, strum all strings to check again if any are not in tune as the violin strings are always loosening and going out of tune
11. To play the violin louder, place the bow nearer to the bridge of the violin
12. To play the violin softer, place the bow nearer to the fingerboard of the violin
13. Apply rosin to the bow of the violin from time to time if not the sound made by the violin will be screechy
14. Avoid touching the bow hair too much with bare hands as your hands have oil and will damage the quality of the bow hair and make a very horrendously screechy sound when playing the violin
15. Violin comes in various sizes: 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4
16. 4/4 sized violin are considered full sized
17. Tapes or liquid papers are used to help mark the position of notes. This is to help beginners
18. Fingering chart of violin is to be read vertically (from up to down)

Here is the fingering chart:


Ab Eb Bb F -Low 1
A E B F# -1
Bb F C G -Low 2
B F# C# G# -2
C G D A -3
C# G# Eb Bb -High 3 /Low 4
D A E B -4

Well, that's about all I can think of right now. I will keep on updating my blog and who knows, I may have more violin lessons and tips. =D

Violinists, or whoever plays musical instruments, PLEASE take good care of your fingers, health and ears. You need them.

Good luck, everyone! =D


  1. I am a violin noob, can't even remember 10% of what you said.
    Don't despair, your writing and instructions are very clear. It was I with failing memory as time goes by.
    Good that you remember all and you are steps closer to your dreams.

  2. Muahahahahahaha, you're aging. Muahahahahaha!
    And oh yeah, what was it again? Muahahahahahaha!

    OK kidding. =P I can teach you violin. xD

  3. OK, I will keep the offer in mind and need to stress that it's FREE ! Muahahaha!

  4. Lol, now you said the word "Free", you reminded me about charges. I actually never thought about it until you reminded me. MUAHAHAHAHAHA! You gave me the idea!

  5. Yeah! Your offer to me is free for life and I can take it anytime I like. 8-)
    Well look at it from a positive way, you learned something this. Muahahaha!

  6. xD Oh well, it's also thanks to you I can learn the violin. xD If not, I'd have to wait until I have my own job to afford my own!
