Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Real Life ~ My Favorite Rooms

Today's post will be back to a more optimistic, positive one. xD

But first,(smirks and sneer), I will continue yesterday's horrible start of school, MONDAY after the 1 week holiday. xD

As I went up preparing for sleep, I switched the air-conditioner on. I then went to the bathroom for a moment and when I came back, I took off the specs and turned off the light. Then, what surprised me was what I saw from the air conditioner on the wall. There were no lights coming from it, so it meant that it was not working.

Hmm, that was weird. I knew I remembered switching it on... As I grumble, I switched on the lights again to check. Hey! The remote control shows that it is working but then the air-conditioner itself is not. I was very, very annoyed by then. I swore at it. I told mom that it was not working and everything else was a mess.

In the end, it really was not working anymore so I had to sleep in my parent's room temporarily. My gosh, I had to admit, I was in tears by then because I could not sleep in my own room and weep privately. T.T

I had to struggle to keep the tears silent in their room.

Thank God, I am better today. I forgotten something very important. It's very amusing how I keep FORGETTING this: I always get all stressed out and teary on every Monday and especially after holidays. LOL!

I wonder if I can remember this the next time.

Anyways, now let's move on to my favorite rooms in my house.

My favorite rooms are... My so-called music room, my room & my toilet.

See? So simple.

Now to elaborate like what my teachers always tell me to when writing essays. Lol.

For my so-called music room, I like it because obviously, I have my tiny keyboard there to play those songs. I can take my violin up to play in that room as well. Once I close the door, I can play as loud as I want, not giving a care in the world but only one thing to care about, the time. I cannot play the violin at a time when people are sleeping. I can only lower down the volume of tiny keyboard to play... xD I still love that room. I cry and laugh there to myself. I read books while lying on the floor and I can simply just daydream or space out there. =D

I love my own room. ^^ It's also a place where I can cry privately and laugh as much as I can in there. I sang there as well as the so-called music room I mentioned before. Before the so-called music room became "active", I always loved being alone in my room. I wrote my diary there in the past and day-dreamed there as well. I played my toys there when I was younger. I slept there when I was brave enough to sleep alone. I took my own profile pictures there for Friendster before I deactivated my account.

Surely you all will wonder why I love my own toilet. Lolz, I do not blame you for wondering either. I love the toilet because I cried there as well. I laugh and... sang there as well. =x Shh, lol! I sat there to escape my troubles in the past and sometimes do that too. I hid in there reading books as well. Lol. But one thing I do not really like in the bathroom is... the mirror. It often reminded me how I actually looked and made me unable to daydream being a beauty.

Here's something I can NEVER stop doing and that is dreaming and pretending.

I always pretended being a beauty, someone everyone is jealous of and wants to be. Someone everyone respects and likes. =D In school, after something bad happened, if I still have the courage and energy to, I imagined that happened because they liked the way I look so much but they just do not know how to show it.

Lol. I know, the cheek of it! Haha. Oh well, girls can dream too, you know! =P

Bye. Take care and also please do Have fun~!


  1. Wow! You occupied almost half the house ! ;-)
    You live almost like a queen and yet still have a long list of grouses.
    I guess for a REAL queen will also have a long list of grouses.
    Everybody wanted more but the wise one will set a limit and happy about it.

  2. Lol, it's a house anyway and no rooms should be wasted @.@

    Haha. xD

  3. eh do neh......... being envied ain't a good thing though it sorta makes you happier (i'm one of the victim) but i realize that it causes a lot of trouble which can even turn your lives upside down. the you now is the best XD and you never look ugly to me remember that XD

  4. =D Thanks for saying that =D It cheers me up ^^
