Saturday, March 27, 2010

Real Life ~ Grateful Day

Even though I just had like, half of the day without hives, or should I say, serious hives, I feel grateful because it has been about 5 months since I ever came close to being normal.

Now my hives are worsening and last night's hives were very bad, almost like the worst. My hives now are increasing at an alarming speed and well, it would be as bad as last night, just that I will need to use a different lotion this time to help stop it. I used finish the bottle of lotion last night. Today, it's not "spitting" anymore out for me. Lol. Just the funny farting-like sound. xD

OK, today did not exactly go so well. I still got scolded for the most ridiculous things ever but I decided this: I DON'T CARE. They're not a big deal.

I may have lots of manga to read today but I feel like going back to how I was in the past. This is just for today. And when I said how I was in the past, I meant as in when I have not have broadband thingy to use Internet. I would always create stories using Microsoft Word & Micrsoft Power Point. =D

I was much more creative in the past, I would say. After all, in the past would mean when we were much younger and then, younger would mean we were much more innocent & lively. Lol. I sure can be long-winded but I do hope it is clear enough for an explanation. Dunno WHY I need to explain either but that's not the case here.

Even though I have NO IDEA what to write about now, once I open that blank page, something WILL come to mind. That is how everything often happens. Every time I see a blank piece of paper, I feel excited. My mind would start spinning up thousands of stories and even illustrations came in mind. Sadly, I do not that much of a talent for drawing. I lose there. xD I can only write. =<

Y'know what? I don't know if I have said this on the blog before but I may go into journalism. =P I love writing and talking on papers and online. I am not good at socializing in real life since I mostly just want to hide my dreadful face. In the online world, I do not need to show how I look and I can always pretend to be who I wanna be but I mostly be who i really am inside anyways, especially my blog, I say what's in my mind, I do more of acting before thinking here but I still DO think as people are reading what I say. So that means, I have to also still be careful of what I say.

One of you readers suggest I upload photos for you all to see. Good idea, but there's like 1000KB or something to upload. That means, I only have limited space so I would eventually run out of space to upload photos. It's only lucky that words are unlimited here, as far as I know. I can't simply upload photos though. T.T There's all this copyright shit that I hate but also sometimes agree with. I can only feel secured if I uploaded my own photos. First of all, I can take photos but that would mean to take the trouble to borrow it from my dad and then, I would need to learn how to put the photos into the computer and then upload. Before uploading, I would have to resize and edit. I suck at editing. It's the truth. Dx

I do not know how most of the people edit. They just do not make it how I want it to be. Frustrating, really.

If I upload my own photos here, it would mean that my identity is revealed, my friends and family's identity revealed and lastly, if I put photos of my own violin and stuff, it would be boring. xD Lolz.

Holy crap, how did the topic of hives suddenly get to this. Jeez, what's wrong with me? See? Once I start talking online or something, I will never stop. Sadly, like a saying here said before "A person knows himself/herself the most than other people so they can only talk more about themselves". That one is right. This is why I hardly talk about other people. After all, if I talked about them, I might accidentally reveal their name and besides, I should be getting their permissions to reveal their names. It does not seem so right for me to simply upload their photos and reveal their names however I want to.

This is why I get permissions to use their name on this blog. If I were to talk about them and need names, I would not use initials but I put another name like say an alphabet or something. xD There are 26 alphabets altogether, so that means, I have at least 26 people to talk about in a post. Lol. If more are needed, I would use numbers. Once numbers run out or get too long, I will use alphabets AND numbers! LOL!

No worries, people, I will not go to the extremes to create too many in case you all get confused. Lolz. Even I got confused while writing about people and using alphabets as names in an older post!

I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes, forgive me, I am just a Malaysian, our English level is VERY HORRIBLE so I can only depend on reading adult books to improve.

OK, that's it for now. I will read manga first. =P

Take care and have fun~!^^ Bye.


  1. Focus is the word for you.
    Plan and outline what you want to write to avoid straying from stories you want to tell.
    That's why I am not a good writer, reply always short. ;-)

  2. xD I remember you always nagged at me to focus when I was like, 4. xD haha.

  3. Now you know why that word Focus is always following you.
