Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Real Life ~ Musical Notes Galore

I am now writing down the notes on the sheet music of "Simple & Clean".

It was not a breeze for the right hand notes (Treble Clef). xD After all that violin practice, it made me read those notes faster. =P

For Bass Clef (Left hand notes), it was tough for me. I was never good at reading those notes ever since I started piano. I could mostly just recognize Middle C from the treble clef. xD Now I still have problems with bass clef. T.T

I am now trying to do them all 6 pages. I intend to leave some or at least 1 page for tomorrow instead of reading books for "Library Week". By the way, for "Library Week", we gotta take our own story books to school to read. My current book is thick and hard cover, bringing it to school would be like carrying gold. Lolz.

Besides, even if I've done "Simple & Clean" by tonight, I will bring a bout 1 page of "Passion (a.k.a Sanctuary)" to do. xD It is a nice way to burn those 15 minutes of sitting on the dirty floor. Ugh. I hate it. xD

I hate ants and am allergic to red ants, including other bugs. Problem is, I am sitting in front and always will. T.T

Oh well, at least I can play the piano. That's the only thing keeping me happy besides having great friends.

1 Chinese class tomorrow. Ugh... Just glad it's not the same teacher as before. We have changed our teacher. I am not revealing names here. =x

Take care~!


  1. It is good to see you initiative to improve yourself with musical notes.
    I am sure you will improve too if you put the same amount of efforts to those subjects you hated like BM and Chinese.

  2. Uwaaa! I hate those subjects! Dx But I dunno, sometimes I feel BM is easier and sometimes the other way round. xD

  3. Same thing was going over your head last time when you screamed " I hate piano lessons!"

    For the good of your future, give it a good thought.

  4. I just realized I am becoming a monster I always hated throughout my life. It's like I'm a hypocrite! Dx I guess I noticed how too obsessed I am with piano and since I am already satisfied with the chance of being able to play it, I will be more into violin since I would not need to buy another one of it to get full range. xD

  5. "sometimes, don't follow your sense, follow your heart" Regret by wilson y.s. liew

  6. =S Nice advice. Hope to be able to easily follow it. xD
