Sunday, March 28, 2010

Real Life ~ Violin Intensive Training?

LOL, I woke up feeling excited and hyper. All pumped up and ready to... PLAY THE VIOLIN!

xD Call me anything you want but I gotta get that stupid slur right. If my friend can call it easy, I will make sure I can say that one day myself too! >.> Lolz.

I played for about an hour and extra few minutes. But look on the bright side, I got better. In fact, I memorized that one song the teacher kept making me play. Yes, I admit I still made mistakes but I will keep on playing. I will try managing the violin practice twice a day and about an hour or so per practice. On Mondays, I doubt I can make it but on other days, I GOTTA make it! I will show him I am not as rough and out of it like that Saturday! Oh wait, it was yesterday. ^^lll Sweat.

I tried playing each song twice before moving on to the next and then turn back the page again to try playing twice again and then over and over. Sometimes I lost count and moved on straight away. To not bore myself to death, I made sure I entertained myself by trying out new violin techniques without having learned them yet and also to try out the "Titanic" I just copied down from the web yesterday. I am trying to play that song for my mom's birthday. I wanna perform for my parents. I wanna perfect everything. I wanna perform piano too but it does not impress anyone anymore these days unless it is very fast and complicated looking. >.>

Seriously, piano is just as amazing as violin if you really compare. And fine, violin looks more impressive and probably has more skills and techniques than a piano. But piano has all the chords. You have the whole range of 88 keys to play. It's like you can play almost EVERY song! Just not all. xD But you get the meaning anyways. And I gotta say this, not everyone can play the violin and same goes for piano. =P Fair enough. I suppose that you can play how you like but what I meant is, how far can you go? For piano, is your hand big enough to reach the far note? What is your strength? A really good piano is the type that has very hard-to-press keys and also has VERY good sound quality. This is why you need strength. Besides strength, you need speed. La Campanella requires them all, speed, big hand span and (strength-depending on your type of piano).

Practice will definitely help for both instruments and in fact, in everything.

For violin, you need to be dexterous, speedy, firm posture but also relaxed, sensitive hearing.

Lol, I am not gonna go into details about violin. After all, I am still a beginner. Let's see, it has been about 3 months since I started learning the violin. But in February, my time was wasted. For the whole month, my old violin teacher did not show up. Can you believe it? <.< Hmph! My interest was dying and I almost decided to give up violin to get that piano. Sigh, I was VERY desperate for the 88 keys piano that time because all I could do with the violin was only open D string and I haven't got the courage to tune at that time. I was REALLY a beginner then. Now I can't let go of my violin even though this slur is very frustrating. I still do want the piano but I am controlling myself now. And yes, I still do wanna play the piano in the prefect's room. ;) *Winks* I am so amazed at how I can play songs after songs and still play ones that I was not taught but played on piano. I remember the last time I blogged about being desperate for a violin. I remembered what I promised myself and how I should handle the matter regarding violin. It's just that, sometimes I forget some of them and in the end got hurt deeply. But you know what? I am still glad to be able to play it. =D I remember predicting about days that I will cry over the violin. True enough, I cried not only for/over the violin, but also for music, for my mistake of quitting piano. I cried when the bridge of the violin collapsed but I did not cry when the E string snapped. Lolz, I LAUGHED when it snapped! Sure, I was pretty surprised there but then it did not upset me because I know it would have to happen some day. Haha. I remembered worrying that I am not cut out for playing the violin and is stuck with piano forever. I worried like that because I could not tune the violin and dared not. Now that I can tune and the fear of tuning the violin disappeared, I feel much better. And you know what? I sometimes wonder if I will EVER get the slur right but I know that if I can play that song with slurs but just missing a few, I know I will make it eventually. Just hope I do not need to wait too long for it to be perfect. Since I am note-perfect for one of the 'slur' songs, all I gotta do next is get the slur right besides the speed. At the same time, I have 5 more songs with slurs to perfect for this whole week until I see him next Saturday. I checked the further pages of the book and noticed about all the songs after that contain slurs. xD Guess it is really important that I get it right. Even though I do not find slurs that remotely nice at all, I still gotta get it right because I still need to rely on the teacher to teach me every technique. In my violin book, I saw that one day, he will be teaching me double-stopping. That one is very hard so far but I will get this slur right first! xD I am still working on vibrato alone but gotta get the slur first. That slur is number 1 now. And saying the word "slur" is making me go bonkers now. Anyways, I played the violin (2nd practice for the day) just now. I am not sure of how long the practice lasted but I played until my left arm ached and could not take it anymore. The ache after every practice is decreasing and that means that I can play longer if I wanted to. I know some people can practise the violin for 3-4 hours. Some practised until their ears ring and throb in pain. Some practised until their shirts were drenched in sweat. I may not have 3 or 4 hours for violin but one day, I WILL be able to do so in order to improve and perform without receiving lies so that my feelings won't be hurt. I will wow them all. In fact, when I was into singing last time, I remembered being very desperate for solo on stage in front of people in school. Now, I wanna solo for violin, piano and singing. Maybe not much for singing but anything to perform. I love performing, after all. =P I wanna hear the compliments. >=D Muahahahaha, I admit it, finally. I want the compliments to be genuine. Not pity-lies. I want to hear the thundering claps and roaring cheers. I do not care which instrument is it for but I wanna achieve that. I wanna let people know the musical side of me. Not the nerdy, boring, ugly, whiny girl in their school.

I will also keep my hair past my shoulders so that I can take a picture with my violin. I hope to get a red prom dress to match the photo too. xD Sadly, I do not go to formal parties so if I ever bought one, it would be a waste unless I go to the testing room. Then again, I can't bring the violin along and sit there at the shop just to get my photo taken, can I? Lolz.

I will find a way to solve that anyways. =P

OK, that's it. You readers must be thinking I'm a bizarre person. No worries, I think I am one too. Lol.

Bye. Take care and have fun~!^^

Let's hope tomorrow (Monday) will be a smooth day. Not the stressful day like this week's! T.T


  1. There's always a saying "Practice makes perfect"
    You can apply this to almost everything.
