Sunday, March 14, 2010

Real Life ~ This Is The Life?

I am now sitting at the laptop. The wind is blowing strongly, blowing the trees about, leaves rustling. The rain is coming as the sky is darkening real quick. The whole house is dark. It would have seemed scary but it's surprisingly calming for me. Quiet as well even though my typing is causing noise right now. xD

It's times like this that make me ponder about life... It's like as if time froze for a moment to let me enjoy the surrounding and appreciate what's around me. Suddenly my worries seem so small and worthless, like it was something childish all along. Even though they are usually not childish worries, it's great to let go of them for awhile.

Half excited and half calmed. This feeling is great. Too bad times like this don't come by often. I am gonna have to miss this chance of meeting this feeling once again.

I just read other people's blog. Mainly my friend's blog, yes, I admit it is Wilson's blog.

Here's the website:

Go check it out, readers. I know one of my loyal blog readers is him. And I gotta say, he's the one mostly reading. He was the only one who questioned about the idleness of the blog. Finally, I listen to him and start updating again. Haha.

His blog is still new but you'll never know when his blog might be filled with many posts. =P

I read his blog and including his sister's blog and maybe their cousin's blog, I saw photos and read a few lines. From them, I realize that everyone is living their own lives and bothering about their own problems. They are enjoying their own time as well. It would be so great to know that their smiles can stay plastered on their faces forever, their friends staying close by their side forever, their families waiting to jump at every opportunity to help them out and lastly, their lover to stay in their hearts.

Sorry, people, I get like this sometimes when I start pondering about life. Ignore me. xD You'll seriously get sick of listening to me. Lol.

Maybe that's why people think I am weird. Anyways, I just want to know that they are all doing fine and never have to have their hearts all broken. Even though I do not know them really well, I still wish the best for them. Surely Eleana would want that as well. That's why she is sticking by my side.

She will watch my friends and I grow. The only thing keeping us together is the same mistake we both made in our past. Now she will save me and possibly my friends as well so as to not have us end up like her. Still, if it happened to us, I hope that we all can still act like her and not stay bitter for life.

This taught me that friends really ARE needed whether you want to be a loner or not. As long as you're human and living in this world, you still need friends. As long as you're still breathing with lungs and need to eat and drink, you still need friends. Families as well.

This year, my old table in school had a quote written on it. Wanna know what it said? It said "Friendship is like a war; Easy to start, Hard to end"

Quite true. Like I said once before, I just cannot seem to cut ties with my old friends. Maybe some are easy to cut ties with but mostly they are hard to cut. You can never hide the fact that you've once known them, even if you have forgotten about them.

OK, I am going to stop here and stop lecturing like a grandma! xD Bye!

Have fun and Take care~!^^


  1. Friendship is certainly valuable but will not last forever. This is thru my experience and not plug the words from the air.
    I have had really good friends during my school days. After coming to work and start a family, good friends during schooling days are slowly fading due to our own commitments.
    What is more important is to value your friendship during that time and moments. When you growing, you will get to meet new friends.

  2. There's one saying "Love your loved ones before it's too late" Something like that. xD

    I guess it can maybe be applied to this as well.
    And also there's another "Friends come and go"

    It's quite sad... and here's another sad one "There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies". >.<

  3. wish what liulian here's lying but it's the fact T.T
