Sunday, March 14, 2010

Real Life ~ Sunday (March 14)

I ran out of a title again but I'll go straight to the point.

Here's a shocking news. I exercised. Lol.I usually never. Either busy or lazy. Haha.

But then on the drive back on from dinner, I told mom and dad that it's a good weather and time to go around cycling.

OK, so we got home to get the bike. It was all rusty after so many years of not riding.

I cycled like a maniac but not as energetic as when I first got the bike. xD

From the house to the basketball court that was usually occupied. Just that this time it is very empty and quiet. No one using it at all. So my parents told me to cycled around it. I felt retarded doing that though. Haha.

Took a few times stopping for a rest and then I overheard mom telling dad about one day I am going to grow up and that time flew so fast. She said that one minute the moment is there and the next thing, the moment will be gone and will never repeat anymore. Sounds sad... Any sane human would've wanted to cry or at least get teary.

So got home after the cycling and collapsed on the sofa for a minute. Went up to my room to change and decided to take another bath to wash the hair again. It did not help at all, seriously. >.< Tried to take a nap but knowing the Homework awaiting me downstairs made me have trouble resting. Besides, the girl's month thingy is not helping either. What makes everything worse is the headache. My head throbbed... My face gone pale instead of red throughout the whole cycling trip until now. Weird...

Then finally after a long time, went down to face homework and the end for now. xD Lol.

I thought this post would be very short but I guess it's not as what I thought.

OK, then. Bye for now. xD


  1. Aha! Your English is good and I am sure you can come up with catchy titles if you want. 8-)
    Yeah! Always refreshing to have a small break from the normal routines.
    Do exercise more and perhaps this will keep your mind away from those hives or heart pain.

  2. Funny, as I've just clicked to read the comment on this post, the heart started being in pain but it's less painful as maybe it's because of the exercise yesterday.

    Maybe exercising is like a war, easy to start but hard to quit even after one time of tiring exercising? xD Lol. Why is it that this quote is stuck in my head?
