Saturday, March 20, 2010

Real Life ~ Saturday (March 20)10

Notice I put a 10 outside the bracket. xD It saves the energy of typing the 'year' and another '20' again.

OK, right, whatever. Anyways, moving on, I will make this much quicker because A)I wanna read manga while I still can before the stupid school starts again and B)You readers will get bored of reading something too long and detailed for something so normal.

Woke up, piano, violin, read book in room, bath (Gosh, I am starting to have problem remembering what happened), lunch, violin lesson.

From this 'violin lesson' part, I will make it more detailed. Lolz.

I was not sure whether I could enter the room yet so I went to have a peep. I saw a lil boy in it and suddenly, a voice scared me. "No, not yet." I turned to see my teacher talking to me. He was holding a book and when I took a closer look at it, I saw a picture of a guitar. I was really surprised when I saw him holding it and entering the room. I went to the "living room" to have a seat. What surprised me was that there were more sofas and the old digital piano bedside the TV finally had its 'shutters' slide opened. It broke my heart when I saw some of the keys sunk. I really wondered how old was the digital piano... I know I would wanna buy one for myself one day. >.< Hopefully it can last really long! And Hopefully I can afford one if I cannot get one. T.T That would make it like 10 years or more later... @.@

Anyways, the teacher was shocked when he saw how many pages he skipped. He could not believe his eyes so he asked me to play the song "Melody" and others as well. "Melody" is one of my favorites so I obviously played it better. In fact, thanks to all those practice, I played it faster. No more slow-mo. OK, fine, it's not as perfect as my teacher's violin playing but I will get there sooner or later! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

After awhile, I showed him my "Titanic" and "Jang Guem" on violin. xD He tried to accompany me for "Titanic" but it was er... not so well because I sucked at it but it was still better than when I first tested the song on the violin.

After that, he taught me a new violin technique: slur. xD It was frustrating but I tried very hard to keep my cool because I would definitely look really scary and stupid if I didn't show a much softer expression. It's best that I do not frighten everyone off at this age!

The worst part was when this other student came already. No, what's worse is that it is not only the stupid herself, the mother and the younger sister were standing at the door looking in. I almost had a heart attack to turn back finding those people hovering at the door. Gosh, it's like they are so desperate to enter! Their faces were so priceless! LOL. But what infuriated me was the attitude of their mother. She really wanted to interfere. It seemed like she badly wanted to barge in and make her daughter's lesson start. And to make it worse, the girl told him that her strings needed changing. He said to wait 2 more minutes. Even though I do not hear anything coming from their mother, I could somehow hear this grumble, a deep one like growling, loud and clear in their mother's mind.

Holy crap, I had to have my violin lesson time changed thanks to them just because THEY changed. From now on, my violin class starts at 12PM but at least it is still on a Saturday. Oh well...

I went back to practise more and then used the computer.

At about 6PM, we went out for a shop. We went to Bukit Tinggi, the place where one of my favorite music shop YAMAHA is at. Sadly, we never got to go pass the shop. Even if it meant I cannot get to play the piano, I just want to look at them. I know I will get depressed later just by looking at them but I still insist on looking at them. >.<

Alrighty, I am going to stop here. Bye.

Take care and have fun, as always~!


  1. Luckily you have a better teacher that the last one. Your skills will improve by leaps and bounds with much practice.

  2. So sad that school started and today is a horrible day for practice. Dammit. Gotta adjust time tables again. >.>
