Sunday, March 7, 2010

Summary Of My Life From The Last Time I Updated My Blog!

OK, people, I am very sorry for not updating my blog for a very long time. About 3 months. Wowie, that's long.

So here is the summarized life of mine! Hope you enjoy...?

-I got my violin on December 26th 2009
-I started wanting piano more because I missed my old 88 keys piano
-Violin lesson started, everything went well with the teacher
-Violin lessons start to become a drag and getting reluctant to see the teacher
-All this while the "Allergy", now known as hives, is getting worse and has become chronic hives now. NO JOKE. It affects the heartbeat, which means, I'm slowly dying. Just you wait and see! LOL.
-Also, I changed my typing long ago. xD
-Stopped violin lessons from that teacher, changed to another new teacher, a much more matured and professional one (Since Saturday [6th March 2010])

See? VERY summarized. VERY simple and short. Haha. I hope you like it though it's probably getting more and more boring for you readers. That is, if anyone's even reading! I feel like I'm talking to a wall.

This year is an important year for me as I have a big exam to go through. This is no longer any class quiz, monthly test or Mid-term exams or whatever, this is something every student at the age of 15 must take. I decided to open my eyes wider for this exam because I need to go to the Science stream in order to get to be closer to my primary goal: BECOME A PSYCHOLOGIST!

I can't say that my eyes are open wide enough though. I am still who I am, just getting weaker day by day and crankier. xD I am still the lazy self.

OK, I better leave now. I have to continue my homework and project!

Ta-ta! Thanks to whoever's reading and sorry to have bored you guys to death! xD

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