Saturday, March 13, 2010

Real Life ~ Saturday (March 13)

Haha, I have run out of titles but whatever anyways.

Today so far is so-so. I woke up at about 9+AM. I then started debating, well, more like arguing with myself whether to sleep more or to read the book.

After a long time arguing with myself, I was so wide awake that sleeping is out of the option. I then reached the bedside table to get the book and started reading it, rushing to get to the last page. See, I have this crazy problem too, I always stress myself out to finish something up whether there's rushing needed or not. Now I start to understand WHY my heart could not take it all. LOL. OK, NOT funny. Sorry. xD

In the end, I finished it. Loved it. The title is "Be Careful What You Wish For" by Alexandra Potter. The English is wonderful and the author is very funny. I couldn't help laughing while I read the book.

Now moving on to another book of hers. "Who's That Girl?" Lol, it reminds me of a song title same as the book but sang by Hilary Duff. I love the song. Surely I will love the book. I just know it even though I've yet to reach the end the last page. I'm still at the start but you will never know when I might finish it up anyways.

Today's post will be like my e-diary. xD After all, I feel like ranting endlessly! >=D MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OK, OK, Sorry readers, please do not freak out. I was only kidding. I do not feel like freaking out now.

Right, I finished the book and then I decided to get a bag to put my violin book in so that I will not need to carry it to the violin class. Had to choose between 2 bags. Nothing too big or too small though. And nothing too fancy, Lol, don't wanna make anyone misunderstand. Finally I set my eyes on a dull, blue bag. Not too big, not too small, not fancy, in fact, very dull and boring, new and unused. Perfect! I smiled to myself and then went to the bathroom.

Surely I will not need to have to give you readers a detailed talk about the journey to the toilet, right? xD LOL. Anyways, I went to the next room to play the piano. Still not 88 keys but better than nothing, I guess... I can't seem to stay playing the whole long list of songs for a long time anymore. I just play the latest songs I've been trying to write/compose and along with Naruto Shippuden - Blue Bird -Ikimono Gakari. Not bragging here though, do not take me the wrong way. Sx I do not need any more people to misunderstand me now. xD Haha.

OK, moving on, I played finish and the desperate side of mine for audiences are gone. OK, I admit, not TOTALLY gone but almost there. xD

I went down to figure out what to take for breakfast. Hmm, water? Maybe. Milo? NO WAY! Instant Mushroom Soup? Nah, not really. OK, fine, water. The thing is, I've skipped the part where I actually spent time playing the violin first before taking the breakfast. LOL, I actually forgotten about breakfast! All I ever thought of was violin. I even tried tuning and got the hang of tuning the D string. The only problem left is the G string(get your mind out the gutter again, please). xD

I mopped the floor. Decided to take only the violin book in hand instead of bag as mom reminded that time is valuable and unzipping the bag would only waste time.

I took my bath before mopping floor though. xD Man, I really AM treating this more and more like my diary. Why is everything needed to be in detail? No wonder I quit writing in the end! LOL.

OK, so lunch was at a hot place and I hated it. I couldn't eat in comfort. Prefer eating alone at home with any facial expression I want. May it be ugly or not. No one would know. I even brought my violin and book along out to eat. Had to go straight to the violin class after that anyways. People stared, like I hoped. Not at me though, I just want them to stare at the bag and wonder, OMG, what does she play? I even took the trouble to flip the book at the side where they showed a big picture of a violin. xD Sadly, it isn't something adult looking. It looked like a kiddie's picture book. I meant the cover. But whatever, it gives them an idea of what I play then.

So I placed the violin on its own chair. I named my violin 'Autumn'. =x The piano at home is called 'Olive'. xD

People bumped into the violin and I kept freaking out and started being paranoid each time I felt presence of human nearby my violin and I.

So glad to leave the hot place after lunch. Sweated like hell. I so totally do NOT want to look like shit (sorry but I need to use the word! =P). Especially not in front of the people in the violin class. Well, people have their other instrument classes there as well. It's like some mini music academy. When I saw an acoustic piano, so shiny and dark brownish, I was itching to slide onto the bench to play a song...! This is becoming a problem. >.<

Mom rolled her eyes when I pointed at it and grinned, saying I wanna go play it.

I wished she would be happy that I did not hate the piano until this very day!

Sigh, so the violin class went well. The teacher made me laugh like hell. He went express way and skipped many pages and songs. He said that I can already play them. He has been a good teacher so far and this is my 2nd class. 2nd class and it's already like, half the book. Another few more classes or so would mean buying another book. I spent money on books, water bottle, earphones, 2 anime DVD. I have to earn back many weeks of money in order to get them back. I do not know how am I to afford another book... I know I CAN afford but I just hate seeing it fly away... Look on the bright side, it's for something good. VIOLIN, equals to MUSIC. =D Ta-da! Lolz.

Moving on, I got back home and then as much as I want to continue violin, I decided to do my Maths homework first so that my mom won't be able to find faults the next time something happens. Done them and done Science tuition homework as well. The thing is, my thoughts are occupied with mainly violin practice. xD Shh, do not let anyone know. Lol.

I started practising. My arms both ache, especially my left. I guess I will use the shoulder rest the next lesson to see if it helps. It seriously created a problem there. I didn't see the clock and also forgotten about BM tuition. I reached there all feeling more cool (though arms are aching badly). When the teacher started asking us to do work, my left arm became increasingly numb yet still able to feel amazing pain. VERY sharp pain. Especially at the shoulder. Hurts like God knows what. xD OK, not really exaggerating here, people. it really did hurt. *Does innocent look*

Luckily, it got better in the end. Went to Amcorp Mall to celebrate Dad's early birthday.

Bought another book but not with my money. >.<

I actually chose 2 books, but mom didn't seem to find them suitable for me. One was too boring, the other too deep and matured. Damn. So I settled in for a book from 1 of my favorite authors : Cecelia Ahern. I loved her book "Where Rainbows End". I read it many times, over and over. Good English too and very funny.

I chose "Thanks For The Memories". It was cheap for a hard cover. Oh well.

Then we er... bla bla bla. =D Went home and all. Oh yeah! My family and I were chatting happily in the car when suddenly, a sharp pain worse than my aching left arm occurred at my left part of chest. Seems like the heart, I guess. The problem is, it started off with me being able to talk. As the car moved more, the seat belt moving affected my heart. I grabbed it and took it away from me. The grip on it tighten until my knuckles gone white. Even though it's night, I am sure it's white. xD My hands gone cold. I couldn't breathe. Like other heart pain cases, breathing is a problem when heart is in pain. Moving also became a problem. And THEN comes the talking problem. Talking will also make it pain. I was dying to stop dad driving the car but I do not want to have them thinking I am over-reacting or worry them.

Finally I got into the house in one piece and still alive. Still conscious as well. xD

I sat at the sofa, not moving and cringed. They asked what was wrong and I took the effort to explain. Sod those thinking of me exaggerating! This is the truth! I feel like an invalid. Tears trickled down my cheeks. Finally, when it got better, I got up to my room. By the time I got down, the heart went back to normal, no longer sore either.

Went back up to play piano. Read a bit of the book and then go back down. Heart got back to being in pain. This is where it ends, I am sure most of you are asleep so sorry to keep you reading this boring crap.

Have fun & Take care, readers. I appreciate you guys reading. If not for you people, I would not want to continue this blog. Sorry for being idle for 3 months.


  1. If the heart pain is continuing, it is better to see a doctor and carry out some check-up.

  2. Remember the last time I was taken for a check-up? They made me do scary and well, I was shy and did all those tests. Nothing was wrong at all... It was stress but I really have no idea. It is still possible for them to be wrong. Who knows. xD

  3. Take it easy and do not stress yourself with all the things or hobbies you wanted.
    Still a long way for you to achieve your dreams. ;-)
    Just focus on what you should really do and prioritize what is crucial.
