Sunday, March 7, 2010

Real Life ~ Back On Track, Hopefully...

I am thinking of updating my blog more often so for those who have been waiting for updates all this while, I am sorry for the long wait. 3 months! Can you believe it? 3 months passed by so fast. I just cannot believe how time flies.

One minute, it was my first time opening my eyes; Then, suddenly, I have to sit for a big exam this year!

This is crazy. Well, life IS crazy and is also exactly like a roller coaster. Some people and I believe, most of them will want a day that they can slow the roller coaster down a bit to have a break then continue when they're ready. Sadly, that will NEVER happen.

Who knows, maybe that will happen the day you retire from work and is satisfied with life the way it is.

Then again, some will never be satisfied. xD And one of them is... Moi! Lolz.

After getting the violin, I was absolutely soaring in the sky, taking endless pictures of my violin and looking at it 24/7. Then, BAM! I am back down on the ground, I actually landed quite hard, you know, reality hit me and made me realize I can't just focus on violin only. I have other things to occupy me really well too!

Well, firstly, as a student, I have my own homework and exams. Then, as a child of my parents, in fact, the ONLY child, I have to make them proud, as hard as it is to make them satisfied or please them, I am compelled to do so. Then lastly, as a human on this place called EARTH, I have to achieve my dreams and goals, go for everything and be an all-rounder. I have to be polite and fair at the same time, be able to make good friends and change the world for the better too. Everything has to be perfect and of good quality. But... everyone's different. Therefore, I cannot please everyone on this planet and I cannot agree with everything they want either because I am ALSO just a human. I have feelings as well, I will die one day, I get sick as well, just like any normal human would be like.

Even so, I still try to be the strongest. I want to be everyone's guide. Guide them so that they won't repeat my mistakes, so that they won't regret or blame themselves. I also want to be everyone's shoulder to cry on. I want to be able to cheer them up and mop their tears away. I want to be able to throw their worries away, taking all bad things away and leave happy things by their side. I want to be a truly selfless person. Then again, I get taken advantage of and I start being my selfish self AGAIN. I start getting cranky, may it be for something reasonable or not.

Those who're not used to seeing my negative side will be very appalled and then start hating me for it. Those who already knew I could be a real monster will hate me more than before.

See? How can it be so easy being everything?

I sometimes wonder why I bother doing everything well when there will come a day my heart stops beating and will be forgotten. I guess I only do this because everyone was told to be like this and if I can't go against them, I have to BE them.

I wonder why people want to live so long. I wonder why can't they be satisfied with the way things are now. Hand phones getting smaller and thinner, clothes getting smaller in size, fashion getting wackier than ever... Maybe one day I will look back at this post and go "My, my, I cannot believe how stupid I was" but I am now thinking of a good reason why is everything the way it is now?

Is it just money? Nothing more? The phrase where "Only love is enough" becomes a lie that everyone says like it's nothing? Is this how our lives will be in the future? Everyone busy rushing to create something stupid and ridiculous to become famous and rich. All owning a house as big as a mountain? House owners all competing against one another over the size of their house? Buildings getting taller and taller? Clothes getting thinner and thinner? Hairstyles of all colours?

My gosh, I sound like an old grumpy woman but then is the world going to become like that? Even though I am just a teenager, I am different in my own way and I find this world perfect the way it is. No more technologies needed to be created. I am happy with the TV being this clear now, there's no need for blue-ray. There's no need for 3D TV too if it is going to be invented one day or is it already out?

I'm happy with hand phones the way it is, being able to take pictures and take videos, being able to text message using T9, being able to surf the web using it, being able to listen to music by using it... ...

I think hand phones are small enough already, and also thin enough already. I don't want to have to have trouble seeing where it is in the future. In fact, I wouldn't dream of having it implanted into my brain!

I am happy with laptops and computers the way they are right now. I am also happy with the MP3 players, iPods and anything like them right now.

Cars look cool the way they are now... This is giving me a headache. I will be stopping here.

Bye and do not feel offended because of whatever I said!

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