Friday, March 26, 2010

Real Life ~ BM Tuition VS Science Tuition

Science tuition wins! >=D

The people in BM tuition are meaner.

But the people in Science tuition are nicer.

The space in BM tuition is narrow and uncomfortable.

But the space in Science tuition is wider and much more comfortable.

The teacher is meaner in BM tuition.

But the teacher in Science tuition is nicer. =D

One thing they both have in common:

They're air-con is COLD, as in FREEZING, which cause the hives very bad. Dx

Lol, that's it for this post.

Here's something I just learned from a book recently but I do not remember if I've told any of you yet. It is "There are 2 tragedies in our lives: it is the ones who get what they wish for but not what they need and those who do not get what they wish for."

Something like that but it still has the same meaning. Just hoping you get what I meant. xD

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