Monday, March 29, 2010

Real Life ~ Musical Day Much?

Today, I feel accomplished and slightly proud. Know why? (Though I am sure you've all probably guessed already anyways)

I entered the prefect's room. Finally! It was recess and I actually forgotten about it until Wilson reminded me. He and his other friend did not follow me but my other friend who's a girl did.

We went all the way down to the prefect's room and then when I saw the 'enemy' right in front of me, I was like pointing at her a little and looked at my friend with an expression of horror. My friend did not notice but I think the "enemy's" friend might have. If she noticed, she did not show any sign of it. My friend rushed me into the prefect's room. As promised, I played Naruto Shippuden-Blue Bird by Ikimono Gakari.

I played other songs too. She was like 'sweating' when she knew I could play mostly Naruto songs. I could play many others, more than 20, as far as I know but when I play the piano, I usually do not like to talk at the same time unless I am teaching how to play. Songs are to be played with emotions. But on violin, I can hardly do that now as I still need to look out for mistakes to correct.

I played 2 of the songs I wrote but have yet to finish and will never finish. She was surprised I wrote them and said I can become a musician. Easy to say but that would mean I gotta take theory and go to music schools and stuff. Still, I was flattered. =D

When I was in the middle of playing Naruto-Grief & Sorrow, a girl came in and I was like, "Oh, crap. Is she going to tell me to go as the choir members wanna play again?" UnFortunately, *Smiles* I received compliment instead.

She asked what title of the song it was and I told her. She was surprised and said she could recognize it. How wonderful! Even though I have rearranged the whole song, she could still recognize! Yahoo! xD She complimented that I played with all my heart. xD Haha, she got that part a little bit wrong there because while playing, I had to focus on talking to my friend. My friend can also play piano but she learned at the age of 12 or something. She said she could not but I know that you do not really need grades to play any songs. The best is that if you can at least read the sheet music, you can play just about any song. All you need is like I said before: interest (OK, fine, I did not say this in previous posts), strength, speed & big hand span.

She thought you need to be until Grade 8 to play everything. Yes, you will most likely play better but if the interest is not there, what's the use? You may play very wonderfully but something is definitely missing. The effort and emotions you put into the song.

Like acting, you can't just act like it's nothing. Put emotions. Emotions being put into it will bring the best results. For exam, if you are interested in the subject, you are most likely to sail through smoothly.

I tried crescendo on the piano but the piano is first of all, old and chalky, dusty and STUBBORN. That piano is the stubborn type. The hard and naughty type. Aha, I know most of you are having many question marks above your head.

What I meant is, some pianos have very soft keys and one press of the note might accidentally make it too loud and painful to ears. Some pianos are just perfect, hard keys and perfect sound. Acoustic pianos can last forever if you take good care of it. In fact, old pianos are meant to last longer than these new modern digital and including acoustic ones. Hmm, it's probable that every acoustic instruments can last forever.

This piano in the prefect's room has soft keys but shallow end once pressed. It must have been fixed many times and stuff. It will not be as nice as when brand new. The middle pedal is not working anymore. I could not muffle the sound. Thankfully, the right pedal could work. xD

When you play this piano, it will make the pianist think he/she is playing too rough. But still, at least it sounded fine. Just that the end of the notes sounded out of tune. >.< It really hurt my ears to hear them when my friend tried pressing them. Lol.

My friend even thought something was wrong with it. Even so, it may be just a little bit out of tune as high notes on pianos are meant to be harder to press and be loud. They are meant to sound very... er...what's that nicer word...? OK, I give up. They are meant to sound horrible. Quite literally.

So I failed crescendo twice or more and ended up hurting my right fingers. Oh well, they are just used for bowing, the damage were not so bad.

I tried entering the room again when school ended but I noticed many bags were there. I did not want to be accused of stealing so I turned back and decided to wait for another opportunity.

Even though the piano is stubborn, it is pretty addictive. It made me wanna keep on going forever until God-knows-when. xD Lol.

No worries, I am not aiming to play truant in school. Even if you wanna find me, I would probably be there. Not the toilet like other girls who played truant. And not in the canteen either.

Back at home, I practised the violin 1 hour or more again. I played until both my arm ached. The pain is still not as bad as the last time's crazy practice where I played many pages that teacher skipped. I was still nooby by then. I could not play a song without accidentally touching other strings.

Now, I may still do the same but there are improvements.

My arms are still aching. To be honest, they are ALWAYS aching! LOL! In school, at home, in tuition. My left finger tips, my whole of left arm, my right arm, my right hand. Here's a warning. Do NOT ever shake my right hand. If you wanna shake it, do not grip hard because I held the bow until just by gripping it a little hurts like crap. xD

My left hand's finger tips are definitely gonna harden and the skin will peel off. I suppose beginners get that. Surely the finger tips will be numb to pain and stuff one day but the skin will not be rough either. The skin would be smooth and dead. xD I can feel my finger tips hardening day by day. Not only violinists get this, guitarists also can. My index finger is ALREADY numb and hardened. Now's left my other 3 fingers (not thumb).

I am supposed to be learning up the new song "Sanctuary (Passion)" to play on piano for my friend. She requested that and I will try it out. For both our benefit. xD Haha. It's not like I do not want to play that song.

OK, gotta jet!

Take care and Have fun~!^^


  1. You had got what you wanted and do not go overboard.
    I fail to understand why do people have "enemy's" friend ?
    Other people might not agree with what you say/do and they are entitle to their opinions.

  2. Just to bring you back on track.

    School is for you to study and learn those school subjects.

    Music is your interest.

    Do have priority which one is more important.

  3. Not all what i wanted yet. Have not got what I want for a job yet and have not entered that stupid Science stream.
    Enemies have their own friends. So I meant that enemy's friend saw me.
    I still want to be able to enjoy more in school by playing piano or anything to make some music.

  4. a nooby is always better than a guy which never play before
