Monday, March 15, 2010

Biography ~ Wilson Liew Yong Sheng

Wilson Liew Yong Sheng, one of my best friends, is a cheerful person who thinks very differently. No worries, he thinks differently in a good way. He is special in his own way as well, just like everyone else.

Wilson is a joker. It is as if his job is to joke and make people laugh. I guess you can say that he is probably born to joke. It really beats me why but I suppose that the feeling he gets from making people laugh is great. Don't you think so? Being able to cheer a person up gives you a great feeling as well, right? It is the same as having done a good deed. All these give you a great feeling too.

Let's not get sidetracked here... Wilson has pale skin and dark hair. He is still a teenager so he will keep on growing taller. It really gave me a shock like how one day, he was shorter than me and the other day, he shot up and is about same height as me. Surely his family will watch him grow. His parents and sisters will most probably miss seeing him as a little kid. They will eventually have to see him as an adult. They will feel that they can no longer refer to him as "Little kid" or in Asian countries, "Ah boy".

Wilson has large eyes and his eyes are brown if you look at him close up. When the Sunlight shines on his face, his eyes will become almost transparent, just tinted brown. It will look as if you can see through his eyes and into his thoughts. Even though some people do not think that he is good-looking, I am very sure that there will have to be at least one who looks at him that way.

My best friend Wilson is an open-minded person. He listens to what you have to say and understands people very well. He often thinks before acting. This is coming from my point of view. He is polite. Some may think the opposite of what I think of him but that is maybe because they got on his bad side or that they caught him at a very wrong time.

Wilson's hobby include drawing besides making up jokes. He dreams of being a mangaka (Japanese comic artist/author) but sadly, his family does not support that idea that much. The reason for them to react this way is only for his own good. They do not think that being a mangaka will give him a stable income. After all, money do not grow on tress. Even so, Wilson is determined to not quit drawing as he has come a long way already. He draws various mangas with different titles. His manga contain mainly action (in Japan, you usually refer this as 'shounen') and history. For a start, he is pretty smart and creative. This gives him a good advantage to draw well and use his intelligence when it comes to creating plots for his manga. He may have trouble thinking of what to draw about sometimes but it never stops him dead in his tracks. He will strive and go on until the end. This is something to be admired by everyone and he can be a great role model for everyone.

Wilson has a YouTube account. His username is PotterSuccess. He has uploaded a few videos so far but please do check them out when you have the time. It's quite worth it. From his videos, you can see his animation. He calls them "Wilson Animation Production". Oh yeah, I almost forgotten to let you all know this. He is gay. Okay, sorry, I was joking. I meant to say that whenever he draws his manga, he does not write his full name but he put his name as 'Wilson Y.S Liew'. This is what he calls his pen-name. Not bad.

His ambition may be a mangaka but before that, he will become a pharmacist first. Anyone who knows a pharmacist by the name of Wilson Liew Yong Sheng in the future, please do prescribe drugs (I mean medicine in this case here) from him. He will kill you. Oops, I mean he will poison you. Oops-a-daisy, I meant he will help you. Ha ha.

There were times when he hurt my feelings badly and times when he hurt others' feelings too but we all always put it in the past and look forward instead. Wilson can be trusted and he is quite matured for a guy his age. Although he may seem childish at times, always joking non-stop to the extent that he annoyed the teachers, he is still matured. He is still brainy and nice.

I may not know him as a little kid but I am glad to have met him. I hope everyone likes him for who he is.

Sorry this biography is not as long as other biographies published in books but that is because I do not know him from the time he was born and that he is still a teenager. He still has room to improve and achieve goals and pursue dreams. Let us all support him whether we all know him personally or not.

Thank you for reading this biography and that is all.

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