Monday, March 15, 2010

Real Life ~ Obsessed Violinist

OK, I admit I am not that great at it yet but oh well, girls can dream too you know. =P

I am currently obsessed and in fact, am VERY obsessed with violins.

Seriously, you might not believe the things I do.

I keep drawing violins all over my books and papers.
I keep thinking of violins as well.
Even though my arms ache from practising the violin, I still ignore the pain and continue until the music I made is too horrendous. xD I have to think about the people living with me and around me, you know. Which brings to another wish of mine... And that is to have a soundproof room with a piano of 88 keys. xD All the equipments will be there and the room can be at least a s big as my bedroom. Even though my bedroom is quite small, what with everything in the room. If it were to be emptied and have all the musical stuff needed put into it, I think it will look gorgeous.

I am picturing a room with glass door framed with strong maple wood. To make the door perfect, the door knob can be in faded looking gold, or do you call them brass. No idea. Lol. I am pretty stupid, you know. The floor will have red carpet covering every inch of the room. Music stand right beside the piano. I am imagining an upright piano (acoustic) complete with a bench. =D A metronome for decoration to be put on the piano. Know why I refer the metronome as a decoration? It is because I never use it ever since I changed violin teacher. Besides, I still suck at counting notes. I am used to memorizing how long to hold notes. xD So it's never perfect. I prefer playing with emotion than stressing on counting beats. See? I will make a terrible drummer. *Blush* Actually, I will be fine with grand piano, upright piano, digital piano or electone. Just so long I have the 88 keys, I will be OK with it. Then I will have a computer and printer near the music stand or on the other side, which will be beside piano. Who knows when I will need to print sheet music or try playing by ear. ;) OK... Where was I? Oh yeah, my violin, Autumn, will be placed safely in the violin case right on the floor and in front of the music stand. There will be a side table beside the chair which will be in front of both violin and music stand. xD Gosh, I am going into details. Hmm, I'll change the computer position to be right beside piano after all. After the side table, I don't think there will be space at all to place the computer. I may trip on something and hurt the musical instruments and myself. xD The walls can also be like in cinemas, all soft and clothed. Or whatever it was. This is to make it soundproof. Around the walls, I will also have pictures of musicians, pianos and violins hung all over. This will be my dream room. I will wanna sleep in it too! =D I can sigh just dreaming about it. This room must have cost more than a house, I must say. There will be a comfy sofa for 3-4 people to sit on and 2 pillows at each end. The sofa can be in... I dunno.. Maybe black colour. Yes, black. Whatever. I do not want any windows though. xD I guess that's about it. Not unless I learn more than these 2 instruments as well then I will have more things to add into it. ^^

OK, sorry I got sidetracked. See? I am obsessed.

Crap, I forgotten what else to say. Lolz! I was busy thinking of the soundproof room until I forgotten about what other things to mention of. Sorry, people. I am a dreamer. ;P

I think I've spoken enough for now. I am going to post a biography of my best friend Wilson. I got his permission to post and I hope you loyal readers will enjoy it. =]


  1. You do have good imagination. Work harder and you will fulfill your dreams one day.

  2. xD I missed out one more thing. The BIG cabinet to store sheet music and music books! AND also violinist figurines on the piano. xD Lol.

    Surely you have good imagination as well.
