Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Real Life ~ YES!

YESSSSSS!!! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! Practised 2 hours of violin! Finally! I barely stopped. I only took a few breaths in between as a rest! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!

Finally got it 2 hours! Started at 4:31PM and ended it at 6:31PM right before dinner.

But the best dish is taken by the time I got to the table. Lolz.

Today's dinner is porridge and... I HATE PORRIDGE. It's wet and slimy but the older I get, the more I get used to eating it. I still hate it but it's not like I hate it so much I felt like throwing a tantrum anymore. That was last time.

Here's a question for you readers and just answer if you bother to anyways: You prefer noodles or rice?

Here's my answer. =P Yes, you know how I love telling you all about myself. Lolz. Sorry I am self-centered...? Anyways, I prefer noodles. But if I got the chance to eat western food, I've much prefer it. xD

I like steak~ So what if Chinese are not supposed to eat beef? Even Indians cannot eat beef. =o We have something in common! Cool, right? Lolz.

I like the steak to be 'well done'. Not 'rare' or 'medium'. I do not want to eat raw meat and I hate seeing too much blood in the meat. Seeing blood makes me sick.

I cannot imagine how I am going to ever cook for anyone, let alone a family in the future. I hated the fish smell and I hated touching all these raw meat.

From the start, I am more to the vegetarian side but knowing I will not be able to be a vegetarian until decades later, I decided to slowly like certain types of meet.

I am OK with chicken, beef and fish. But not all types. I only like beef in steak or patty form. For chicken, I'd much rather them in K.F.C form and patty form. For fish, I only eat certain types of fish. Yes, picky. Yes, fussy. Ungrateful, maybe. But that's who I currently am anyways. I may change and accept every food thrown at my face in the future when I have to earn my own money to afford everything.

Urgh, my left arm is still in pain. From vaccination and violin practice.

To be honest, I knew something wasn't right ever since I woke up this morning to go to school.

I felt all warm and weak. I felt sickly and tired.

Looks like my body could not accept yesterday's injection after all.

I had high fever but never take temperature. Just know it's damn hot. xD

I still got the cold from yesterday's BM tuition.

By the time I reached school, I felt like dying.

Thank God, I had my friends to make me forget all these except the pain in the left arm. They sometimes forgot that my left arm is hurt and ended up beating it to a pulp. T.T

I felt like crying when they hit it accidentally. xD

My friend's fine in school except that she caught a cold from another friend of ours from tuition yesterday.

The cut from old violin practice is still visible but I know it can't possibly stay a scar. xD

I know which part of the violin cut me. It was the metal part at the tail piece of the violin. T.T

It always hurt me but it's not always injuring me depending on what clothes I wear while playing.

Our violinist for the performance came to school today and said we gotta practise for 1 hour from our recess. I told her I cannot miss Maths class and so did my friend. Now we gotta get permission. =/

I have a feeling things are not gonna be any easier form here. Shit, man. xD

OK bye for now. I feel a bit sick.

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