Monday, April 19, 2010

Real Life ~ Man-Made Sick Day

Haha, the title is stupid but I hope that after the explanation, you get it.

I did not catch the cold or anything. I did not get sleepy because I was sick, I think. Today, our school gave us a surprise during the morning assembly. They told us that the vaccination team is here and ready to inject us. We filled in our forms for the vaccination months ago and finally, we can get over with this already. Gosh, I was hoping to get it done with ever since I received the vaccination form.

People were all protesting and some sort of screamed.

The worse part is after recess when it was our class's turn to have our vaccination taken. Most of our classmates screamed. Now THAT scream is definitely loud and clear. The horror is more obvious than during assembly.

Funny, I thought my friend and I would be one of the first to have our vaccination taken but it seems like they go by alphabetical order but boys first, just like our name list. Don't ask me why boys first, I have no idea either. xD

I saw guys making fun of one another, laughing at one another, screaming while watching, making lots of noise. I am the first girl to be vaccinated. xD After all, my name starts with a "C". Yeah, yeah, those of you who do not know me in real life now can slowly guess my real name. =P

When the boys were being vaccinated, the girls behind me, known as the female dogs but I forgave them, snooped around and cut my line to watch them all. I know this is mean of me but I find that asking people whether it is painful or not is kind of a waste of time. Everybody's endurance is different. Some would find it really agonizing, some would find it like nothing.

My friend and I weren't scared of being vaccinated at all. When I was in primary school, I used to be so scared that my heart would jump with fear and anxiety. I would always try to be the last one to be vaccinated. I used to keep asking everyone whether it hurt or not. xD

Now, in high school (secondary school), this is our first vaccination in high school, my friend and I are finally not scared. =D

So, please clap hands for us. Lolz.

I was actually excited! @.@ I was impatient. I wanted to be the first one to be vaccinated. I wanted to have the courage to see them inject me.

Sadly, I just sat staring into space thinking of things. I looked a bit at the nurses but not when they injected me. I closed my eyes for awhile but remembered what I promised myself if I ever get vaccinated.

To be honest, I felt a bit scared right before being injected but not scared enough to jump out of seat. Was part excited and part scared so my heart still jumped wildly in my chest.

I felt the needle being injected into me. I felt it being pulled out. xD Painful. But not as painful as other things. I know other people are suffering more than this. This pain is actually nothing compared to when I knocked my left knee at the staircase, it is also nothing compared to when I suffered hives or asthma, it is also nothing compared to when I first held the violin without using hands to support. It is nothing compared to having emotional problems, let alone mental disorders.

This pain is also nothing compared to losing someone close to you.

Even so, that vaccination IS still painful but not a big deal.

My friend only worried about getting fever. She said that you can get fever if your body cannot accept the drug from vaccination.

My friend cares A LOT about herself. I can tell she is the type who loves herself first before loving anyone else. She's the type that would agree with the saying, "If you cannot love me or who I am, then I do not love you." You know, she actually freaked out when a mosquito bit her. She sworn she could have seen black and white stripes - Aedes mosquito. She got scared when people near her are sick. She got scared too when I helped her take the fork and spoon. She seriously questioned me a lot of stuff about one stupid good deed I done for her. =.= To be frank, I was a bit pissed off. I do not feel appreciated at all even if she thank me in a not sincere way. She might as well not say a word and keep her trap shut. she worries about every little thing. She worries that she will be bitten by mosquito and after catching a mosquito land on her then escaping, she keeps on scratching that spot wondering if she got bitten. Of course it will be red, of course it will become a bit bumpy since she scratched herself for NO REASON. My gosh. But what right do I have to say?

I wore a pink camisole with a pink jacket to BM tuition. I felt a bit embarrassed. I usually wear skimpy clothes... xD Guess I caught a cold. Sigh, I will never get to look better. My health won't set me free. T.T

See? The cold is man-made. I did not catch it from anyone.


I slept in the afternoon. I slept until dinner time. I did the main homework already anyways. I did not get to practise the violin at all. =/

I practised for about 1 hour+ after the BM tuition though.

My left arm is still sore from vaccination but after sleeping and having rolled about with my left arm, it's less pain. xD Haha.

Still do not want people colliding into me though. Dx

Oh yeah, my friend just LOVES punching and hitting my left arm. When she sat on my right last year, she punched my right arm. When she sat on my left this year, my left arm becomes her victim. It's pretty annoying. >=/

Even after vaccination, I expected her to punch my left arm and true enough, she did that more than once. Luckily it did not hurt. xD

We registered for audition on 26th of April, Monday.

We went to see this 16-year-old guy in his class. He did not care whether we gave him the full details or not. How he ever got the responsibility is beyond me.

I am still playing violin 3 part but they cannot make up their mind whether on violin or piano. I already am happy with it on piano. I do not want to perform on violin this year. I can see that I still have bad moments like today, since the vaccination made me feel insecure while practising. Next year, I hope that 2 more important skills have already been learned and they are : vibrato & double-stopping.

Performing solo or duet would be nice. Do not want any singing involved. Gosh, less people involved equals to less people fighting and being half-hearted.

I heard that our violin 1 part violinist is also being in and out like her sister. Her younger sister, who's same age is as us, is not in anymore.

Last Saturday was the practice. Only my friend turned up. The other 2 did not. They could not, according to what the older one said. So what my friend and the other one only did was plan who sing which part and sang for 3 or 4 times.

I told my mom about the practice on Saturday that night after returning from shopping centre. She did not seem mad at all.

Even today, she wanted to know what happen during the practice. She suggested something but too bad it didn't work. She did not shout at me for talking about the audition day and time. She knows that once this decision of performing is made, it is serious. She knows that if the older one playing violin 1 part is not in, this whole band of ours will be gone. Honestly, just piano, 2 singers and a background karaoke version is not thrilling enough. How many people out there can play pian? Almost all!

Violin? Less than piano and in our country, I can say it is still not that common but slowly becoming common.

Even my History teacher is interested in watching a violin performance.

OK, got to go. xD

Bye and you know what I usually say~!^^

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