Monday, April 5, 2010

Real Life ~ Disappointed...

How disappointing, humans really ARE hard to please! They still think the specs are weird. EVERYBODY except 2 of my friends. Either dare not say, really have nothing to say, got no time to say, not worth mentioning. xD I guess I am happy with their mouth zipped about it.

I've received enough hurtful comments. And it is like, more than one comment per friend. How sad...

I am destined to be ugly and boring and nerdy. T.T That's so pathetic!

Hopefully I look better as I grow older. And wiser too, most important. =P

People say that you look better as you get older. Hmm... My mom told me it's because they wore make up and did their hair...

I have no intention to use make up in the future. I get really lazy to wipe them off and tears will ruin them anyways. xD

Styling the hair is still acceptable though. =P

Oh well, whatever...


Take care and have fun~!^^