Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Real Life ~ Audition Results

These are what my friend told me about yesterday's audition:
-My friend who sits beside me in class sang too loud, in fact, drowned out the music
-She herself, my friend from other class who's a singer with my friend sang softly but I'm sure that my friend who's same class as me drowned out her singing as well
-They played the karaoke version real fast and cut off my friend's (classmate's) talking and I dunno what was she talking about before that
-The violinist friend had problem chasing up =S
-The discipline teacher, who's heartless and B*tchy was the judge. She was not nice at all.
-The friend who's supposed to be temporary pianist did not turn up
-They go home at 4PM but registered at 1.30PM.

I knew it. I have a very strong feeling that we aren't gonna make it but what the heck, I still wanna wait for the results for fun. xD

I think it does not really matter whether we make it or not because I do not want to keep feeling guilty or make my friends be behind studies.

Next year should be the right time. By then, I DEFINITELY gotta be on the violin. xD Muahahahahaha! Somehow... =S

Oh well, I know I will perform sooner or later. Worse comes to worst, I just perform for my family only. xD

I've figured out the more accurate notes for "My Heart Will Go On-Celine Dion-Titanic". I will play that for Mother's Day, maybe? Oh! Maybe sing. xD Heck with it. I will need to get the full song first before I talk of performing for her. xD

Mother's Day is in May but I have no idea which date. =S

Then I will maybe do 2 songs and put Father's day with it too since I dunno the actual date. Dx

I hope I can get the scores "River Flows In You-Yiruma" from my classmate tomorrow. She forgotten to photostat during recess so I give her until tomorrow. I do not know whether I will ever really get it back but I do not wanna show my uncool side by worrying and fussing a lot. I prefer showing the cool and calmer side. That way, it's easier for people to approach me. This will also prevent people from talking bad or thinking badly of me.

It's maybe not such a nice thing for you all to read but it's the truth. xD

Bye. I have to do my homework. Even though it's night time and thanks to exams coming near. Once it is all over and mainly including the big exam, I will go all out and if I succeeded in entering Science Stream, I will definitely go the path of Psychology. I cannot afford to change my mind. Not unless I fail and entered Art Stream. This will be when I choose Music. I do not have anything else I like besides writing. All are not stable office jobs with monthly pay.

The most stable is psychology. =S

Alrighty, bye bye.

You know what I wanna say you all~!^^

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