Saturday, April 3, 2010

Real Life ~ Grandma Specs No More(Hopefully)!

Guess what? The title gave away the surprise and anyways, I'll go straight to the point.

Went to Bukit Tinggi and an optical shop "Optical 88". Bought a half-framed and red specs. Plastic too!

Just gotta wait 30 minutes to get them. Went to the "Yamaha" shop after that. Could not find violin book but finding the book was an excuse to set foot into the store. Lolz. I just wanted to play a few notes on the piano. Look on the bright side, I am no longer so excited or desperate whenever I walk past the shop. I guess going to the prefect's room had its own good sides. It made me learn to control the emotions.

I did not even feel so thrilled when I saw them. xD After all, I will have to separate with it in the end. It's not like I can play with it until I am satisfied either.

About choosing the specs, I was not wearing my grandma specs while choosing. I could not see clearly at all. I took random ones. I find myself looking better with rectangular-ish lens. That's how my new specs look too. After wearing various specs, I sorta randomly chose one. I guess I like how it looked.

So I checked my eyesight again. Left eye worsen. =/ I thought my eyesight was getting better! T.T

After wearing the new specs, I felt that the world became wider. I was not used to it so it made me feel weird and insecure.

Found a wallet on a bench. My parents took it to the counter hoping that the owner will find it back. We tried calling the owner but the owner (she) never pick up.

Alright, I will be reading manga now. Bye.


  1. I am sure you like your new specs since it was your own choice. 0=0
    Learn from your experiences and soon you will be wiser.
