Saturday, April 24, 2010

Real Life ~ Becoming...

This is becoming like a diary. Lolz. Well, it IS a diary.

I've stopped writing in books because they have limited pages and when it finishes, you must buy more and wonder where to keep them. On the blog, it's public and you can't reveal names but it's better than nothing. Also, you cannot be TOO honest because I think it's very hard to find a human who is so nice to not say anything if they found you saying something too wrong. >.>

Anyways, this morning, I woke up at 8AM. I guess it's not a surprise since I slept a wee bit earlier than on Saturdays when I didn't have a fight with anyone in my family. I got sleepy earlier too because I stayed up in my room reading. I read the book that's related to school and one that is not related to school. Fair enough. I've read quite a lot of pages from the school book. <.< I hope she's happy. Lolz.

Moving on, I tried sleeping more and at about 9+AM, I got sick of waiting to sleep and read my own book instead. Not the school one. xD Once the alarm clock rang at 10AM, I got out of bed and did my usual morning routine like any normal person.

I went down and people were already awake. So I took my breakfast and took the violin up guiltily.

I practised with the door open. At least the vacuum was on and it should drown out the violin. I played with door open and sat on floor playing today because I need to see the time. I cannot afford to make another mistake that can easily be avoided. I do not need to hear more babbling from mom. Just one day of it is bad enough to do me damage.

I played with feelings. More true feelings this time. I make happy songs more sad. I make usually played fast songs become the correct beat. xD I played sad songs with what I am really feeling so it's better. The sadder I am, the slower I play. It suits the current songs I'm playing. But I still play fast at certain songs. Can't escape that. After all, the guilt is on and off. I just only thought of things that could.would happen, things that never happened, past mistakes. Everything flashing from one to another but also back and forth. It's funny how I could play.

My dad still talked to me. He was like, "Concert over?" when he came up to vacuum. I've practised about almost an hour so it's OK. I found that today's my day. Because my violin and I are in sync. We matched well today and my feelings helped me do better. =D

See? Sadness is not all that bad. @.@

I think I am a sadist. =. Did I just made it sound like I love being sad?

Moving on, everything with mom was still awkward and it's times like this that I hate. Well, anyone would've hated it too. =[

Went for violin class. This time mom went up with me and told the boss to change the room. It was still the same as last week's. The ridiculously warm room. After all, mom gave a very true excuse - hives. My hives worsened once again. Not a shocker anymore. Just when I thought I was becoming normal. Sigh.

Class went well and the room we changed to was the one I've always wanted to be in. The biggest room too! =D

I got a chance to play a bit on it too after class. Too bad he asked the next student to enter. =P She was waiting in another room beside the one I originally went to.

My teacher complained that he's been sweating from morning until when I came for lesson.

I knew it. That room's always warm.

Today's lesson is just like that dreamy day when he asked me to skip many pages.

Today, he skipped until the end of the book. Yay! xD But I am scared I cannot play them. I bought the 2nd volume of the violin book today for 22 dollars. The price increases! =o

My teacher congratulated me for improving. He said that what I'm doing now is more than a beginner's exercise.

Hmm, I hope that compliment stays forever. xD

It would be cool if I am some sort of late discovered prodigy. *Daydreams*

I'll skip lunch and bath to homework time. Mom, once again became slightly moody. =/ I just sighed out loud from thinking about that. She taught me how to do the Geography and taught me chapter 3 of History.

I did not get to do my BM tuition and Science tuition homework. T.T

I am having problem with Science homework. I hate it...

Bye. xD

You know what I always say.

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