Friday, April 16, 2010

Real Life ~ Exhausing Evening

Man, today is sure an exhausting day. I wrote a few part of the lyrics on the score and photostatted 3 of the same full "Viva La Vida" scores. @.@

I doubt they are going to pay back for helping them photostatting it. Oh well, just a dollar and 20 cents anyways.

Gotta return one of my friend a 20 cent and another of my friend a 20 cent. It's because one of them lent me 20 cent to photostat and the other helped me photostat the score for "Ode To Joy" on piano for me to play on violin.

Anyways, I was looking forward to violin practice a lot today, hoping I can improve further. Sadly, not so unexpectedly at the same time, I got tired by the time I had the chance to practise the violin. @.@

I did my homework from about 3PM to 5PM. =S Sleepy... And in school, I already had a bit of headache. Thanks to well, almost everything. xD Haha.

So I still practised the violin at 5PM and ended the practice at about 6:45PM. So it's almost 2 hours of practice I guess.

Lolz. At first, I had not much strength to hold the violin or lift the bow. I put the violin back into its case for a moment and played the piano to warm up the hands & make it fast. It did not really help but the more I play, the more awake I get. Just not the dramatic kind of hyper-awake. xD Haha.

I am not sure whether I want to practise more tonight. I am pretty satisfied already with today's practice.

Besides, if I were to practise, I want to try out upstairs again. This is to see if the violin bow needs rosin even though I have already rosin it yesterday. Today, it sounded somewhat screechy and when mom said about it being screechy, she meant the violin & bow's problem. If she meant that then, it's either it was not my day to play the violin or that the bow needed rosin but I did not rosin it. >.< OK, I admit I am still pretty noobish even after 4 months of playing the violin. My mom calculated and said that it's about 2 full months I actually have lessons. January and March. Those 2 months. For February, my old violin teacher never turn up for the whole month except for the first week of the month. He did not turn up from the 2nd week of February until the first week of March. =/ It was then that Saturday that mom suddenly got me a new teacher and started class after registering. I was shocked at the speed of his teaching(new violin teacher). Fast, understandable, fun and more worth the 30 minutes. He flew from bowing exercises to fingering exercises then to actual songs. He helped shorten the violin bridge so that I can reach the notes easily. He let me play the keyboard while he shortened the bridge and he bothered tuning the violin for me. I hope it can stay this way forever. He can play piano, guitar and violin. @.@ I hope that I do not need to change violin teachers anymore. Hopefully he stays nice and dedicated. >.< Gotta stop hoping and dreaming. I gotta be good myself so I do not bore the teacher to death every time he sees me. #.#

Alrigthy, Gonna do what I want about the practice. If I have no heart to play, the song will not be nice, the whole song will be screechy and sound like it's forceful and the notes will be all over the place. Even if it went well, it's not real. It's not real playing. I still want to believe that playing with feelings beats it all.

When I can finally perfect my violin playing, I want to correct my facial expression while playing and how I present everything.

This will help the next time I perform on stage or something. Even if it meant that it is for my family and friends only, facial expressions help show what you're feeling. I gotta say, not everyone can tell what you exactly feel by looking at you playing with no emotion. If I sulked throughout the whole performance, people are going to rather look at something else. Their attention will most probably be diverted. They are no longer having their 100% attention on you. They either do not want to hear anymore or they do not want to see you anymore but still want to hear the song.

Bye, readers. Surely you all are bored of reading this post anyways. xD

Take care and have fun then~! =P

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