Thursday, April 1, 2010

Real Life ~ Moving On Again

Yes, readers, I've changed the little message at the right side of the blog, if any of you have noticed. It's more of a warning before you read. xD

Oh yeah, just like the title, I am moving on again. This heartbreak had been lying around for years without being noticed until recently. Now all I gotta do is accept & move on. What makes me feel more relieved about this heartbreak is that this heartbreak has nothing to do with opposite gender.

For those wishing it was about opposite gender, sorry~! =P
For those wishing it was not about opposite gender, today's your lucky day~! xD

Why I feel more relieved that it was not about opposite gender is because it is somehow much more harder to take and especially if you have to see him/her every day but had to control those tears.

Here's an advice many people have spread but I will help spread this one too: Do NOT cry in front of the person who broke your heart.

Right, continuing, before I move on, I've received quite a load of punishments already.

I fell down at the stair case while going up to hand in books. I hurt the right knee this time. It's not as serious as when I was 13, when I hurt my left knee and left a bad scar that still hurts today. Even so, the skin tore off and when this gel thingy was applied, it stung like crap and I yelped in pain. I hurt my hands too but nothing serious. Just the dirt from the stairs made hives worsen at the hands and my right knee also swollen. It swell up to the size of 1/4 or 1/2 of a golf ball. Lolz.

Here's one thing that ill never happen: me being a model. LOL. Seriously, with all these scars and stuff, even IF I got the figure, I cannot do modeling as I'm already like a walking, living scar. xD Get what I mean?

Also, the other punishment is that my spectacles became somewhat retarded...? Lolz. What I meant is, one side of the specs that should be hooked to your ear is not really 'working well'. The screw joining both the thingy and the specs itself loosen and it was hard to fix back. What made me happy was that I can finally change my spectacles.


I still gotta use the same lens though. Dx Lolz. But my mom said to not choose the same specs again. My mind replied her saying, "My pleasure." Thing is, not all specs definitely have the size of lens same as the one I am currently using.

I was hoping half framed. It would make me look less nerdy. I know I once said I'd rather buy myself my own specs. I wanna try plastic specs that people think are cool these days. I wanna try rectangle shape as well. Sadly when I first try the specs on, my eyesight would be so bad I cannot see how bad I looked with it on. I wish I have my friend accompanying me when I change specs. =/

Imagine this girl: Tall, wears grandma specs, in a ridiculous school uniform which is nothing compared to Japanese sailor uniforms, holding a folder and a book around all the time, smiling like an idiot or serious face that tells you to back off.

That's pretty much how I looked in school. My hair is tied up too so I always prefer it untied by the end of school. I did not want to get caught so I only untie when school's over. Or near over. Jeez. Even I feel better with the hair down. >.>

Alrighty, bye-bye. xD


  1. Huh grandma specs ? I don't think so. 8-) They look OK to me.

    Years ago when I was schooling, I had a pair of plastic specs. I hated that specs as I looked too bookworm on them.

    Now you tell me plastic specs are back in style, No thanks and I am getting one for myself. ;-x

  2. Damn, if specs were not needed in the first place, you do not need to worry about specs! LOL. That solves the problem but a little bit too late for that now. *Sweat*
