Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Real Life ~ Chaotic Performance?

Readers, I appreciate you all for reading my blog all these time. =D

Here's another post about the upcoming chaotic event my friends and I are going through. xD

Remember I told you my friends and I decided to perform "Viva La Vida" (Yeah, I checked out the real title) on Teacher's Day?

Our audition to see if we've been accepted is on the 20th of April. Teacher's Day is somewhere around May, I guess. xD We gotta rush... Today's already 13th of April and tomorrow is my mom's birthday. =D

Oh, lolz, I should not really be smiling or laughing but then I suppose I have learned to pretend everything's fine and to numb the bad feelings.

To be honest, it's either we perform or not. I will try to get the scores for "Viva La Vida". =/ Yikes...

One of my friends finally give in and said that she is OK with playing the violin seeing as there are 3 violins needed.

Gotta let them see the scores first before they start giving in to too many things.

They decided to go to one of our friend's house for rehearsal but then I doubt my mom will let me go for it.

After all, it's the big exam year and everything... Gosh, me and my big mouth. >.< What have I got everyone into AGAIN? I pity my friends... O.olll They've been sweet to me even though we had fights. I obviously can't stay back after school either. Bringing my violin to school is worse. One of my friends went, "Augh! What the hell is this, man?! Aren't you allowed to DO ANYTHING at all?!" Sigh... Thing is, I would not dare to dream of asking her... Dx This is crazy... And this is why solo and doing things alone can be easier. If I am performing solo, it's not that I want all the attention. I mainly just want to perform to show people what I am made of and that I've always wanted to have fun on stage since all the performances always inspire me and make me feel like going up to perform. If I were to perform alone, I trouble myself, I take all the blame myself. I cry by myself and I get mad at myself. Nobody's feelings are hurt. It's better that way. Our friendship would have maintained. =S We've decided our name on "Black Valentine". After all, we all like the colour black. xD Haha. Anyways, I practised my violin late today. I do not think it's really long at all though. xD Oh well. At least the songs are OK. I practised late because I was busy doing my homework earlier. I did it until about 5PM and then practise at 5PM. Somewhere around there. Ended practice somewhere near 7PM. It's not 2 hours. Just happy enough that it exceeded 1 hour and what's more important is the improvements made during the practice. I think it got better...? xD At least my mom did not give me faces showing that she hated what I am doing. So glad she smiled instead. xD Haha. Sometimes when I read manga, watch anime or read a storybook not relating to school, my mom gives me this face. It's like she's telling me to do something more worth the time. I know I could have and probably should have but then that's me. I can be pretty lazy when it comes to something I am not passionate about. >.<

It's not like I'm giving excuses now but then it's the truth. Aren't just about everybody more passionate with the things they love to do?

Right, let's move on to something else. Oh yeah, I woke up late today but thank God I set the alarm clock earlier than necessary. xD And thank goodness my mom woke me up. xD

She also checked whether dad's awake to fetch me to school. xD Looks like dad and I were late today. @.@

Better go now.

Bye and take care and also do not forget to have fun~!^^ =D

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