Sunday, April 11, 2010

Real Life ~ Violin Craze

Yes, I am obsessed with violin. And this time, I'm more obsessed with it than piano. What's great about it is that I love my own violin and do not need to go out of my way to play other people's violin. xD

I actually dreamed of my violin last night. I dreamed my classmate saw me bringing my violin to school. I took it out and started hugging it. xD Wanna know something? I love my violin so much I actually always hugged it whenever I take it out to play. I just don't really hug it tightly or how I really wanted to because the strings and bridge are in the way. xD The happy part in the dream is, I hugged it tightly and nothing got in the way. >.< Sweat... Anyways, I got up before the alarm clock rang, which should be at about 10AM. I unset the alarm clock and changed it back to 6AM for school days. Forgotten about breakfast as soon as I got down and turned on the fans. I took Autumn up into the "music room" and started playing. By then, I heard someone coming out of my parent's room. I'm guessing it must have been my mom. At first, I did not want to wake anyone up so I played softly. Hmm, soft violin does not suit cheerful and childish songs so I ended up playing it at the usual volume : LOUD. My violin is loud. Can't deny that. It is made that way. Even my violin teacher said that it is loud. He said he wanted to buy it if I ever wanted to sell it away. =< It makes me sad thinking of having to sell it now though. I love Autumn so much I do not wanna let it go... I'm currently very attached to it. xD Haha. This phrase "attached to the instrument" is something I got from the movie "The Red Violin". But it IS true, I am attached to Autumn. I do not want to separate from it. =P Especially not now. I'm so crazy I actually apologized out loud to the violin if I ever accidentally knock it with the bow. I wipe the rosin powder off the violin with my own hands. It used to make me have bad hives after that but now it is like nothing since I hardly apply rosin already, which means less rosin powder. I sometimes called out to Autumn before opening the violin bag. xD I love staring at Autumn when my left arm gets tired and numb after playing. I love strumming the strings over and over and playing songs with the strumming. I think you can call it pizzicato(a violin technique). Anyways, continuing from before, I practised the violin this morning from 10+am to 11:30AM. I played at various places at the top floor of my house. I played mainly in the "music room" though. I played near the window standing, near the bathroom door standing, near the window sitting, near the door standing, near the keyboard (Olive) standing, under the fan standing, near the unused cupboard standing. It's like I travel around the whole world with my violin. In fact, what makes me even more obsessed with it is that I keep wanting to bring Autumn with me everywhere I go, except toilet. xD Not only the "music room", I played at the hallway outside of the "music room". I played standing, I played sitting, I played standing in front of the fan standing and played in front of the fan sitting too. xD After that, I went into my parent's room to play in front of the mirror to see whether the violin holding position is OK. I am not used to seeing myself play the violin that I keep looking at it. xD Just not up close though. Don't wanna see what I don't wanna see: my face. My mom made me take breakfast even though I drank a bit of water and took the vitamins as breakfast already. By then, it's still 11:30AM after I took down the violin and the book for lesson. By 11:45AM, I have to go for violin lesson. I rushed and made instant mushroom soup. I tried drinking it faster but it's hard since there's no such thing as ICED Mushroom Soup. It might have make me sick after that anyways, better not take the risk and not like I have the time to put ice into it either. xD My mom said since I always entered the class late because the violin teacher is busy, she will pump petrol first. I waited and by the time we reached the place, it was already 12:01PM. I heard violin playing. I thought he was teaching so as I was about to go wait, the counter lady told me to enter. When I entered, you know what he said? "Wow, so clever." LOL! What an insult. xD He's saying I was clever enough to enter! Haha. He gave me about 2 new pages to learn. I just counted and there are about 5 new songs to learn. They are now hard to me but will be easy for me one day. Usually takes me 2 weeks to perfect the songs. I just practised not long ago and well, it was late and I just got back home from "big" dinner, so I was pretty exhausted. The practice did not go so well but it went fine for "Song From A Secret Garden". My violin teacher insulted me saying, "I don't think youc an learn up that song alone." He started trying to see how I play it with his usual piano accompaniment. He was shocked when I got the first bar perfect. He got even more shocked when I played further on. Our so-called duet did not go smoothly though because his version and my version of the song are different. Lolz. I follow the score and changed a bit while his is erm... from memory...? Anyways, he helped tuned my violin as always. He said I suck at counting but is good at memorizing notes. He thought I could not read notes. xD As in, how many counts are certain notes. >.< Thing is, I usually can't and don't count while playing the song. I find my own counting very distracting while playing since all I wanna hear is the violin, not "1,2,3,4". xD He was like, "Why so fast?" Haha. Beats me, I have no diea why I always play faster than it should be. In fact, I spent hours trying to perfect the wrong beat. Now that I know how slow that certain part of the songs are, I could play them fine but then not used to it, so it sometimes sounded screechy. >.< Yikes.

Went back home. Lunch. Piano. Bath. Homework. Geography project. Piano. Go out for "big" dinner. Well, my mom wanted to cut her hair so we went somewhere else first for her haircut.

I am a bit too lazy to type out what happened in detail. And I am going to close my eyes and nod off anytime now. My eyes are red from exhaustion already... xD Haha...

But one thing, I went to "Tropicana Golf Club" all the way in Petaling Jaya(PJ), Selangor, Malaysia for the "big" dinner. I wanted to bring my violin out to play at a certain place there to test out the surround sound in case I ever wanted to perform for anyone there. I could not get to bring it. =[ Oh well, I looked around and found that the place is a bit too... open. xD I don't think it will be as perfect as when I am at home playing at the hallway.

I just found this out today.

Playing in the "music room" alone with doors and windows closed is only good for private performing or just practice. The surround sound is sometimes OK but not as good as when playing at the hallway. Just noticed today.

I played Autumn at the hallway with every doors of the rooms opened with a few windows opened. The acoustic violin sound can be heard VERY clearly. LOUD and CLEAR. I loved the sound so much I played all songs without difficulty. My ears sort of rang after I went down (11:30AM).

I figured out some notes for the song "Kiss The Rain-Yiruma" on my own. I want to play it on violin.

I planned to copy down the notes today but seeing as my family and I returned home from dinner so late, I now have no energy or time left to do so.

Time would be latest until 2AM but to keep a better skin complexion and better health, I have no choice but to sleep by 1:30AM latest now.

In fact, I made a rule for weekends: go up to room by 12AM and read book until 1:30AM if reading book is what I felt like doing.

12:33AM now... Bye. I won't read because I've already read and I don't think words will make sense to me anymore by the time I hit the pillows. Yikes, have not switched on air-con, gonna suffocate. xD

Take care and have fun~!^^

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