Sunday, October 25, 2009

Real Life ~ My Chinese Class

Anyone Curious About How My Chinese Class Is Like?

Well, If You Are Curious And Wondering, Then today's Your Lucky Day!^^


My Chinese Class Is... HORRIBLE!

For A Start, My Chinese Sux. Haha. My Chinese Teacher Seems To Have Short Term Memory Lost. The Students In My Chinese Class Are... Indescribable...?

Whatever It Is, None Of The Students In My Chinese Class Are Close To Me Nor Do They Take Me As Their Friend.

oOo, SOB STORY~ Boo Hoo~

Ah, I Don't Care, Everyone!

There's These 2 Snobbish Girls Who Are Just Using Me In The Chinese Class.

They Pretend To Be My best Buddies And Treat Me Nice For A Reason: Just To Get A Seat In Chinese Class So That They Won't End Up Being Seated With The Boys. =.=


On Friday, Which Was About 2 Days Ago, My Chinese Class Was So Infuriating.

The Teacher Always Picked On Me And Find Reasons To Provoke & Annoy Me.

Guess What Did She Do On That Particular Friday?

She Made 2 Reluctant Boys Sit Right Beside Me. Of Course The Minute They Were Told To Sit next To Me, They Cursed And Said The 4 Letter Word.

I Had To Move A Little Further Away From Them. After All, I'm Sure They'd Wish I Didn't Sit There In The First Place. Wonder Why Aren't The 2 Snobbish Girls Beside Me Before The 2 Guys?

Those 2 Snobbish Girls Took The Seats In Front Of Me And When The Boys Were Told To Sit Beside Me, The Other 2 Snobbish Girls Behind Me Started Snickering And Making Snide Remarks.

Urgh. I Wish That The People In My Chinese Class And Other Classes Respect Me.

It's Not Like I Do Disgusting Stuff In Public To Make Them Avoid Me Or Treat Me Unfairly... -.-

Seriously, I Hate To Say This But I Gotta. Those Snobbish Idiots In My Life Are Such Retards. When Can They Grow Up And THINK For Once?

Oh Well, That's The World For You. Actually, MY World That I Live In For You.

As Long As I Don't Get Led Astray Along With Bad Influences, I Will Try To Be As Sane As I Can. *Sigh*

Are We Humans To Be Used In This World?


Is This How The World Goes? Are We To Friend People And Treat Them Nicely For A Reason? For Ourselves? Everything's About Us?

Are We Humans Supposed To Be So Selfish?

Let's Hope That The World Is Not So Stone Cold And Heartless. As If The World Revolves Around Us And ONLY Ourselves.

As A Psychologist-Wannabe, I Hereby Vow That I Will Try My Very Best To Change The Thinking Of The World To A Much Peaceful One And Not Be A Psychologist For One Reason That Everyone Are Greedy About: MONEY.

So Anyways, Take Care, Everyone!^^

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