Saturday, October 17, 2009

Real Life ~ Fear Of Next Day

I Am Scared Of What's Gonna Happen Tomorrow, Which is Saturday...

I'm Scared Of having To Revise And Surely I Won't be Allowed To Use iPod And Would Have To Listen To Mom's Nagging With No Help of Music To Drown Out Her Annoying Nag.

Here's A Bad Point Of Mine.

I Am Not Good At facing Everything Strongly.

To be More Honest, I'm Most Likely Under The "Weak" category.

I Daren't face Exam. and It's Also The Final Exam!

Imagine, Next year's "Big Exam" Known As PMR In Malaysia Would be Even more Horrifying!

I'm Sure I Might Not be Able To get As Many A's As Before Anymore.

Due To...
Oh Never Mind, It's Not Good Complaining And Blaming People.


Thanks Again, For The Reader(s) Out There!^^

You Make My Blog Worth Continuing! =D

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