Saturday, October 31, 2009

Real Life ~ New Video Uploads

Here I Go Again, Going Nuts Over Uploading Videos But I Won't Pester You All To Watch Them Anymore.

I'll Be Uploading Videos Of Songs With Still Pictures.

Still Picture Helps Reduce Buffer.

I'll Start With "The Ultimate Secret Garden" Album. All Instrumentals Then Move On To Japanese Songs Then To Pop Songs.

Check Out As You Like.

Thank You And Take Care~

Maple ~ Congratulations, Sis!

Congratulations, Sis!

Gratz On Becoming A Priest!^^

From Now On, You Don't really Need me To Help You Keep Bullies Away Anymore!

I Feel Sad But All The Same, Happy For You! =D

Job Well Done~

Your Time Taken To Train Until Lvl70 Was Worth It! =]

I Wish You Good Luck And Ganbatte~!

Now I Hope You can Successfully reach Lvl120. ^^

Go On And Stay Strong, Sis!

Take Care, Sis And Also To You Reader(s)!

You All make My Blog Worth Continuing.

But I'll be Slowing Down A Little Now.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Real Life ~ Further On...

In Future(Which Is About 2 Weeks Later), After All The Exams, I'll Probably Make More Videos Of My Poems And Along With A Nice Suitable Song I Can Find.

I Only Hope That All My Poem Videos Are Successful With NO HATE COMMENTS.

Still, The One I Mostly Wanted To Share All Along Was The Songs. xD

I MAY Also Try Making Videos Of Songs Along With Lyrics But I Doubt It Easy At All Because It'll Be Much Easier With In-Screen Recording Or Something Like That.

Oh Well, Good Luck To Everyone Who Are Facing Exams~!^^

Take Care, Everyone! =D

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Real Life ~ Friendship Lingers

Remember The Post About My Scar And How I Got Them?

Well... Some Of The People Involved In The "Scar Incident" Had Somehow Drifted From Me. Once Were Close Buddies To The Extent Of Inseparable But Now We're Acting As If We Don't Know Each Other At All.

My Dad Told Me That No Matter How We Try To Cut Ties With Others, It's Quite Impossible. If Something Unforgettable Happened Involving Them Or Reminding Us About Them, It Would Be One Step Closer To The "Impossible" Side.

I Found What Dad Said Was Quite True. Indeed, We Actually Really Can't Deny Knowing Them Once Upon A Time Even If We Forgotten Their Appearance Or Name. We Can't Deny What Happened Between Us All.

It Would Be MUCH Harder To Cut Ties With Them Especially If We're In The Same School, Class, College, University, Work, Office And So On.

As For My Case, We're Still Same Class This Year And Stopped Being Close To One Another This Year. The English Teacher Somehow Grouped Me And My Friend With The People I tried Cutting Ties With And Their New Clique.

I Hate To Admit This but I Was So Stubborn And Stupid That I Actually Really Tried So hard To Cut Ties With Them. When We Were Supposed To Do A presentation With Them, My Friend And I Tried To Avoid So much That The teacher Got Pissed. She Scolded Us. Lolz. They Laughed At Us Instead. =.=

See? It's hard To Cut Ties With Them Because We Would have To Work With One Another Sooner Or Later. Haha.

Now That I Know That No Matter How much I Struggle To Cut ties With Them, Nothing Works, I Will Just Move On With Life As It Is Knowing Them. It's Not Like I Wanna hate Them So Much Now... They Didn't Even Do Anything Wrong Or Mean So far.

Just The other Week, I Talked With One of Them. Not To mention Laughing With Them Instead of Laughing At Them. >.<

Besides, I Just can't Suddenly Hate Them And Cut Ties With Them Now.

After All, They once Supported me So Much. I Shouldn't Be So ungrateful To Them And Like Them For Who They Are.

This is All I Can Say Now. Sorry. My Mind Suddenly Just Went Blank here.

I Don't mean to.

Take Care, Everyone!^^

Stay Strong And Live On! =D

Thanks For Checking Out This Blog!

Real Life ~ It Seems...

It Seems That Appearance Is So Important To Everyone That The Way They Judge People Are Starting With The Way A Person Looks.

Not Only From The Appearance But ALSO From Their Current Status.

Some People Said That Looks Don't Matter And That What Matters Is Only On The Inside.

Unfortunately, Not EVERYONE Thinks That Way And I Guess It'd Unavoidable.

After All, The First Thing We See About Them Is Through Their Appearance When meeting In Real Life.

We See The Way They're Dressed, All The Way From Top To Bottom.

Neat Hairstyle? Messy Hair? Haggard? Dirty? Dressed With Branded Clothing And Accessories? Long Nails? Short Nails? Beautiful? Handsome? Hideous?

Then, We See Their Current Status. Single? Married? Rich? Poor? Famous? Not So Popular? Own What Company And Do What For A Living? Smart? Weak? Not So Bright? What's Their Talent? What Can They Do? Cold-Hearted? Warm And Cheerful?

If Everyone In The World Judge People That Way To See If They're Worth Respecting, Then I Don't Wanna Live In This Sort Of World Anymore.

For Those Who Are Commonly Labeled As "Hideous", Then Won't They Be Treated Really Unfairly?

Take For Example, As I've Already Mentioned In Previous Post, I Was Not Being Respected And Was Being Treated Unfairly. Just Because I Wear Spectacles And Usually Try Not To Stir Up Problems In Class Or Anywhere, I Was Labeled "Geeky" Or "Nerdy". "Lame" As Well. "Nothing Special" Too.

From The Way I Look, Which Is Nothing Extraordinary, Not Exotic, Not Beautiful, They Didn't Even Take The Chance To Know More About The True Me Inside.

So For Those Who Are Treated Exactly Like Me, Who Knows... Maybe Those People Are Actually Very Kind. Very Good. Very Helpful.

For Those Who Are Labeled As "Damn Naughty" And "Rebellious" In Class Or Anywhere, They're Not Exactly What They Seem To Be, They May Actually Have Background/Family Problems, Causing Them To Be The Way They Are Now.

I Know I Called The Snobs In My Chinese Class Retarded Idiots From Previous Post But Reader(s), It Was Out Of Anger And Frustration.

Anyways, I'm Tired Now From The Excitement Of Making The Video And Everything Else So I'll Just Publish This Post Already.

Once Again, THANK YOU OH SO MUCH For Checking Out This Blog And Your Precious Time Taken For Reading All These. (Haha, Probably The Phrase "Your Precious Time Taken For reading All These" May Drive You Reader(s) Away And Realize. Lolz. And So Will This Bracketed Sentence.)

Don't Take Me As A Pessimistic Person, Please.

Even If I Am, I Can't Help It. xD

Sorry For Being Self-Absorbed But Oh Well...

Take Care, Everyone!^O^

Real Life ~ My Chinese Class

Anyone Curious About How My Chinese Class Is Like?

Well, If You Are Curious And Wondering, Then today's Your Lucky Day!^^


My Chinese Class Is... HORRIBLE!

For A Start, My Chinese Sux. Haha. My Chinese Teacher Seems To Have Short Term Memory Lost. The Students In My Chinese Class Are... Indescribable...?

Whatever It Is, None Of The Students In My Chinese Class Are Close To Me Nor Do They Take Me As Their Friend.

oOo, SOB STORY~ Boo Hoo~

Ah, I Don't Care, Everyone!

There's These 2 Snobbish Girls Who Are Just Using Me In The Chinese Class.

They Pretend To Be My best Buddies And Treat Me Nice For A Reason: Just To Get A Seat In Chinese Class So That They Won't End Up Being Seated With The Boys. =.=


On Friday, Which Was About 2 Days Ago, My Chinese Class Was So Infuriating.

The Teacher Always Picked On Me And Find Reasons To Provoke & Annoy Me.

Guess What Did She Do On That Particular Friday?

She Made 2 Reluctant Boys Sit Right Beside Me. Of Course The Minute They Were Told To Sit next To Me, They Cursed And Said The 4 Letter Word.

I Had To Move A Little Further Away From Them. After All, I'm Sure They'd Wish I Didn't Sit There In The First Place. Wonder Why Aren't The 2 Snobbish Girls Beside Me Before The 2 Guys?

Those 2 Snobbish Girls Took The Seats In Front Of Me And When The Boys Were Told To Sit Beside Me, The Other 2 Snobbish Girls Behind Me Started Snickering And Making Snide Remarks.

Urgh. I Wish That The People In My Chinese Class And Other Classes Respect Me.

It's Not Like I Do Disgusting Stuff In Public To Make Them Avoid Me Or Treat Me Unfairly... -.-

Seriously, I Hate To Say This But I Gotta. Those Snobbish Idiots In My Life Are Such Retards. When Can They Grow Up And THINK For Once?

Oh Well, That's The World For You. Actually, MY World That I Live In For You.

As Long As I Don't Get Led Astray Along With Bad Influences, I Will Try To Be As Sane As I Can. *Sigh*

Are We Humans To Be Used In This World?


Is This How The World Goes? Are We To Friend People And Treat Them Nicely For A Reason? For Ourselves? Everything's About Us?

Are We Humans Supposed To Be So Selfish?

Let's Hope That The World Is Not So Stone Cold And Heartless. As If The World Revolves Around Us And ONLY Ourselves.

As A Psychologist-Wannabe, I Hereby Vow That I Will Try My Very Best To Change The Thinking Of The World To A Much Peaceful One And Not Be A Psychologist For One Reason That Everyone Are Greedy About: MONEY.

So Anyways, Take Care, Everyone!^^

Real Life ~ Parents Viewed Video

Sorry To Get You Sighing Again As These recent Posts Are About My Video And Poem.

I Showed The Video To My Parents And They Commented But Never Type Down The comment.


Sadly The Poem Didn't Bring Tears To Their Eyes. Hmm...

I'm Thinking Of Writing More Poems And Making Them Into A Video Like The Dedication.

Of Course I'll Post It On The Blog First.

I Used To Write And Submit MANY Poems To But Since The E-mail I Used To Sign In With Had Been Hacked, Thanks To Maple, I Had To Make Sure All Poems Submitted Are Removed.

And Now ALL Are Removed. I Might Publish Poems Here Instead. But It's A Whole Lot of I Copied Back ALL The Poems From Before.

Still, Whatever... I'll Try My Best To Make This The Most Interesting And Best Blog I've Ever Made.

Thanks For The Support By You Reader(s)!

You REALLY Made My Blog Worth Continuing!

Take Care, Everyone!^^


Here's The Link To "The Poem Of DEDICATION"!^^

Check It Out As Soon As Possible!

It's Still Currently Being Processed So The Quality Will Be Improved.

Watch In HQ Please. It's Much Clearer That Way.

Real Life ~ DEDICATION Video Made!

Finally, The Night Ended And It's Another Day, Another Morning And Another Day Closer To Exam As Well... >.<

It Sure Took Me Quite A Long Time To Make The Video.

So Please, Reader(s), Check Out The Video I Worked So Hard On To Show You All My Gratitude.

Now I'm Uploading But Hopefully It Will Be Done In No Time. Though It Took Almost 30 Minutes (Half An Hour) Just To Upload ONE Video!

Gosh, Looks Like I Gotta Wait.

But Still, I'm Determined To Upload This Video And Never Have To take it Down Again Like Before After All The hard Work of making And Time Taken To Upload It.

Here's A Link To A Sweet Song:

It's Everytime-Britney Spears.

It Is A Nice Song And I Am Currently Addicted To it. Lolz.

I keep Playing The Song And It Drives My Parents Nuts. Haha. >=D

I bet You Will be Shocked That Britney Spears Sang The Song Because That Was The Old Britney Before She totally Changed. Somewhat Like A 180 Degree Change. xD Or Make That 360 Degree Change.

Oh Well, I Still Love Her Song And I'm Starting To Wish I have her Voice. From The Song I've Just Shared With You All (Everytime-Britney Spears), Her Voice/Singing Was Sweet.

Before Or After You Check Out The Song I've Just Shared With You, PLEASE Check out My Video As Well!

I'm Waiting For The Video To be Uploaded And Processed So That I Can Put Down The Link As Well. xD

It Says That It's About 6 Minutes Left To be Done Uploading. please make It Succeed! Don't Make Me Wait For Nothing! >.<

Hmm, I'll Just Publish This Post Now And Put My Video Link Onto Another Post!^^

Please be Sure To Check it Out And Comment If You Like.

Like I Said Before, NO HATE COMMENTS Please. They Will be Filtered And Removed. >.<

Real Life ~ Poem Of DEDICATION

I've Posted A "DEDICATION" On The Blog Before, Remember?

Now, For Those Who've Not Checked Out My Blog Before, I'm Gonna Try My Best And Upload A Video Based On "The Poem Of DEDICATION".

I Used "Paint" To Write Down The Whole Poem Since I Failed Making A Video Using "Microsoft Power Point".

It Was Quite A Lot Of Work.

Now That I Am Using The Laptop, It's Inconvenient To Make The Video As I Don't Have The Song That I Wanted To Use It With For The Poem.

The Song Will Be A Secret Now Until You Really Watch The Video! =x

I Really Hope You All Will Check Out The Video Once I Uploaded It.

I'll Be Posting On This Blog About The Success Of Making The Video To Notify You All.

PLEASE Check It Out, Reader(s)! The Poem's Meant For You And I Want You To All Understand How Much I Wanna Thank You For EVERYTHING.

Sorry For Sounding So Desperate But I Want A Definite 100% That You All Will Watch. Comment As You Wish But No Hate Comments Please. Hate Comments Will Be Removed.

I'll Be Making The Video And Try Uploading It Tomorrow.

I Wish That The Video's A Success. >.<

I'm Scared Now That It Won't Work...

Looks Like Another Night With Endless Train Of Thoughts. Not To Forget, Exam's Starting On MONDAY!

*Shock Gasp Horror*

Phew... I Gotta Chill Out Now. I'll Shut Up And Publish This Post Now Then.


Take Care, Everyone!^^

Good Luck To Everyone Who Are Gonna Go For Exams! =D

If You Pass Or Get An 'A', JOB WELL DONE!

Real Life ~ Short Story Thoughts & Surprise!

HiHi Again, Reader(s)!^^

I Really Hope You All Didn't Bore To Death From The Short Story I Posted Before. >.<

Hopefully You All Enjoyed The Short Story And The Amateur Drawings Of Faceless Human. Haha.

As For The Short Story I Just Wrote On My Own, I Didn't Copy It From Anywhere And NO Ideas Stolen From Anyone. I Just Wrote Whatever That Just Came To My Mind At The Moment I Was Posting The Short Story Along With The Pictures.

So Anyways, Here's Another Amateur Drawing Of My Own.

Laugh As You Like. It Was Just A Sudden Inspiration As I Looked At The Icon Before Clicking It. Lolz.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Real Life ~ Short Story With Pics

Here's A Short Story I Just Thought Of As I Drew The Pictures. xD

I Had No Where To Go. I Have No Family. It's Always Snowing Here In This Unknown Country. On Rare Occasions At Some Certain Places, It Would Be Spring. A Mysteriously Magical Spring. There I Sat Alone, Looking At The Pure White Snow, Along With A Few Striking-Coloured Flowers Dropping From Out Of No Where.

So... Here's The Question. Where On Earth Is Everyone? I'm Always Alone. No Matter Where I Go, It's Empty And Quiet. No One In My Life Have I Ever Seen. I Fell Down. It Hurts. What Hurts The Most Is In The Inside, Not The Outside. I Couldn't Help It But Cry. The Hot Tears Streaming Down My Face. The More I See The Flowers And Sakura Dropping, The Harder I Cry. Why Is It That Wherever I Go, All I Saw Were The Snow, Flowers And Sakura?

The Other Day, I've Stumbled Upon An Unknown Place. There, The First Time, I've Seen My First Mysteriously Magical Spring. I Was In Awe. But... Who Have I To Share This Wonderful Scenery With? Mom...? Dad...? Family...? What's It Like To Have A Family? Where Is Everyone? Why Do I Never Get To See Anyone? Why Is It So Hard To Find A Single Living Soul? There And Then, The Tears Poured Out All Over Again. This Is Tough. Living Alone In An Unknown World Is So Hard! It's Scary. I'm Scared! I Don't Know What To Do. I Don't Know Where To Go. I Don't Know What's Right Or Wrong. I Don't Know What Am I Searching For. If I Were To Search For Human Or Any Living Thing, I've Searched My Whole Life And Only Saw Plants. I'm Not Even Sure If Any Other Human Exist... T.T Where Am I Exactly...? Someone Please Tell Me!

One Day, I Got So Exhausted That I Crawled My Way Around. It's Really Painful... It Hurts So Badly... The Chill And The Loneliness Inside Of Me. My Eyes Went Blurry Again As I Started To Cry. Suddenly, There Was This Blur Figure. It Doesn't Look Like A Tree Or Any Normal Flower. "Hey... Who Are You And Why Are You Crying?" The Figure Queried. As I Slowly Look Up And Resisted The Oncoming Tears, The Figure Gradually Became Much Clearer Than Before. The Figure Was A Human. Another Living Soul That Can Talk Like Me. The Hair Of The Figure Was Short. "I... Dunno Who Am I And I'm Lost..." I Answered. "Oh? So Where Is Your Family?" He Asked. "I... Don't Have Any..." "I Also Have No Family. Let's Get Together And Be Friends?" "Really? OK..." "My Name Is Keith. What Will Yours Be?" "My Name Will Be... Evangeline...?"

It Was From Then On, I Was Never Alone And Same Goes For Him.

Keith And Evangeline. Evangeline And Keith. ='D Mysteriously Magical Springs Scenery Were Shared With Him. Fears And Tears Were Over. I Don't Know How And Why But I Just Have This Strong Feeling Towards Him. I Don't Really Know How To Describe It But It Squeezes My Heart Every Time I See Him Walk Any Further Away From Me. I Just Have This One Wish: To Have Him By My Side Forever And Always. =]

~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Real Life ~ Drawing

Here's Something I Tried Drawing With Mouse Using Laptop The Other Day.

The Character I Drew Had No Eyes. xD

I Can Only Draw Human Without Eyes, Nose, Ears And Mouth. xD

Almost Faceless. Lolz.

CLICK On The Drawing For A Clearer View Please.

I Might Try Another Drawing. Please Don't Be So Harsh With My Drawing. I Really Can't Help Being Like This. >.<

Hopefully I Can Improve. Haha.

Take Care Again, Everyone!

Real Life ~ I Just Wanna SLEEP!

I Just Wanna Sleep! Is it That Hard?!

Every Night, After The Lights Are out And Everything And Neatly(Or Not) Tucked In And Closing The Eyes, After A Second, I Open Them Again.

The Annoying Uncontrollable Train of Thoughts Starts Up Again!

From 12:30AM To 2:30AM, I'm Still Not Asleep!


That's How I Got A Red Eye When I Went For BM Tuition As Mentioned In The Post "BM Tuition 2".

This Problem Has Been Going On For My Whole Life, I Just Found Out.

It Should Be Stopped!


Why's It So HARD For Me To Sleep?!

What Should I Do In order To Stop Sleeping?

Sleeping Pills Would Be Bad As In The End, It Won't Be Effective Anymore.

The Pills May Turn Into Some Sort of Drug...

Take Care, Everyone! Please Don't be Like Me Here! >.<

Sleep Well, Please.

Real Life ~ Scars

Hi Again, Reader(s)!

Thank You Once Again For Checking Out This Blog!^^

I Just Can't Thank You Enough.

This Topic Here Is About Scars. Obvious, Isn't It? xD

Does Anyone Remember How They Ever Got A Scar?

Today, I'm Gonna Tell You About One Of My Scars And The So-Called History Of It. >.<

Weird And Rare Topic, I Know. Please Bear With It. xD

It Was Last Year 2008, When I Was 13 Years Old And Have My First Boyfriend (If He Ever Referred Me As One Before >.<).

Let's Name My First (And Probably Last) Boyfriend As "H".
The Other Person Involved Who Was My Friend As "J"
Friend Number 2 Who Was Involved As "K"
Friend Number 3 Who Was Involved As "L"
Friend Number 4 Who Was Involved As "G"

Sorry, I Don't Quite Remember What Exactly Happened But I'm Reading From My Diary.

Date: Year-2008 Month-July Date-23rd
Day: Wednesday

Recess, J Told H To Stay Back. H Hung Out With J,K And I. We Were Chased Out Of Classroom By A Prefect.

H And L Went All The Way Downstairs After Bell Rang. J Wanted To Kill H But (She, J) Suddenly Went Missing! I Thought I Saw H. K Rushed Me To Go Back To The Classroom. (She,K) Was At The Top Of The Stairs. I Suddenly Rushed And Ran Down But Couldn't Go Down Because My Left Leg's Knee Knocked The Staircase Handle And My Left Leg Was In PAIN! I Limped Up To K And Told Her I Was in Pain. The Staircase's handle Vibrated Vigorously After I Knocked Into It. K Let me Hold Onto Her For Support To Class. H Was Standing, Looking Down At The Stairs Of Somewhere Else. He Saw Me Holding Onto K For Support, With My Hurt Expression And Asked What Happened. K Said (She,K) Wasn't Sure. H Followed K And I Back To Class. J Saw Me And Asked If I Was OK And I Answered No Then Showed (Her,J) My Bad Knee.

Bleeding! Dark Red Cut With Blood! I Rushed Down Earlier At The Staircase Because I Heard J Said (She,J) Wanted To Kill H And I Wanted To Protect H From (Her,J).

I Couldn't Bear The Pain And Started Crying. G Poked Me With (His,G) Pencil And Asked What Was Wrong. J Plastered My Knee But The Pain Increased. The Plaster Was Too Small. My BM teacher Saw My Tears And Asked What Happened As Well. J Told (Her,BM Teacher). J Told H I Was Crying! J Told Me H Seemed Worried And Sad. The Teacher Sent J And I To The Office To get Treated And Bandaged.

It Hurt Like Hell And I Was Still Crying. Many Teachers Kept Asking What Happened And J Told Them Over And Over.

Came Back To Class. People Stared. Teacher Saw The Bandage. I Sat At My Place Sniffling. J Told G, L And H What Happened. G Said That Laughter's The Best Medicine And (He,G) Himself Can make Me Laugh. J Told Him No And Eyed H. H, L And G Acted Stupid And H Kept Mouthing To J. J Told Him To Do Something. H Kept Looking And Checking My Mood Along With Expression. English Lesson Came. What With H And L's Oral Test And J Scolding G, I Finally Laughed. H Looked At me And Smiled When I Smiled At Him.

Well, I Shortened And Edited A Few Of The Sentences In The Diary.

From Then On, The Wound Wouldn't Heal And Remained A Scar.

When H And I Were Over, The Scar Would Bring Back The Painful Memory Of How I got It And For What reason. It Would Make Me Cry Again And Feel Like Committing Suicide. It Made Me Feel Depressed And Feel Great Pain Inside And Outside.

In fact, It's Still Painful If The Scar Were To Be Hit But It Won't be Painful In The Inside Anymore.

It Took Me About A Month Or So To Move On. Those Days Of The Month Were Like Hell.

I Ended The Relationship On A Monday. Date: Year-2008 Month-August Date-25th

It Was Not Long After A Holiday. I Don't Wanna Calculate The Time. xD

I Know This Way To Break Up is Probably lame And Pathetic But Here's how it happened.

I Wrote Him A Note To End It. I Know He Wouldn't Have Been really Sad because it Was Me Who Confessed In The First Place And He probably Felt Bad Turning Me Down So He Accepted. I noticed That He's Into Another Girl And My Friend J Was Like Somehow After Him So I Ended The Relationship.

It Was Gonna End In The First Place But I Didn't Wanna Think Of The Future At The Moment When I Just Started Out With Him. I Pushed The Worry Away.

Besides, Who's Gonna End It if We Both Hesitate To Get The Words Out? Would We Still have To Suffer So much Just Because We Didn't Dare Say Those Words And Just Pretended To Be All Lovey-Dovey, Happily In Love? >.<

No. That had Gotta Stop. What's The Use Of Continuing Being With Him When The truth is That he Is Into Another Girl But Couldn't Progress Further Because of Me? How's he Gonna be Happy Then? Is he Gonna Have To be Stuck With Me Just because of My Confession And feelings?

No. He Needs Freedom And Should live A Better Life And Go On With The person He's into And Who's Into him As Well. He Shouldn't have To Force Himself To Like Me. That's Not Right. It's Very Wrong And Torturing For Him.

He's not Even Into me In The First Place.

So That's How It Ended.

And Here I Am!^^ I'm Glad I Moved On, What With Being still Alive And Happily Single.

He may be My First And Last Boyfriend.

First Is A Definite But Last? No idea.

Things Change And So Does The Intention And mind At Times.

I Won't Wanna Be In A Relationship Now That I'm Still In School And Struggling With My Own Insane Problems. Being In A Relationship Now Would Just Add More problems At This Current Moment.

So, Reader(s), If You've Woken Up from My Long Talk (Sorry For Rambling On), I Hope You Don't Make The Same Mistake That I Did.

Once Again, Take care, Everyone! =D

Real Life ~ Numb-Mode

Hey, Any Of You Ever Gone On A Numb-Mode?

Numb-Mode As In Purposely Being Carefree And Apathetic.

Whenever I Really Feel Down, Angry Or Depressed, I Purposely Go On Numb-Mode.

When I'm In Numb-Mode, I Might Actually Treat People Coldly. >.<

This "Numb-Mode" Is The Only Way To Numb The Pain And Lock The Fears, Tears, Worries And Secrets Away, Leaving Me Either Cold-Hearted Or Retarded-ly Happy.

Crazy As It Seems But It Sure Worked Well So Far.

Truthfully, I've Been On Numb-Mode Most Of The Time.

It's Just That When The Pain Inside Or The Depression Gets Too Serious To The Extent That It Can't be Numbed, I Go Insane. That's When I Totally Spill The Tears Or Start Yelling, Leaving The End Result With Feeling Regret.

So... Now I'm Just Wondering If Any Of You Out There Are Like That As Well.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Real Life ~ Home School

From Time To Time, I Thought Of How Nice And Bad It Would be if I Were To be Home Schooled.

There Are 3 Ways To Refer Home Schooling To:
~Home Education
~Home Learning
~Unschooling (Coined In The year 1977 By American Educator Named John Holt)

These Details Are From Wikipedia.

Here's The Link If You Are Interested:

You Can Take Your Time Reading There. xD

First Off, There Are A Few Reasons Why I Wanted To Be Home Schooled.

Reasons I Wanna Be Home Schooled:
1. Much Better Focus
2. No Students To Criticize Or Laugh At Me
3. No Bitchy Students Or Teachers To Handle
4. Will Be Cooling At Home
5. Won't Get Other People With Bad Influence To Influence Me

Bad Points From Home Schooling:
1. Never Socialize
2. Will Get Bad At Making Friends
3. Will Get Bad At Understanding Others
4. Will Get Bad At Handling People/Matters
5. Will Get Bad At Communicating

Besides, I Shouldn't Still be Dreaming Of Being Home Schooled As Mom Has Already Disagreed With Me On The idea.

She Said She Doesn't Wanna Look Anymore Haggard Than She Already Is.

Oh Well, Now I Can't Say That I've Never Thought Of The Idea.

Real Life ~ BM Tuition 2

Today's My BM Tuition And I Had To Wake Up At 8:30AM Just To Prepare Going.

I Hate Waking Early Lolz.

Besides, My Right Eye Was Really Red Because I Had A Few Hours Of Sleep And It's Due To My Endless Train Of Thoughts. xD

As I Enter The Room, I Tried Remembering The Way It Looked, The Feelings It Gave Me, The Smell That I Don't Especially Like So Much And The People.

As Teacher Entered The Room And Took Attendance, I Remembered The First Day I Joined The Tuition. I Was Feeling Nervous As Always On The 1st Day.

I Remembered The Teacher Asked Whose Name Was Not Mentioned As He Took Attendance On The First Day And I Had To Raise Up My Hand.

He Gave Me The Name List To Write Down My Name.

From Then On, I Always Went There On Thursday Mornings. Sometimes With Bad Mood, Sometimes With Good Mood. Sometimes Dressed Up, Sometimes Looked A Right Mess. Sometimes Feeling Sickly, Sometimes Feeling Tough. Sometimes Reluctant To Go, Sometimes Do Not Give A Damn.

It Was Like A Cycle. It Became My Every Thursday Morning Routine.

My Mom Would Drive Me There And I Would Wish That I Was Back At Home Sleeping. xD

So... Now Back To "Present", His Students Get Fewer And Fewer. This BM Tuition Gradually Got More And More Quiet As His Students Decrease But When I Said Decrease, I Meant That It's Either They Really Stopped Going Or That They Were Absent. So Far Only 2 Stopped.

To Be Frank, This Is The First Tuition That's Ever So Quiet. >.<

Mom Said That His Teaching Became Less Aggressive. He Didn't Give Us Summary, Essay, Novel Or Short Essay To Do And Would Keep Giving Objective Questions For Us To Do.

He Gave Us A Load Of Time To Do Those Objective Questions And Made Us Wait Quite Awhile For Him To Start The Discussion Of Answers.

Every Time I Got Home, Mom Checked Up On What We Students Did And Learned From The Tuition. So That's How She Got To Know That His Teaching Became Less Aggressive.

When Mom Said The Word "Not Aggressive Enough" And "The new BM Tuition You're Going Too Is More Aggressive", I Would Shiver And Start Worrying Because I've Become Slow And Fear about The Amount Of Work The New Tuition teacher Would Give. T.T


I Actually Wanna Cry Now. Cry Very Hard And Bury My Face Forever, Never Show Up Anywhere Anymore.

That's Weird, I'm Not really A Studious Type Of Person As I Was Before But I'm Deeply Depressed The More I Think About It.

I Really Don't Wanna Face The New BM Tuition Teacher And Students. What With Their Curious Looks And Silent Judgment Of Me In Their Heads.

The New BM Tuition Starts In November. 1 And A Half Hours. From 9AM. On Monday Mornings. The Class Is Bigger So It Should Be Noisier...

Y'Know What? I Actually HATE Changes. I Dunno Who I'll Be Getting To See There And Whether I Could Even Catch Up With The Class. I Dunno How The Teacher Looks Like And Whether (He, The New BM Teacher's Also A Guy But A Chinese, Not Malay) Is Nice And Understanding.

I Dunno What Face To Put On And I Dunno What To Do. I Really Dunno ANYTHING Anymore!

Now's Just Hoping The New BM Tuition Goes Right And Mom Stops making Me Have To Go New Places Like This Again (Though It's High Impossible).

Whatever It is, I Am Still Depressed Upon Knowing The Change Of BM Tuition.

Sorry For Dragging On And Do Nothing But Only Complain, Reader(s).

Forgive My Self-Absorbency And Grammar Mistakes.

Thanks For Reading And Take Care, Everyone.

Real Life ~ Distracted

Here's What I Just Found Out, Reader(s).

I Get Distracted Easily.



Whatever I Do And Wherever I Am Or Whenever It Is, I Keep Thinking Of Something Else That Leads Me To Thinking Of Other Stuff That's Not Whatsoever Related To What I Am Supposed To Do. Heh Heh.

The Time When I Get Distracted The Most Is When It Comes To Homework Time.

Let's Say For Example, I Read A Maths Question About Having To Find Out About The Difference Of Distance From A Person Going To School By Bus To Walking To School.

Guess What?

I Started To Think Of
"Why They Wanna Find Out The Distance For?"
"Just Take The Bus If It's Not Crowded And The Distance Won't Matter."
"Walking Would Be A Good Exercise On A Cloudy And Sunny Day."
"I Wonder How's The Scenery Like As The Person Walk To School."
"I Wonder If The Person Sneezes From The Strong Air Conditioner In The Bus And Whether The Person Needs A Tissue"

Then, Worse Yet, After Those Questions I Thought Myself To, I Started Reminiscing!

I Started Thinking Of The Trips I Went On Bus With My Parents And Remembering What That Day Was Or How The Weather Was On That Certain Day.

I Would Start Thinking Back What I Longed For At That Time And Who Were My Friends At That Time And Also, How Was My Mood Then.

Gosh, All These Thinking Are Never Ending!

That's Why It Takes Me SO LONG Just To Answer ONE SIMPLE Question!

See What I Mean When I'm Easily Distracted Now?

I Dunno Why But I Really Feel Like Laughing Now That I Admit That I Get Distracted Easily.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Real Life ~ Break Down

Heya Reader(s)!^^

Here's Another Post And Sorry For Talking About Myself Again.

Honestly, I Get This Feeling That I'm Self-Absorbed But I Really Can't Help Talking About Myself.

After All, I Know The Most About Myself Only So That's The Only Thing I Could Talk About.

So Reader(s), Please Enjoy The Blog And Don't Read Any Posts That Gets You Pissed Due To My Self-Absorbency And I Also Hope You Forgive My Grammar Mistakes. =D

This Post Would Be About Breaking Down.

When I Was Doing Homework, I Kept Thinking Of How I Can NEVER Remember EVERYTHING That Are Coming Out In The Exam And Not To Forget, I Still Haven't Revised Every Subject Yet.

Help! >.<

As I Thought More And More About It And The Guilt I Felt Before When I Realized That I've Failed History From The Last Exam, I Almost Broke Down And Cry.

Then, I Remembered That Other People Are Facing Much More Complicated Problems Than I Am And That I'm Considered Lucky Enough To Have A Home To Go Back To, A Family To Live With, Friends To Share Days With, School To Go To And Slowly Achieve My Goal (Even If It Meant That I'm Not So Bright)...

Who Knows, Maybe At This Very Minute, Very Second, Someone's Experiencing Death, Someone's Desperate To Be Free From Health Problems But Can't Avoid Them To Enjoy A Normal Life, Someone's Being Abused Badly, Someone's Lost From Home, Someone's Being Kidnapped, Someone In A Coma And Hadn't Waken Up For A Long Time And So On.

Those Unlucky People May Actually Be Really Nice People. Really Kind, Understanding, Smart, Considerate, Patient, Honest (Etc, Etc) But They Just Don't Have The Strength To Make The World Better Because Of The Things They're Facing Currently.

Those Unlucky People May Be Really Young And Are Experiencing Something That They Are Too Young For Or Something That They Do Not Deserve In Life At All.

See? My Problems Are So Far Less Important Than Theirs.

But Still, As The Person Now Facing The Fear Of Final Exam And Constant Fear Of Failing And Everything, I Really Have This Tendency To Break Down And Cry.

Oh Well, Like I Said, Others Are Much More Unfortunate (Which Is So Sad T.T Because I Wouldn't Mind Taking Over Their Problems To Solve For Them, As Long As They Stay Happy And Help Me Make The World A Better Place) And That I, You, We, Everyone Should Try Being Strong And Face Our Problems No Matter How Reluctant We Are.

I Know, It's Easier To Say, Huh? =/

Here's Something I Just Thought Of:
When We're Facing Something So Complicated And Hard That It's So Hard To Take, We Should Go Up From The Surface Of The ("Water"=Troubles) And Take A Deep Breath, Calm Down And Then Go Back Down Into The Water To Try Our Best To Fight Off The Troubles.

Sadly, It's Not Always As Easy As It's Said. Some Things Are Just Really Tough That They Are Not Meant To Be Fixed At All. These Constant Troubles Will Get Us Worried That We Eventually Get Obsessed With It. This Causes Us To Get Stressed Out And Be Under A LOT Of Pressure.

People, It's Only Normal That All These Troubles Keep Rising. My Only Wish Here Is That You All Take Good Care Of Yourselves And Don't Give Up. I Wanna Share Your Pain Because It's Really HARD TO TAKE When You Keep Them To Yourselves. I Wanna Help You Out And Help You Not To Give Up.

Once Again, As I keep Saying, Take Care Everyone And Try To Have As Much Fun As You Can. =D

Good Luck~!

Real Life ~ Summarized Youtube Upload Steps

Here's A Summarized Youtube Upload Steps!^^

1. Create A Video Using "Windows Movie Maker"
2. DON'T Save Project AT ALL.
3. Click "File".
4. Click "Save Movie File... (Ctrl+P)"
5. Name The Video.

Well, That's About It.

REMINDER: It May Take Awhile To Successfully Upload A Video So All You Gotta Do Is Be Patient. Please Don't Fret So Much Over Uploading A Video Even If It's Your First Time Because It's NOT WORTH Getting Upset Over It. =S

Take Care, Everyone.

Real Life ~ Personal Youtube Contest

I Hereby Declare My Own Personal Youtube Contest!

It's... (Drum Roll Please!)


Of Course This Contest Would Last Forever But It Would've Been Much More Than What Is Shown Now If I Didn't Create A Totally New Account.

The Primary Account Was Shared With My Mom And It Is Even My Mom's Name. Lolz.

It Would've Been Weird Using Her Account To Make Playlists And Everything So I Decided To Make My Own Account With The Name I Preferred Being Known As.

After All, What With All The Anime Pictures I've Collected, I Wanna Use Them As My Theme(Channel Background) And Also As My Profile Picture. =]

Though, Knowing That I Could Be SO Fickle-Minded At Times, I Would Wish To Change My Name But I Guess That I Should Just Respect The Name I Loved So Much Before. >.<

Sorry, Reader(s), I'm Being Too Self-Absorbed And Talked Too Much Crap.

Still, I Wanna Thank You All For Reading On And Supporting Me Through Checking Out The Blog!^^

Take Care, Everyone! =D

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Real Life ~ Badminton Again =D

Wednesday Again... It Has Been A Week Since The Badminton Smackdown.

At Least Today's Badminton Game Was Great. It's All Thanks To The 2 Other Usual Badminton Playing Partners (A.K.A My 2 Good Friends!^^)

Sadly This Badminton Game Today Was Kinda Short. >.<

Still, I'm Glad That We 4 Get To Have One Last Game Before The Final Exams. =S

Who Knew When's The Next Time That We Get To Play Badminton Together Again.

I Didn't Think Today Would Have PE Class But I Still Brought My PE Clothes In Case.

>.< When We Were About To Borrow Rackets From The Store Room, I Just Realized That I've Not Thought About Bringing The Shuttlecocks In Case But Oh Well, At Least We Borrowed It As Well From The Store Room. Haha.

From The Starting Of The Game, I Sure Sucked Like Hell. I Really Wasn't Used To Using School's Badminton Racket As I Always Brought My Own. =x

Luckily, I Got Adapted To The Racket And Was Able To Focus More On The Game.^^

Suddenly, In The Middle Of The Game, I Couldn't Breathe Stably. My Face Flushed Red (Like Most Badminton Games).

One Of My Good Friend Noticed (Tough Luck In Hiding!xD) And Questioned Me If My Asthma Started Again.

Of Course I Don't Wanna End The Game Or Make My Side Badminton Partner Do All The Hitting And Smacking So I Said I Was Fine.

Thankfully, The Game Resumed And Went Smoothly.

After Awhile, The Same Friend Who Noticed My Asthma Realized That My Partner And I Were Tired. He Told His Badminton Partner To Stop The Game And Told Us To End It As Well.

Y'Know, I Actually Feel Kinda Frustrated And Slightly Humiliated That I Was So Weak And Useless, Unable To Act/Look Fine. At Least My Badminton Partner Didn't Show Any Sign Of Exhaustion.

Still, I Wanna Thank The Friend Who Noticed The Asthma And Exhaustion, Wilson Liew Yong Sheng, For Being So Alert, Kind, Understanding And Considerate Coz It's Not Easy To Find Everyone Doing The Same As Him. =D

So, Thank You, Once Again, Wilson.

And Also, I Wanna Thank All You Reader(s) Out There For Checking Out My Blog.
Much More Appreciated For Those Commenters.
Most Importantly, I Wanna Get This Message Across To You Reader(s):

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Real Life ~ New Diet Rule

Here's My Own New Diet Rule To Myself To Make It More Fair.

Everyday, At Least Limit To ONE Junk Food Only.

As In, ONE Chocolate Bar Only, Or ONE Lollipop Only, Or ONE Bowl Of ice Cream Only... ...

If Anything Is Over The Given Limit, It Should Be Paid Back.

As In, One Day Without Junk Food.

It Seems Fair Enough.

Oh Well, It's Supposed To Be Good To Control Own Weight And Health.


Just Ignore My Weird Thinking And Posts, Reader(s).


Enjoy Life While You Still Can (At Least Stay Happy With Reasonable Reasons), Everyone!

Real Life ~ Copy Right Sux!

It IS True! Copy Right Sux!

Honestly, They Seem To Be Going Overboard.

Every Single Thing Are Being Copyrighted Now And Worse Yet, For The Most Ridiculous Reasons Ever!

I'm Seriously Getting Pissed With All These Copy Rights And Such.

It's Just An Excuse To Make Money, Is It?
It Seems Like As if People Forget Money Isn't The Most Important Thing And I Know That Life Would be Hard Without Them.
But Hey! The World Shouldn't Be Revolving around Money!

They Are To Be SHARED And Yes, I Know How Everyone Feels When Their Properties Are Being Used Without Permission And When They're Not The Ones Taking Credit For.

At Least A Sincere Disclaimer Would've Been Acceptable, Right?

Sigh, One Day, Every Word, Name And Everything That Ever Exists In This World Would Be Copyrighted.

Just You Wait And See!

Real Life ~ Revision Without iPod

Wanna Know Something?

Psst, Here's A Head-Up On How Life Is... WITHOUT iPod!

Lolz, Take It Easy, It May Not Be That True If You Don't Have The Same Problem With Me.


I Tried To Revise For The Final Exam Without iPod And Guess What?

It Was Like Hell! Well, It Sure Was Hell For Me... xD

I Mean, C'mon! There's Nothing To Drown Out Mom's Nagging And The Whole Place Seems Oddly Silent Even Though It's Not So.

The TV's Not Good Enough. Coz...
1. The Sound TV Makes Is Only People Talking
2. In Some Advertisements, They Played Snippets Of Songs But It's Not Full Version To Enjoy It.

TV Radio Doesn't Work Well Either. Coz...
1. You Can't Choose Which Song You Wanna Hear
2. If It Was 'Opus' Radio Channel, You'll Sooner Or Later Get Fed Up With The Songs That Are SO Similar To One Another
3. If It Was 'Fly FM' Radio Channel, Some Songs Are Hard Rock And Sure Pisses Mom Off. Lolz. Besides, Not ALL Songs They Play Are To My Liking.
4. If It Was 'Lite FM' Radio Channel, Those Songs Are Old And It Sure Isn't Really What I Enjoy ALL The Time.

I Know, You're Thinking I'm Too Picky But...

That's What iPods Are For! You Put The Songs You Love Into It And Listen To It.
No One Else Would Hear What You're Listening To, Even If It's Hard Rock.^^

So Tonight, When I Was Revising For English Exam, I Couldn't Take it Anymore And Plugged Into The iPod.


Please, People. Don't Turn Into Me- The Music And iPod Addict.

I Just Can't Live Without Music Now.

So Take Care Once Again, Everyone!

Real Life ~ BAKA

Here's A Pretty Cool Japanese Song:

Title: Baka
Artist: Akane

Here's A Link To The Song:

I Hope You Enjoy The Song!
I Like The Part Where She Sang "Anta Ippen Shinde Koi"

If You Watch The Video And Look At The Lyrics, You'll Find Out What it Truly Means.

Take Care, Everyone!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Real Life ~ Part 2 Of Anime DVD Collection


HiHi. Here I Am Again. Lolz.

Oh Yeah, Continuing From The last Time I Said I Would Collect Anime DVD, I've Bought 2 More.




I Bought The Whole Anime DVD From Episode 1-103(END) For About RM70.


Now There's More Than Enough Anime To Occupy Me. ^^

Hopefully The Stupid Fear Of Losing Anime To Watch Will Disappear.

Take Care, Everyone!^^

Real Life ~ Fear Of Next Day

I Am Scared Of What's Gonna Happen Tomorrow, Which is Saturday...

I'm Scared Of having To Revise And Surely I Won't be Allowed To Use iPod And Would Have To Listen To Mom's Nagging With No Help of Music To Drown Out Her Annoying Nag.

Here's A Bad Point Of Mine.

I Am Not Good At facing Everything Strongly.

To be More Honest, I'm Most Likely Under The "Weak" category.

I Daren't face Exam. and It's Also The Final Exam!

Imagine, Next year's "Big Exam" Known As PMR In Malaysia Would be Even more Horrifying!

I'm Sure I Might Not be Able To get As Many A's As Before Anymore.

Due To...
Oh Never Mind, It's Not Good Complaining And Blaming People.


Thanks Again, For The Reader(s) Out There!^^

You Make My Blog Worth Continuing! =D

Real Life ~ Insomnia, Perhaps?

I Think I Have Insomnia.

Insomnia: prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep

I Checked For The Clear Meaning Of The Word.

Simply Put, "Insomnia" Means Sleeping Difficulties.

Every Night, I Have Problems Sleeping And The Night Will Turn Into God-Knows-What-Time-In-The-AM And It Drifts On Longer.

The cause Of The Sleeping Problem Here is That I Keep Thinking And Won't Stop Thinking.

That's What That Took me So Long To Sleep.

I Daren't keep Rambling On In case I Scare Reader(s) Away. Lolz

Real Life ~ Youtube Upload To Be Taken Down

How Sad, Because Of Copyright And All Those Crap, My Parents Were So Scared Of Those That They Told Me To Taken Them Down.

I've Not Received Any Copyright Warning At All...

Honestly, Wouldn't Disclaimer Be Good Enough?

Still, I Had To Take Them Down...

Other People Put Those Songs Up And Nothing Happened...


Oh Well, I Can't Say I Didn't Try Sharing Songs With The World!

Sorry, Everyone!


Friday, October 16, 2009

Real Life ~ BM Tuition In November

Here's A Bad News. But Don't Worry, It Doesn't Matter Any Of You Reader(s) And Doesn't Involve Reader(s) Either.^^

In November, I'll Have To Go To Another Tuition Centre For (BM=Bahasa Malaysia).


I Hate It...

Looks Like I'll Have To Tolerate Many Eyes Looking At Me On The First Day And I'll have To Meet New People As Well.

Gosh, I Sure hate It.

Why can't I Just Stay With The Same Teacher And Students?

I Can't Stand It, Having To get All Nervous And Get Used To New Surroundings Again.

It's Almost As bad As A New School.

Oh Well, I'll Shut Up And Stop Complaining Now.


Real Life ~ My View Of Future

I've Been Through A LOT Of Thinking When I Should Be Studying Or Paying Attention In Class About My Future Life.

-Contact Lens (Maybe)
-Cooler Looking Spectacles (Maybe)
-Stylish Short Hair
-Stylish Long Hair
-Thin And Slim (Hopefully Can keep It Up That Way)

-Part Time Writer (Song Writer, Novelist, Poet)?
-Part Time Cartoonist?
-Part Time Back Ground Singer/ Solo Singer?
-Part Time Photographer?

Take Up:
-Piano Lessons?
-Violin Lessons?
-Guitar Lessons?
-Cello Lessons?
-Self Defense?

-At Least 2 Floors

-Single (For Life) {May Change Mind But Depend On How Things Go}
-Live Alone
-Have Pets (Maybe) [Hamster Or Dog Or Both]

What To Start With To Achieve Now:
-At Least Good Grades For ENGLISH & SCIENCE & Probably Maths
-Start With Aiming To Be A Psychologist

Real Life ~ Mood Swing

Hey, Y'KNow What?

I Really Hate to Admit This But... I Think I Have A Serious Mood Swinging Problem.

One Minute Happy, The Other Minute Sad, Then Angry, Then Confused, Then Freaking Out, Totally Uncontrollable.

One Minute Positive About Something, The Other Minute Negative About It.

Aren't Those Examples Above Called "Mood Swings"?

Sometimes, I Wonder This: If I Have A Serious Mood Swing Problem, Wouldn't It Be A Joke That I Wanna be A Psychologist?

Guess No Matter How Many Stuff I Know, I STILL Dunno LOTS Of Stuff.

This Goes To Show, We Learn Something Everyday, Discover Something Everyday.

There's NEVER A Day That We STOP Learning, Even If We've Graduated And Maybe Started A Job Already.

We Just Never Stop Learning.


How On Earth Did The Subject of "Mood Swing" Turn To A Philosophical Lecture?

Lolz. Just Ignore Me Please.

I'm Insane After All.

It's A Wonder How I Can Survive Not Being Discovered That I'm Insane For 14 Years.


Take Care, Everyone. ^^

Real Life ~ Youtube Upload Success!


THANKS A BUNCH To The ONE And ONLY Person Who Helped Me And Explained The Whole Uploading Thing To Me!^^

~Wilson Liew Yong Sheng~(A.K.A PotterSuccess)~

Thank You Very Much For The Thorough Explanation!
Because Of Your Being Patient, Understanding, Kind, The "Don't Give Up" Attitude And Support, I Was Finally Able To Upload My First Youtube Video!

I Can't Thank You Enough! =D

Thank You So Much For Even Going Through The Trouble Of Giving Me The Link On "How To Upload Windows Movie Maker Video To Youtube" Link (Below)!


You Even Bothered Explaining Again And Again On How To Upload.


And Again,


Real Life ~ Effects Of Reading Shoujo Manga

Here Are The Effects Of Reading Shoujo Manga To Me:
1. Gets Me Frustrated
2. Gets Me Sad
3. Gets Me Angry
4. Gets Me Depressed
5. Gets Me Happy
6. Gets Me Thinking Back Of The Past And Start Having An Unbearable Ache In The Chest
7. Gets Me In Tears

Those Feelings Are Wonderful, Even Until Now.

>.< I'm A Weirdo, Ignore Me. I Just Somehow Like Sad Stuff.

Dunno Why.


It's Like I'm Purposely Asking For Sorrow And Tears.

Ha Ha. xD

Real Life ~ Health Condition

Hmm, Is It Just Me And My Imagination Or Is My Coughing Getting Increasingly Worse Along With Frequent Short Asthma Attacks?

Seriously, In School Or At Home, Doing Anything At Anytime, I Just End Up The Same!

In Fact, I Also Could Suddenly Start Sneezing Non-Stop No Matter What Temperature.

I Resisted Taking Medicine Even Before School Today, Whether It Will Make Me Drowsy Or Not.

I Am Just Gonna Act Fine And Normal Like Everyone.

Best Not Letting Parents Know. Shh...


Sorry For Being Self-Absorbed All The Time.

This Blog Has Become More Of An E-Diary/Online Diary Now, Is It?


Real Life ~ Youtube Upload

Someone Please Help Me!

I Finally Found Out That I Have Windows Movie Maker And Really Wanna Share Music With The Whole World.

I Made Several Videos Already But Am Having Trouble Uploading Coz In The End, It Said That It Shouldn't Be Uploaded Like That Straight Away And Can't Be Played.

I Am So Goddamn Exhausted From Making The Videos And Also From Waiting For The Internet Broadband To Be Fixed That I Can Scream Now But I CAN'T! I'm Already Really Confused, Tired And Coughing Badly, Sweating Like Hell Here.

PLEASE, Teach Me How To Upload!

Youtube Told Me To Click "Save Movie File... (Ctrl+P)" And Even Went Through ALL The Trouble Of Creating An Account, Waiting For The Verification E-mail And Then Logging In AGAIN. Then, I Kept Saving Movie File To Find That It Got Stuck While Uploading To It Or Whatever That Is Meant To Happen!

I Am Seriously Messed Up And Flustered Here That I Am On The verge Of Tears.

So, PLEASE, Tell Me What To Do After Clicking "Save Movie File... (Ctrl+P)"

I'm Going Insane Here Already...


All I Ever Wanted Was To Share Music, Anime, Pictures, Interests With The Whole Wide World!

What's So BAD About It?

I Wish Youtube Could've Given More Tips! Don't Just Tell What To Click! Tell Me What Else AFTER That! ARGH!


I've Already Coughed Badly Ever Since Disconnecting From Talking Online With My Friend And When I Couldn't Log Back In To Apologize And Explain And Exam's Near And I'll Shut Up Now.

But Please DO Help! T.T


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Real Life ~ Badminton Smackdown!

The Most Indescribable Thing Happened Today.

For Physical Education Class, I Played Badminton (As Mentioned).

My Friend(Let's Name Her As X) And I Played Badminton. We Usually Played 2vs2 But Then The Other 2 Friends We Usually Play With Said That They Wanna Give That A Rest And Do Something Else Instead So It's Left Just X And I Playing.

Starting, X And I Had Fun Playing But Then She, As Usual, Got Bored REALLY Quick Coz There's Probably No One To Jeer At Every Move She Makes To Get her Hyped Up To Prove Wrong To And That She Could Hardly Receive Every Shot I Made Which Got Her Really Pissed And Frustrated.

Guess What? X Had Such A "Good" Idea To Search For Another 2 Opponents To Versus Us 2 That It Actually Made Me Felt Nervous And Uncomfortable. After All, I've Been Only Playing Badminton With People I Am Close To All The Time So It'd Be Kinda Weird Playing With Others I Hardly Interact With. >.<

X Was So Desperate To Get People To Versus With That She Actually Wanted To Find Our Class Idiots As Opponents. I Mean, C'mon! Those Idiots Were The Ones Always Provoking Us, Starting The Fights, Gossiping, Spreading Fake And Ridiculous Rumors! And Now, She Wants To Just Easily Get Near Them And Versus Them!

X Told Me That It's Just A Game But To Them, I'm Sure They'll Keep The Game As A Topic To Gossip About Later On. Urgh. It's Best To Avoid Them All The Time And At All Cost. You'll Never Know What Detail They Twist To The Extent Of It Being Unbelievable.

She Then Wanted To Try Pursuing The Usual 2 Friends To Play With Us And Walked All The Way To The Storeroom To Get 2 More Extra Rackets.

HAH! When We Saw Them Busy Having Fun, We Went Back ALL The Way back To The Storeroom To Return The rackets.

X Saw 2 Groups Of People To Versus With And Asked Me To Choose.

I Chose The 2 Girls That Are Not So Snobbish But Then They Looked So Eager To Play That We Didn't Bother Interrupting Them. Lolz.

Then, It's Only Left The other 2 Girls That Are Not From Our Class But Seem OK.

Hmm, X Made Me Approach Them And Ask Them When It Was Actually Their idea. =.=lll

So I Did As She Said And We Finally Got to Versus Them.

They Weren't Sure Whether We Were Good Or Not And Purposely Start With A Weak Strength. I Caught It And One of Them Said, "She's Good." Second Hit Was A Low One But I Somehow Scooped it And Hit it back At Them. Weird, I Usually Missed Those. Lolz.

The other Girl Tested Out X And Suddenly The Shuttlecock Flew towards me And I Didn't Know Where The Line Was As There Was No Net. So... >.<

I Rushed out Too fast And Actually Almost Smacked The Opponent Instead Of The Shuttlecock.

Yes, I'm Deeply Humiliated. Coz Of My Barbaric And Rough Act.

After I nearly Knock The Lights out Of The Girl, She Then Quickly Ran Off With her Friend To The Canteen, Leaving Only X And I To Versus Each Other Again.

"YOU! It's ALL Your Fault! Look What You Done! You Scared Them Off! See? They’re Not Coming Back Ever Again! Next Time, DON’T Cross Over The Line! Looking At The Way You Rush And Swing That Racket of Yours, How Could Anyone NOT be Scared Of That?!” X Accused.

“They Never Said Where Was The Line And Also, If Everyone Gets SO Scared, Why Didn’t YOU Run Away?” I Asked.

“Because I Know You Well And Even IF They Knew You Well, They Would’ve Ran off Before Even Starting The game. Can’t You Control Your Strength?! You Don’t Need To Whack So Hard!” X Exclaimed.

“Oh, Really? Well, I Can’t Help Whacking hard And I can’t Control The Strength Well Either ;-D” I Answered.

“URGH! OK, Here’s A Training For You. Stand Away From me And NEVER Cross This Line Right In Front Of Us.”


X Go *Hit
I Go *Smack
X Go *Miss *Grumbles
X Go *Hit
I Go *Smack
X Go *Miss *Sigh
X Go *Hit
I Go *Smack
X Go *Smack
I Go *Smack
X Go *Miss And…

“AHHHH! Stop Running About And Whacking SO HARD!” X Yelled, Waving Her Racket In The Air Wildly.
“OK, OK!” >.<

“STAY There, In The Middle And DON’T Move About So Much! Remember, DON’T Cross This Line At All!” X Commanded.


X Go *Hit
I Go *Miss
I Go *Hit
X Go*Smack
I Go *Miss
I Go *Hit
X Go *Smack
I Go *Miss And…

“Hey! It’s Unfair! I Should Be Moving Like YOU Are!” I Complained.

“Heh Heh. ;-D” X Laughed.

I Go *Hit
X Go *Miss
X Go *Hit
I Go *Smack
X Go *Smack
I Go *Smack
X Go *Smack
I Go *Smack
X Go *Miss
X Go *Hit
I Go *Smack
X Go *Miss And…

“Can’t You Control Your Strength AND Also Not Hit So High Up?!” X Shouted.

“>.< OK, Fine, I’ll Try.”

I Go *Hit Ever So Softly
X Go *Miss *Grumbles And…

“NOT THAT SOFT! And If The Shuttlecock Ever Come Over To My Line, Don’t Come Over As Well. You’re Really Scary. You Really Scare me, You Know?”

“Too bad, I Can Only Either Do Hard Or Soft. Not Middle.” I Smirked.

“Hmm, Who Are We Gonna Versus With Now That You Scared Everyone Off?” X Wondered Aloud.

“It’s not EVERYONE. It’s Just The 2 of Them. They Didn’t Need to Run In The First place! Besides, I felt Like We’ve Dominated Their Playing Spot. Lolz.”
“And WHOSE fault Is That? Also, Everyone’s Gonna Have To Run off In The End Whenever They See You After playing With you.”

“Hmm, Can’t help it. Too bad. Haha.”

X Grumbled And Looked Around for Other People to Versus With.

I Followed Her to The School Walkway. It’s A Narrow And Small Walkway With A Low Ceiling.

X Smirked And Said, “Hey… Let’s Say We Train You Right here Along This Walkway?”

“No Way… You’re Pure Evil. You Don’t Mean it, Do you? If We Hit, It’s Gonna Just Get To The Ceiling!”

“That’s The Point! It’ll Help Train your Strength. >=D”

I Sighed. “OK…”

X Go *Hit
I Go *Miss And Nearly Whacked The Glass Protected Billboard

I Narrowed My Eyes At X.

X Smiled Happily. Jeez, She Really Doesn’t Know WHAT Trouble I’ll be in For if I really did Break The Glass.

Many Times, I’ve Almost Broke It But Luckily Missed.

This So-Called Training Which Was Torturing Finally Ended When The teacher Asked Us All to Return The rackets That We Borrowed From The Storeroom.

I Sighed Gladly, Relieved That Nothing Happened And That The “Training” Ended As Well.

X Continued To Ramble On And On Over How Scary I Was And Bla Bla Bla.


I Was Overly Glad When The Ending School Bell Rang.

So This is My “Badminton Smackdown!” And I Hope You Reader(s) Enjoyed It. ^^

Thanks very Much Again For Checking Out My Blog! =D

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Real Life ~ Another Goal

Here's Another Goal That's Quite Impossible And Unbelievable.

Wanna Hear It?

To Be The Nicest Person.

Of Course, When I Said That, I Don't Mean To Be ALWAYS Nice.

If I Do, People Are Gonna Just Take Me For Granted And Take Advantage As Well.

Those 2 Problems Mentioned Above Would Be Quite Troublesome...

But I'll Try Being The Nicest Person. (At Least The Nicest I Can Get...)


Thanks To Those Who Are Continuing To Support Me By Reading This Blog!^^

Real Life ~ Confession 101

Here's A Post With MANY Confessions! I Hope You're Ready >=D

It Started With Ever Since I Was 9 Years Old.
My School Music Teacher Told My Whole Class A Ghost Story And When I Got Home That Night, I Couldn't Stop Thinking And Imagining About It.

Not Long After The Story Telling, When I Was Changing Clothes To get Ready For School, Through The Blouse, I Was Sure I Saw A Strange Looking Shadow. it Must've Been A Ghost. I Was So Freaked Out Then.

Ever Since Then, I Would Jump Every Time I Heard A Sound, Scream If Any Doors Open, Get VERY Panicky.

That Goes To Show How Bad The Phobia Got And It Just Didn't Stop Getting Worse!

But, Not To Worry, Now I'm Not So Insane Anymore When It Comes To Ghosts.

Really, This Is My Recent Fear.
I'm VERY Worried That I Can't Find Anymore Anime DVD To Watch One Fine Day.
I Keep Thinking About It Every Day.
It's Getting To Be Quite A Problem But I'm Trying To Get Over It And Look On The Bright Side. After All, I STILL Have The 4 DVD To Watch Now And I Can Always Re-Watch It. It Won't Hurt To Refresh My Memory Of What Happened In Every Anime.

I Used To Be Afraid Of Cockroaches.
The Colour, The Appearance, The Way It Moved About Real Fast And The Fact That It Can Fly, Those Scared Me To Death. It All Started The Day I Saw My First Cockroach. I Lived In A Town-House Before Moving To A More Roomy House. At The Town-House, The Cockroaches Often Came And Creep Everyone Out. My Dad Was The Only One Who Actually Dared To Face It Head On. My Mom, On The Other Hand, Faced It Bravely From A Distance. As For Me, The Useless 4-Year-Old Kid, Cower Away, Tugging At My Bolster, Locking Myself In A Dark Room.

It Didn't End Even When We Moved To The New House. I Was Still Scared When I Saw It. I Felt Really Hopeless.

The Phobia Ended Since The Night I Faced It With Courage And Anger. That Night, I Went To The Bathroom Of My Room. I Opened The Door And Caught Something Dark Moving Underneath It. I Saw The "Anthena" From Its Head Swishing Left And Right. Ugh...

I Couldn't Take it Anymore! I HATED Being The Hopeless Case. I Ran Downstairs And Grabbed My "Weapons" And Ran Back Up. I Swung Open The Bathroom Door Sharpish, Attacking The "Vicious Monster" With My Broom. I Whacked And Hacked At It, Lunging Forward, Stabbing Hard Right On It, Sweeping it Back And Forth. Finally It Was In Many Pieces. I Don't See Any movement Anymore And Sprayed Bug-Spray At It.

The next Morning, I Got Scolded For The Mess In The bathroom As IW as Too Exhausted to Clean Up After The "War". Lolz. The So-Called Gratz I Get For Facing My Fear!

I Wrote A Chinese Essay About The Cockroach Fight And Sent it To The Newspaper. They really Published it And Even The Person Who Corrected My Essay Commented On The Essay. ^^ Woo Hoo!

Now, If I Ever Saw A Cockroach, I'd Love To Kill It But I Just Hope It Won't Fly.

There I Go Again.
For This Title, I Admit That I Have Trouble Telling Where To Put A Present Or Past Tense In Essays.
But After Observing Novels, I Finally Get The Hang Of It. I Guess That Most Novels Are In Past Tense. I'll Keep Going On And Try My Best To Differenciate Them!^^

I Actually Feel REALLY Stupid.
After All, The Proof Is Right Here- My Grades In School Are Dropping Tremendously.
How On Earth Am I Gonna Go On And Be A Psychologist?!
This Worries Me A Lot.
People tell me To try My Best And Study hard And Bla bla bla but Then...
I'm LAZY to Study Most of The Time Lolz.
Help Me!

I'll Admit It Now. I HATE Smiling.
No Matter How It Is Proven That Smiling Can Help You Even When Deep Inside, You Don't Even Feel Like Smiling.
As Long As With That Hideous Look Of Mine, I'll HATE Smiling Coz I'll Probably Look Really Stupid And I'm Not Good With Making Facial Expressions. I Just Can't Tell Whether My Facial Expressions Look As What I Want Them To Seem.
I Prefer Making Facial Expressions Online As I Can Just Type Out A Smile or Something That Deep Within Me Wants To Express.
After All, Mostly, The Facial Expression That I'm Ever Good At Is Frowning.
Even When I'm Happy Inside, I Prefer Frowning. Especially When I'm Alone. I'm Even Frowning Now As I'm Typing This.

This Is The Last Confession Of The Post.
I Think I'm Really Dense And Oh-So-Slow. Not Only Am I Just Stupid But ALSO Dense.
I Take Quite A Long Time Registering What A Question Meant In The Homework.
I Even Take Quite A Long Time To Choose An Answer.
See? How Slow Can I Get?
What With My Hearing Problems As Well, I Often Ask The People To Repeat Their Sentence.
To Be Frank, I Want Someone To Teach Me Things Slowly And Talking Slowly Coz It takes Quite Awhile For Me to Register What They Said And Think Of What They Mean And At The Same Time, Not Getting Distracted With My Own Thoughts That Are Not Relevant To What They're Talking About.
I'm An Airhead Now, Am I? T.T
Someone HELP Me! You've Gotta Be Really Patient Though. >.< I Warn You.

Maple ~ Protection Detection!

One Night, When Sis Was Playing Maple Again While I Was Reading Manga, I Saw Her Clicked On Someone Lvl 200.

I Joked With Her, Asking If It Was Her (GM=Guild Master) That She Clicked On.

Guess What?
She Replied Me "No!" With Her Teeth Clenched.

It Was Then That I Sensed Something's Up. She's Usually Cheery And It Takes A Lot To Actually Piss Her To That Extent.

She Told Me That The Idiot She Clicked On Defamed Her.

"WHAT?! She Did What?!"
"HUH?! But.. Why?! What Did She Do That For?! What Happened?!"

I Couldn't Wait For Her Answer And Just Logged In Straight Away As One Of The Hacked Char. I Was Furious By The Time I Got To Where She Was Defamed.

She Just So Happen Defamed The Defamer's Friend Then Logged Off So I Had To Go Channel Surfing For Those 2 Idiots. They Were No Where to Be Found And I Was About to Explode Then.

Sis Logged In Again And Showed Me. I Could only Find her Friend But I Can't Find The Stupid Lvl 200 Bishop Who Defamed My Sis.

She Told Me The Bishop's Name And I Searched Again And Again. She(The Bishop) Was No Where to Be Found. it Showed Her As Offline!

I Thought I Had No Way To Avenge My Sis And Pounded The Table, Feeling So Frustrated That I Couldn't Even Do One Small Thing At All!

How DARE That B*tch Defame Sis! NO ONE Can Bully Sis EVER! When I Say NO ONE, I Mean N-O O-N-E AT ALL!

I Kept Hanging Around That Spot And Finally Found That B*tch. That B*tch Actually Knows How To Run Away When She Saw Me. I Chased her And Defamed her Back Then I Logged Off, Sharing The Good News With My Sis.

She Laughed A Hell of A Lot.

She Explained How The Defaming Happened.

"They Told Me To (CC=Change Channel) And Won't Share It. I Didn't care And Continued To Kill The Mobs For Quest. Suddenly, That Lvl 200 Bishop Defamed Me! I tried Defaming her Back But failed So I tried Her Friend And Surprisingly, it Worked! That's Why I Logged Off. HAHA! I Wonder How They feel now, Especially That B*tch. She Didn't Care About My Threat Of Getting People To mass Defame Her And Said to GO AHEAD. Imagine, When She Saw Your hacked Char Wearing Nothing, Chasing Her everywhere And Then Managing to Defame her."

I Smiled And Told Her That I Would Bring The Hacked priest To wherever She goes To Avenge Sis, Making sure People Who Bullies her Will Die of regret.

That's About All I Want In Maple, Making Sure Sis Is Safe And Sound.

One Day, I Followed My Sis To Japan And Checked Every Portal Before Letting her Enter So That She Won't Die.

Instead, I Died A Lot of Times. Lolz. It Was Fun Attacking That Lvl 100 Dreamy Ghost, Knowing That If it Attacked Me With One Hit, I'll Die Straightaway. In fact, Just Colliding Into it Gave Me An Instant Death. LOLZ!

I Kept Going Around And Actually Went To Where The Bains Are. I Attacked it And faster Run Back Into The Previous portal. It Was funny. I Got Back To Bains' Area And Walked The Whole Map. The Purple Mist Could Actually reduce Your HP! I Almost Died Then But I Survived. My Sis Was Laughing Non-Stop When She Saw That I Died Many Times.

I've Always Wanted to Travel Around Japan Map But I Was Too Scared to Die And Lose EXP. Guess Now That No Matter How many Times I Die, It Doesn't Matter.

What A Laugh. ^^

Real Life ~ Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall,
Who's The Ugliest And Stupidest Of Them All?

*Points At The One Asking*


Noo! Lolz.

To Be Honest, I Really DO Feel That I Look Ugly And That I Am Really Stupid.

R-E-A-L-L-Y! I'm Tellin' Ya!

I Wish That I Look As Pretty As The Girls In My Class, My School, My Tuition, My Neighborhood, My State, My Country, The... WORLD!

I Feel That I Am The MOST HIDEOUS Thing Ever!

If Possible, I'd LOVE To Cover My Face With A Paper Bag! I Wanna Have A Paper Bag Head. >.<

I HATE How I Look So Much To The Extent That I Don't Like Looking Into The Mirror Up Close. I Always Avoid Looking Into The Mirror And If I Did Accidentally Look Into It, I Would Feel Like Punching The Mirror, Shattering It Into A Billion Pieces!

I Usually Keep Long Hair Without Tying Just So I Can Cover My Stupid Face With It. It's Best That NO ONE Sees Me. Maybe They'd Run Off Sharpish Once They Snagged A Glimpse At The Face. UGH! I'd Do Anything To Be Invisible When It Comes To Appearance.

This Is The Reason Why I Always Avoid Eye Contact With Everyone. I Worry I Look TOO Stupid And Hideous Or That I Have Something On The Face. Urgh... Saying The Word "Face" Makes Me Shivers So Much.

Hmm, I Really Want That Paper Bag Head Now... Haha...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Real Life ~ Instruments

If I Were To Be Able To Play Instruments, I'd Wanna TRY...


Any Of You Wondering Why I Didn't Mention PIANO?

Well, That's Because I USED To Play PIANO!

Shocked? Well, I Quit Playing It When I Was About 9 Years Old.

Hmm, I Started Playing PIANO When I Was About 4 Years Old And Then Quit At 9 years Old... It Sure Seemed Really Long To Me.

Now That I Am 14 Years Old, I Really Don't Know How To Read The Musical Notes Anymore. It's Kinda Sad.

If I Were To Choose Only 1 Instrument From The Above, I'd Choose VIOLIN!^^

Its Sound And Everything Always Captures My Heart.

I Love It The Most When The Sad Songs Are Played Using The VIOLIN.

Haha, I Know. I'm A Weirdo. I Just Somehow Like Sad Songs And Sad Stories Compared To Happy Songs And Happy Stories. xD

Don't Mind Me Here. Haha.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Real Life ~ Anime DVDs

Guess What?

*Drum Roll Please!*



*Audience Gasp*

The 4 Of The Anime Titles Are:

I'll Start With The Ones That I've Watched Before.

2nd~ S.A

PIANO FOREST Is A Movie. It Seems That It's Supposed To Be Touching.

I Wanted To Buy D.GRAY MAN But It's Kinda Expensive So I'll Leave It To Next Time.

The Total Price Is About RM85.

>.< I'll Have To Save MORE Money For Some Time If I Wanna Get The D.GRAY MAN DVD As Well.

I Hope That The 4 DVDs Can Occupy Me Well Enough. Haha.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Real Life ~ Chibi Vampire Pics 2


Real Life ~ Chibi Vampire Pics 1


Real Life ~ Vampire Knight Pics 4


Friday, October 9, 2009

Real Life ~ Vampire Knight Pics 3


Real Life ~ Vampire Knight Pics 2


Real Life ~ Vampire Knight Pics 1


Real Life ~ Diets

Next Week, I Am Gonna Go On A Serious Diet!

1. NO Food From 8PM
2. NO Junk Food
3. NO Cold Drinks, Just WATER
4. EXERCISE When Possible (Total Torture To Pay Back)

That's What I Planned But Of Course I Get Stubborn At Times And Just Break A Few Tiny Rules. =x Heheh...

In Reality, I Once Got Really Serious And Would Avoid Eating ANYTHING.

If It Weren't For Mom And Dad, I Would've Skipped EVERY Meal of The Day And That I Would Have 100% been Anorexic And Bulimic.

It Just Wasn't Thin Enough To Me Even Though Everyone Said I'm Too Thin And should GAIN Weight Instead of LOSING Them.

I Don't Believe Them... (Sorry, No offense) I Just Thought That They're All Being Kind And Considerate...

But One Final Day, I Stopped Being Desperate And Gave In.

They Still Said I Was Thin But I Dunno Whatta Believe ANYMORE...

I Somehow Now Think of Going Near Anorexic And Bulimic Again With A 1 Week Trial.

Shh, Don't Let My Parents Know!