Saturday, May 1, 2010

Real Life ~ Lame But Satisfied

Woke up at 8AM. Lolz. Just because I slept earlier, I woke up about 8 hours and 45 minutes after that. Wait a minute, I am going to copy the Titanic lyrics instead of memorizing the notes because I still use ear to recognize the note.

OK, maybe the first lyrics I chose was like as if it was cut off halfway... Even so, at least I only found one mistake but found a sentence somewhat weird. xD

I suppose I can remember the lyrics as I play the song too because I will need to know the notes. This way of playing instrumental may not be advisable but I guess it's better than boring oneself to death by getting the notes right. Lolz.

Anyways, I will get straight to what I did for shopping because I do not feel like typing a lot today even though I spent the whole day thinking up paragraphs of what to write in blog but as usual, I forget the minute I switched on the computer.

Hey, I just found a new video to get the lyrics and I did not miss much. Just the end part of instrumental which I cannot seem to catch the note. =/

I waited so long in Mid Valley to see the music shops - place where I bought Autumn and also other place where they are into guitar and piano.

I saw new violins displayed and the digital piano that was once cheap and displayed there was replaced by a new white one that's about 3k plus dollars. =x Where am I gonna find that kind of money?

I entered Yamaha to play the digital piano. I am so glad to finally play it. 88 keys and also sometimes I can hear myself. Back at where I tried playing (where I got Autumn), the piano was not switched on and someone played loudly already. Yamaha was same but there were more piano and I chose a farther one to play. I had to switch it on and put it near full volume! =/ But I played a few songs, not completed, most of them. xD

Alright, bye.

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