Monday, May 3, 2010

Real Life ~ With Love & Determination

Today, my delayed violin practice is played with love and determination. Yes, it's the eye-rolling dreaded boring word now common to you : VIOLIN. And I am gonna say it again. Violin. V-I-O-L-I-N. Lolz.

I could not play at the usual evening time because of homework again. I suppose I don't even like playing at that time anymore. Know why? Mom would start being pissed and annoyed. She will think I rushed homework (which I was but am trying hard not to do so) and abandoned studies (which I wish to but can't). Everything that goes wrong would be blamed on me and nothing good will become of it. This is why after all the homework crap and tuition shit, I have more right to play the violin. >.>

Stupid exam. Stupid mid-term exams. I heard it lasted 6 days. OK. I will deal with those 6 horrible days. I do not think I can play peacefully by then though. I know I would be all panic and guilty 24/7. I would most definitely start being snappy and moody. It is always the same for all exams. I start freaking out and start doing regrettable things. Stupid Big exam as well. xD Heck, since I am cursing everything, I might as well finish the whole list. This is not even half of it!

Whatever. School was OK I guess. No one pissed me off I think. Yeah, no one so far. Just the homework and the teachers. Lolz. Moving on, (yes, I know you hate complains but do not comment about it either) I really have nothing much to say except the violin lesson. I forgotten everything else excluding violin that I wanna talk about. xD Getting forgetful. T.T

I just practised for one hour. I did mainly with determination. It was love at first but then I became more and more serious that determination took over. You can picture this girl sweating like crap and with eyes telling you not to kid around. The eyes were probably in flames! xD

Tomorrow is photo shoot day for every class. Too bad can't get to miss Chinese class. Will be missing PE which means my excitement for today is a waste. I was looking forward to gymnastic secretly. I remember always wanting to join the gymnastics in primary school! T.T I failed one part of the exercise though because I didn't feel like doing more at that part as I just didn't feel like it. This was way back at the age of 7 or 8. There were these tests to choose people who are suitable for it. I liked both karate and gymnastic! xD Wanted to be both girly and tough. Lolz.

Guess I am still both girlish and in a way and at the same time also tom-boyish. xD

Alright. Bye. Tired and just wanted to rest after that 1 hour violin practice filled with nothing but repeating and screeching.

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