Sunday, May 9, 2010

Dreams ~ Piano Dreams Collection

From now on, the posts with the word "Piano" after "Dreams~" will be something I really dreamed of. I will start with the earliest dream that I can remember. They are pathetic but it's the truth. I do not really remember them all and what exactly happen but I will make it as real as possible.


In a crowded place... It must have been a shopping centre. A VERY big shopping centre. But this shopping centre has a BIG music shop selling mainly pianos and digital pianos. There were only a few guitars on sale.

What was more surprising was that my mother side uncle owned the shop. I know he loves pianos and pianists. I guess that must be why he is willing to own a music shop. I could not recall the name of the shop but the whole place is definitely the biggest shop I've seen in my entire life.

Every time my uncle talked to my mom somewhere further, out of my sight, I would play on a special digital piano that somehow caught my attention. At times when they come back, mom and I would look at the casing with all the stuff for musical instruments. Boxes of various stuff and various sizes. Mom and I would spend lots of time pointing at every thing in the casing, fascinated with the things needed for every instrument.

One day, I sensed something wrong. I rushed past all the shops, everything a blur, just lights and flashes of people's faces as I ran past them. Just when I stopped by the music shop, the whole shop was dark and gloomy. I went in after hesitating slightly a little, my heart thumped at the speed of lightning as each second pass by.

The inside was really dark, the only light was from the outside, where a guitar lay leaning against the beige coloured wall.

It was sunny outside but the inside was really the opposite. I went to every digital pianos after looking at my favorite digital piano but found the same sign on each and everyone one of them.

The sign told us to pay a fine if we were ever caught playing the piano. My heart broke as every piano showed the same sign. My uncle was nowhere to be seen. My mom was not there but I could picture her telling me not to touch any of them.



Finally, after so long, mom agreed to buy me a piano. 88 keys! Can you believe it? After all those seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks & months of despair and pure desperation, I can finally get my own piano where I can pour all my feelings out onto it. I can finally not look so stupid playing seriously on a little keyboard!

We went to this warehouse sales selling only acoustic pianos.

I found this wacky one with EXTREMELY NARROW keys! I tried playing a fast song and got a mistake only after a few notes. The piano was maroon in colour. After leaving the piano to look at millions of others, mom was like, "Eh? Why don't you play more? I thought you liked it? I already bought it." I was like, "What?! You bought it?! I was only playing around, I do not like it that much..." "Huh?! But then you looked like you were having fun!"

I frowned. I wanted a piano badly but I did not want to simply choose any old piano.

"OK, how about we go to another shop?" Mom suggested.

"Alright." I smiled, immediately feeling cheered up.

We went to this music shop I dreamed of the other night. It was big from what I last dreamed of and there was a special room selling mainly pianos only. I told mom about the room and pointed it to her. The guy behind the counter asked us what we wanted and I could finally proudly say that I am looking for a piano.

We went to this special room and I saw how small the shops was. Only a piano and a guy sitting on a black massage chair, making me wonder what's it doing there.

I went to play the piano but it was not satisfying enough. Again, the piano was weird in shape and not nice to play on.

Mom told me she bought it already and that she could still cancel the one she bought from the warehouse sales. My jaw dropped to the depths of hell. "WHAT?! AGAIN?! But I do not like this one!"

"Huh?!" Mom's face screwed up from frustration.

That was when we heard piano playing. A very fast one. It was my friend playing. She's the one who was supposed to be my temporary pianist for the Teacher's Day performance. Mom was surprised from her piano playing and it was a keyboard, an old one. It was pretty spoiled and true enough when I played it. I was disappointed and that was how the dream end when I woke up.



It was an amazing place. A totally gigantic place you will never believe your eyes. Before entering, you have to think twice. In fact, scrap that, it's an insult to think twice. You should be thinking more than twice, try years of thinking.

The place has gotta be bigger than the Opera House from 'Phantom of The Opera'! There were cellos, double basses, pianos, violins... Everything you can think of. I went to this corner of a dark room with no lights on but only from the crack of the door. My friend who sits beside me in school was with me. We were scared and creeped out. The old clock chimed in the room. A doll with an eye gone was displayed on the shelf high up.

There were only 2 digital pianos near one another. I tried playing one. Yikes, it sounded like the organ piano. As creepy as the room itself but when I found a window, I saw a big double bass outside behind a window. That was when something hit me, a pang of familiarity?



I have no idea how things happen with me ending up there but I was suddenly in a hall filled with digital pianos of all sorts. I saw a special piano with weird black keys.

As I went out of the hall, there were many people outside. Some parents were there and they all seem to be talking to their children about music and asking them to do well in the music exams. They told their children to study well too. It was then that I realized where I was.

I was in a music academy. I was supposed to learn music. Live in the world of music and die playing music. My life was supposed to revolve around the millions of songs, millions of musical notes, millions of music theories...

What made me wonder the whole time was how I even ended up there when I know my parents won't let me go there.



Buying a house... I never thought that we would be getting a new house. After all, the current house is still pretty new even after 5 years.

The owners of the house were only a daughter and her mother. The daughter's about my age.

I saw 2 pianos. One acoustic and one digital. I did not want to play too loud so I chose the digital one.

Before I could really play any notes, the owners were about to enter the house.

I ran upstairs to mom and dad. They were looking at the bathroom. I pretended to look too, feeling my heart jump about like crazy. I was fidgety and the owners eyed me suspiciously.

We all went down together and I could not play the piano in front of them. I kept looking at the pianos, feeling a beat of disappointment...


Well, that's about it for now. =P I might have dreamed more in the past but I certainly can't remember more.

I hope you enjoy them even if they are pathetic.

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