Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Real Life ~ After A Storm

After a storm, what do you usually see? Is it a rainbow? Is it another big storm coming?

Life's unpredictable like that.

Yesterday's over. It was fun for the outing. =D

Was surprised, actually. Didn't think it would turn out this good even if it was a really lame place but it's convenient and near for us all, you know (considering the distance of my house to theirs)?

Met up with my friend. I waited for her at the place we were supposed to meet up at. She was there at 11AM! We were meant to meet up at 12:30PM. Jeez. you will only find her early for unusual events like first day of school, Teacher's Day, outing with friends and so on. Other days, she comes as late as she wants. xD

We went to the top floor or something to buy the movie tickets. We only bought 3 tickets. Each person is 7 dollars. Later, our other friend will be coming to meet up with us at another place at a later time to get the tickets and watch together. I was not sure if the other friend would come since he was freaking fickle-minded.

My friend and I had lunch at Sushi King. I just ate Oyako-Don. It was what my mom usually eats but I, who's a fan of anime and manga, still have much more to know of Japanese delicacies. xD I don't really know what other food have and how they taste like. I only know Sushi. I'm pretty picky when it comes to Sushi so you can't expect me to eat every Sushi thrown at me. =P

My friend seemed to be enjoying her life there. She not only ordered Curry Udon (something like that) but also ordered 2 Sushi that cost 2 dollars for both of them. The sushi I liked cost 3 dollars for both. I was worried that I would spend too much money so I decided to resist. Besides, I didn't really have that much of a mood to eat.

We ate and all this while, I kept checking my phone to see if it is 1:30PM yet. We promised to meet up with our other friend at that time. My friend told me to let him be there because he deserved it. Lol. That was so mean. xD So I set an alarm to remind me of the time. Luckily, by the time we finished our lunch, it was 1:30PM. I actually ate everything! Lol. This outing was more worth it than the one I had last year with different friends(still among the bench groupies). The outing last year, well, I didn't eat much because the food I see in the menu weren't my favorite. They all had meat that I don't like. It was the same for Sushi King but since I've eaten there before, yesterday being my 3rd time or something, I guess the food can't be that bad.

The chicken in the Oyako-Don was surprisingly OK. You see, I don't really like meat. I only like them in patty form (not a healthy thing to like but who cares). I also am OK with steak though I suck at cutting meat with fork and knife. I always hold both utensils in the wrong hand. xD Lol. See, this is what you get for not eating that much meat. Still, I am no vegetarian. I used to wanna be one but let's let this subject slide and get back to the topic.

My friend and I waited there at 1:30PM for quite awhile. It was only then that I heard a familiar voice. There he was, with his friend. I then wondered what to do about the other friend's ticket since we weren't sure whether he would come along with us.

Hmm, I do not know how to address both of them in this post here... Like I said, I will not use names here so surely you get how tricky it is now to mention them. xD

Alright, the guy with the familiar voice will be called "J". The other guy without the ticket will be called "G". The nicknames picked have nothing to do with them.

J ordered food from the restaurant we waited for him at. He shared his food with G. xD Lol, I cannot help but smile at the previous sentence! Hahahahahaha! Don't make me say it.... it's....it's..... never mind. =]

G suddenly said, "Bye!" and left us 3 going, "Huh?!" G went off and if I've not mistaken, he was on his phone. Usually, when G leaves a place or something and needed transport, he would whip his phone out. Oh well, there goes G. It seemed like he came only to eat and chat with us. xD He wasn't sure he liked the movie we planned to watch. Well, more like my friend only planned it. There are not many choices of movies to watch yesterday. Maybe because it's a Monday?

My friend cruelly rushed J to eat and drink quickly. She really wanted to be 30 minutes and above early for the movie, I suppose. Lol. Ever ready, that friend of mine, a trait you can only half admire. xD Haha.

J had no choice but to down his Coke really fast. What a pity, he could not even finish all his fries.

After that, my friend led the way. J and I just followed behind her. My friend made twists and turns, leading us in the end, like last year, in the arcade. I never likes arcades. Smoky and juvenile cases always happen there. I feel guilty by just setting foot in there. I did not buy any tokens. My friend and J both bought tokens.

First, we played the drum game. The both of them versus one another. xD My friend lost twice to J surprisingly. I, watching by my friend's side, felt like an over-protective mom who's watching over her kids. Lol. You should have seen me. I held my friend's bottle for her and laughed as I watched them play. xD At least it's not a feeling of being left out like last year though. Last year, we went with the violinist friend and her sister. At that time, I was not that close to them. They brought their so-called bodyguard along.

The songs my friend chose for the game was not that bad though all words were in Japanese and neither of us could fully understand them! xD In the end, J said that his hands hurt from playing the game. I ended up filling in for him. My friend VS me. xD

Guess what? My first try and I won that one round. It was not what I expected. o.0 Gotta admit, my hands hurt with just that 1 round. I salute to thee, J, because you survived both rounds whereas I could have keeled over before the 2nd round really started. Maybe that's why my both arms are aching now though my violin practice this morning was pretty scary. xD

Oh yeah, before my friend and I have our lunch, we went into the music store to ask whether there's any violin practice mute. Guess they don't have. Oh well, I really wanted to know the price. =/

Moving on, we only saw G when we went out of the arcade and near the cinema. Lol! he did buy the ticket. We could have waited for him if only he told us earlier. xD Poor soul, what did he do when we were walking around aimlessly before being in the arcade and after the arcade? xD Must have been bored for him since he was alone. It's pretty dangerous too since he's not an adult yet.

In the cinema, my friend bought a cup of corn and a drink to watch the movie. The rest of us bought nothing more. J actually sat beside my friend, who was in between J and I with G being behind my friend. G put his both feet up, which were directly behind my friend's head. LOL! My friend was pissed. Haha. When I pointed out to my friend how dirty the seats were, she switched places with J. I only told J about the dirtiness when he sat down. His face was like, "Damn!" xD

The movie we watched was "The Other Guys". Not bad and it's a comedy, so it's funny.

For the 1 hour and 47 minutes, we laughed quite a lot. I think our group laughed and talked the most and loudest in the cinema. The cinema was pretty empty. I thought we were the only people in it until I looked behind us. xD

Everything went smoothly. My phone had only 1 bar left when I arrived at the mall this afternoon. I was worried that I would have not enough to phone mom so that she could fetch me back.

Not to worry, the phone rang just when the movie ended. I had to half shout as we went out of the cinema.

Urgh, I don't feel well...

Anyways, went back and bought dinner before going back home.

I practised violin right after dinner. Autumn, as usual, was by my side during the practice since she IS totally involved in the practice. xD

The practice seemed short but the ache in my both arms told me that it's close to 2 hours of practice or less. It is also possible that I've done too much to nail that last hard song. I'm still stuck at the front but believe me, I've been worried about not being able to nail that song in time. Thank goodness I've nailed the other hard song already, which took me about 1 week or less. I still can't exactly be in sync with the recorder (I recorded the songs using the recorder) but at least I don't lag behind and wish that I could play as well as the guy.

Now I only feel that way about the next hard song. I kept reminding myself that it's OK if I couldn't nail it in time because my teacher will most likely make me repeat the same songs to practise for the next week again. Maybe pass a few of the exercises and La Cumparsita. Oh yeah, La Cumparsita has only 2 times of pizzicato. The actual song is mainly bowing, like any other songs.

OK, gonna go now and read a bit of manga before logging into Maple.

Have fun and take care~!^^

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