Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Real Life ~ Lying Ears

My ears lied to me. They confused me. xD I printed a score from someone. It was his first time and there were a few mistakes. I saved him the embarrassment by sending him a private message rather than point it out in a comment. I would also prefer a private message if it were to be me. Dx

After a few days, he finally replied that message. Only this morning that I finally received it. I was glad he didn't seem mad. He asked whether I could tell him where the mistakes were. It was morning and I was uploading videos. After uploading, I would feel threatened and panicky because I haven't practised so it would be the worst time to thoroughly run through the whole score and let him know the mistakes. I did some corrections before but they weren't complete. Now that he asked for them, I must not let him down any further. One thing though, I suck at counting so I would not know if there were anything wrong with the slurs and crochets. I envy him. So brave enough to transcribe. He could count. From hearing his video on how the song went according to his score, the length of each notes sounded accurate.

At night, with the air-conditioner, I usually dare not take Autumn out because I would not always practise under an air-conditioner. Thus, the difference in temperature can affect the tuning of the violin. Just before putting Autumn back into the violin bag, I did pizzicato on all strings to check. The 4th string is definitely out but I do not wanna make anymore noise since my mom was watching the TV at that time. To be precise, I took Autumn out twice to check whether the correction was totally correct. Man, I was already in a pissy mood before I switched the computer on to reply his message. Because of my confusing ears, they made me even more stressed out from correcting the sheet music. At least the violin helped me a whole lot more. I used virtual piano before taking my violin out. It obviously didn't sound like violin to me so it was hard to tell whether it was correct or not.

In the end, I've checked through and found a tricky ending the song had. The notes all sounded alike so of course our ears will make us confused. Not unless you're a professional musician. Your ears will have been very well-trained already. So well-trained that you can hear the slightest mistake even if the place was freaking noisy. That's what conductors in orchestras do. They must be able to know how to play almost every instrument in the first place. After that, they should know when to be slow, fast, loud or soft. Maybe add a little tremolo? Maybe make the violin III become louder? See, their job ain't that easy. They gotta be able to lead the whole orchestra.

Oops, sidetracked again. Damn it.

So anyways, I uploaded 5 videos this morning. Here are the links:

I hope I didn't repeat any links. Dx Could have uploaded the whole of Suzuki Violin Method Book 1 but my strict side tugged really hard at me and told me to practise seriously.

So... I got no choice but to practise. Guess what? It was pretty worth it. From just being able to play half of the first page, I could play up the the half of the second page. Still, I need to play faster and to memorize all the notes because the speed required for playing is faster than I can to read all notes while playing. @.@ It could possibly drive me nuts if I'd not split the song up into sections to practise day by day. The only bad point here is that I will only be able to play the front part the best. Haha. xD

If it were to be like how I usually practise or learn a song, it would be playing the whole song over and over. I could never stand repeating the same thing endlessly because I do not want to bore the people who just so happen have no choice but to listen to me because they live under the same roof as I do. It would most likely drive them up the wall too if I am not careful. xD That way, it's not gonna make them like violins. They're gonna have a phobia of violins! =o

As the grade gets higher, the songs get longer. =/ This I already knew and should be prepared for the worst but when the song does come, it always hits me hard, right IN the face. This song I reserved for learning last is something that will make me have my jaw dropped when I hear my teacher played. He had no chance to play it for me yet but he probably will for this week's lesson. Long time no see him. I have many things to ask him about violins. Problem is, I forgotten. Lol. As I thought, I should have written questions down but it would seem really weird because I don't think the other students bother about violins this much. Everything about violins just seem like natural, like nothing to them. After all, it's not like everyone wants to learn violin on their own will.

As for the pissy mood I was in earlier, it was because of reluctance. Maybe not to the extent of wanting to stomp my feet this time but I am dreading it really much. Gotta admit, I HATE socializing. I HATE having to smile just so that people don't run away from me. 2 hours. My gosh. That BM tuition's longer now since the things we gotta go through is effing harder. It's just extra 30 minutes. After the big exam, life's no bed of roses either. We now have extra 30 minutes. Wow. I bet we should be getting at least 3 hours of lesson in order to really get used to everything we gotta go through next year. Another war. Just that this war doesn't involve weapons. Our 'weapons' are only brains and stationery.

Oh forget it... It's not like I can avoid this tuition now that I asked for it. Screw it. If only I can have an online tuition from the teacher or a private one where I don't need to see other students' faces. Yep, I seem like I have no life. I speak more online than real life. I come up with witty things to say online than offline. I am even more honest online than offline. Yeah... What a "Great" person I must be.

Again, forget what I said. Lol. That way, you'll end up forgetting my existence. Haha.

Alright, will update to let you know more next time. Gonna read manga! =D

Take care and have fun~!^^

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