Friday, November 19, 2010

Real Life ~ Missed

I miss a bit of my old self. The one who could make people laugh more. Could it be that I am becoming more and more sarcastic and serious than actually cracking a good joke? Or maybe I became somewhat too paranoid to actually talk? Hey, maybe this is why adults usually talk less. They find less things to talk about and they find it really bothering to keep on answering. Some of the adults I know of just doesn't find chatting online fun at all. =/

Today, I could not practise in the morning as I have to go out for lunch later with my grandma. I thought I could sleep in later but guess what? I end up waking up at 9AM instead of 10AM! I woke up 30 minutes earlier than my normal time to wake up for practice! What the hell?

Who would have thought I would become sickly when I was perfectly fine in the morning? It was while waiting for mom to be done with bath that I felt sick. Ignoring it and then sitting in the car, I began to have my nose flooded. =[ How annoying, having to keep on taking tissues. I could barely count how many I used on the way to grandma's house. @.@ At lunch, it worsened because of the terrible heat. Yes, I am allergic to heat. This "cold" (which isn't a cold) has and on and off switch. My mom eventually told me it was allergy, instead of hives, I sneezed uncontrollably. Grrr... BOTH are just as bad! xD Lunch was hell.

When I finally told mom of how the other students of my age already got their textbooks for compulsory subjects, my mom took me to the school to see if I could still get them. I went there hoping not all teachers already went for break time or praying. Unfortunately, the office was closed and only one teacher was inside the office. Guess what? She was the one in charge of giving out books! She told me the details as to when I can get the books.

Right, that's settled. Went back to grandma's house and stayed for a moment for a "chat". More like adults' discussion for mom, grandma and the rest of the ones above the age of 30. xD It was hours before I can finally head back home, feeling equally sickly. T.T In fact, I returned feeling so dirty and oily that I ended up looking uglier (seriously). Argh... Just when I thought I regained confidence, they shatter even when I do not go to school now. Oh wait, I DID go to school. Wearing house clothes, at least. But under the effing hot Sun. yes, I am the enemy of the Sun. I do not need anymore heat, thank you very much. And I do not need to get any blacker.

Anyways, moving on, I played various games with my lil cousin bro. It's not like I really like the games but they're better than many other stuff. Compared to moving on to next year's work, I'd rather stay playing with him under certain circumstances. We watched TV while he slowly ate lunch. At the same time, he tried so hard putting the box over my head, making me have a box-head. Hey, now come to think of it, I'd RATHER have box-head then showing my hideous face. No, really! I wanted paper-bag head or maybe a mask like Erik from Phantom of The Opera! I do not need to care what expressions I show or how I look. xD TV showed "Brother Bear". After that, they flicked the channel to watched 'Spongebob Squarepants". When my lik cousin bro finally finished his lunch, he made an origami bird. Y'know, the ones they make 1000 for so that a person can be safe from a near-death experience or something. Then, we made paper airplanes AGAIN. xD I suck at making paper airplanes, seriously. I can't make them fly. After many times of folding, the paper was as good as garbage (recyclable item). xD In the end, he made it for me. Lol, the plane couldn't fly so well since mine was all crinkly. Haha. What I dreaded more was when we had to launch the paper airplanes. Not just that, he always wants to play them outside, which means... SUNLIGHT AND HEAT! Noooooooo! So in the end, I say that I really hate the Sun and then we threw from the window instead, trying to get it to the neighbor's house for a revenge. Well, sweet sweet revenge. They're not that nice anyways. They bully lil cousin bro's family dog. =[ It's worse. At least let a paper airplane annoy them, right? Anyways, I never bothered aiming at their house that much. In reality, my throwing sucked. I had no space to throw the paper airplane either, thanks to the railings. Oh wait, that wasn't a window. Oh well. xD The first round we failed but he threw it further. Then, he had a big idea, by making a bigger airplane, we have a better chance of getting it there. We spent ages making (He had to make for me again. Lol.) and decorating. His was Duck Force. He likes ducks. Dunno why of all animals that one. xD I just chose Violin Dreams. I do not know how to decorate this time. Not that it matters, this one. I simply did squiggly lines and on the other side, I made a funnier and retarded drawing. My cousin laughed at the retarded drawing of SpongeBob Squarepants. He kept singing a song, repeating "Timmy's here!". No idea where he got that song. Lol. So, I drew a window and a stickman next to it saying "Timmy's here!" Worse, I drew a retarded hamburger (also known as krabby patty, according to my lil cousin bro). Then, I also drew french fries. The doors and windows all look equally retarded. xD Haha. They were so small, my cousin told me. He said that no one's gonna be able to see the outside.

"Do you want your passengers to look outside as they crash?"
"But they need windows to see!"
"Then, you want them to look outside at where their lives are gonna end? (laughs) That's morbid! (more laughing)"

Same goes for the doors.

"Why are there no doors? How do they get in?"
"They shouldn't be getting inside."
"But then they have to!"
"And then later they die in a continuous air crash? (laughs)"

Also same for the big windscreen for pilots. xD

"How can the pilots see?!"
*I drew one side of windscreen*
"Then what about the other pilot?!"
"They can share one windscreen."
"But then he can't see!"
"Then... That's too bad! ;)"

As for the hamburger and french fries I drew...

"(Lots of laughing) Why is that hamburger and french fries for?! (more laughing)"
" This plane carries a LOT of them. =D"
"(Laughing) But this plane is NOT a restaurant!"
"Let passengers enjoy the food before their fated death! xD"
"Just let them enjoy something before dying."

And so on... Haha.

Back at home, I rushed to get clean and ready for practice. Oh yeah, my lil cousin bro's Garde 3 in piano. And he started this year. =D He did tons better than me when I was playing piano as a kid and it seems like he has a talent for it. =o I wish I was told that as well. Oh well, how sad. Though it might be the way of making me do better. Mom told them I am Grade 4 but actually, I am Grade 5! Just not gonna be serious about Grade 5 as long as I am still performing for that year-end concert. Hmph... I gotta sacrifice something, huh? I really wanted to get to Grade 5 officially though... It was my goal ever since I'd been Grade 3. At least the fees hasn't raised yet since will not be focusing on Grade 5 just yet. I suppose I will still bring the Eta Cohen Book 3 even though he says we will not be needing it now as we're working on exam pieces.

After dinner, which was after practice, I played Maple. Met a nice new friend from the guild. I thought that for once, I have someone to chat with every time I log in but... after how I was laughed at for getting hacked, my happiness slowly slip-sided... Still, there's gonna be more people greeting me when I am online. =D After awhile, we got less things to talk about. Then I thought to myself, is that it? Am I going to just be able to chat once only? Like that other time? That would be pititful, wouldn't it? After all, I am no longer someone you can seem to easily get close to even when I am sure we can relate a lot. *sad smile* It's the smile I am lacking of and the good humor that long left me since that day of hacking and probably other issues (tissues! Jk).

Hey, gotta sleep earlier. Can't look uglier. Gonna move back to my own room. I think sleeping on the floor makes me uncomfortable. Well, it IS uncomfortable. xD Lol. I can't read as and when I like, play or sing.

30 minutes left until I go off. Should make up for the sleep I have been lacking. Have been having a bit of sleeping problems. Dreams show what we're going through, it seems. Just not all of them and not to everyone. Mine kept making me startle and feel intense fear. Oh yeah! I dreamed that I had to get the text books! I had been hiding the fact that others got theirs already from my parents because I do not want any accusations hurled. After all, this is the last week of school. xD Hehe, guess my guilt make me tell the truth and get things solved in the end. Phew.

Gonna leave then. Have fun and Take care~!^^ Do that for me, alright? It's painful to hear people suffer, so please do that for me. =]


  1. Enjoy your outing and cherish the moments.
    Same thing might not happen in the future for you to enjoy.

  2. Wow... Sounds so dark. xD But I suppose it makes sense.

  3. " Wow... Sounds so dark."

    It is not meant to be dark. 8-)
    It is meant to say live your life moment by moment. Same moment of your life during that moment (like playing paper airplane with your cousin) might not happen again in the same setting.

  4. Still dunno how to make paper airplanes. xD
