Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Real Life ~ Unbelievable Miracle

An Unbelievable Miracle Just Happened- And I Have No Idea How On Earth Did That Happened To Me.

It All Started With A Normal Morning And A Normal Afternoon. I Done My Homework After Taking A Bath As Usual.

Nothing Was Extraordinary That I Know Of, Nothing Unusual, Nothing Out Of Place, Nothing Wrong.

See? How Normal And Dull Was That? xD

At About 4PM+, I Just Done The Maths Homework And Suddenly... A HUGE Explosion Was Heard! It Turned Out To Be My Tuition Center And That Meant That I Didn't Need To Go There Anymore. I Cheered.


I Was Joking. Seriously, I Might Consider Wishing That Happened Though. Muahahahahaha!

Actually, What I Meant To Say Was That Suddenly, The Phone Rang.

I Thought It Was Going To Be One Of My Friends Calling To Remind Me About The Outing Plan This Saturday. These Days, She (The Friend) Had Been Posting On My Profiles Reminding Me About The Outing And Also Counting Down The Days. >.<

Surprisingly, The Phone Call Came From Dad. He Phoned Using The Mobile Phone. I Didn't Expect Him To Call At All. He Usually Phoned Mom Via Her Mobile Phone.

Here's The Whole Conversation:
Me: Hi.
Dad: Hi, Is This Natsumi Yuuta?
Me: Er... No, This Is Evangeline Stewards.
Dad: Haha. You Changed Your Name Again, Eh?
Me: Heh, Yeah I Did. Lolz.
(I Was About To Hand The Phone Over To Mom When Dad Cut In)
Dad: So... Do You Still Want To Play The Violin?
(That Question Totally Caught Me Off Guard)
Me: Yeah... Of Course.
Dad: Tell Me The Reason Why You're Into Violin.
Me: Oh, I Just Love The Sound That It Makes.
Dad: Really? So What Made You Wanna Learn To Play It?
Me: It's Just That I Love Sad Songs And It Interested Me, The Sound It's Able To Make.
Dad: So... What Sort Of Support Do You Need, I Mean, The Support You Need From Me In Order To Play The Violin?
Me: Support...? Er... I Dunno...?
(I Perfectly Knew The Answer But I Dare Not Dream Of It!)
Dad: You Dunno?! So You Don't Need My Support Then?! So... What Is The Support?
Me: Really, I Dunno...!
Dad: Let's Say... If I Were To Enroll You Into A Violin School, Would You Stay On?
(WHAT Did He Just Say?! O.O)
Me: Yeah, I Guess I Will. =]
Dad: Then... Would You Keep Your Promise Of Not Giving It Up?
Me: Yes, I'll Try Not To Run Away And Give It Up.
(I Knew He Was Thinking Of The Stuff I Used To Be Interested In And Ended Up Giving Up)
Dad: Really?
Me: Yeah, About The Piano, I Was Forced To Play It And I Didn't Appreciate Music At That Time. Now, This Is The Interest That I Chose.
Dad: How Does It Feel Now That You Have That Support?
Me: Just... WOW. Am I Dreaming? (Near Tears)
Dad: Pinch Yourself And See.
(I Pinched But Neither Way Hurt Lolz)
Me: Y'Know What? Pinching Never Hurts. xD
Dad: So You Really Won't Give Up Halfway?
Me: Yes.
Dad: OK Then, I'll Bring You To The Music Workshop Later In The Evening. Be Ready. Cya Later!
Me: OK...!

This Entire Conversation Is Definitely A Dream! An Illusion! It Can't Be True!

How On Earth And Why Of All People Is It My Dad? This Question Is Still Soaring Around And Around In My Mind.

I Know I Planned To Test My Interest Span In Violin By Making Myself Wait. I Had To Wait Until I Could Work For My Own Money And Afford One Then Afford A Violin Class.

But Now... What's Happening?

Mom Questioned Me Who Called Just Now. I Told Her It Was Dad And That He Would Bring Me Somewhere Else Later.

Mom: What About Dinner? I Am Cooking Now.
Me: I Dunno... He Just Said He Would Bring Me There In The Evening.
Mom: Where Is It? Why Are You So Excited?
Me: I Dunno...? (Grins)
Mom: Really, Tell Me. What Could That Be?
(Telling Mom Would Be As Good As What Happened In My Dream About The Violin From Previous Post. It Would Probably Get Mom And Dad Start Quarreling And I Will NOT Have That Happening)
Me: Nothing. Dunno.
Mom: Hmm, What COULD That Be...?
(I Thought Mom Got A Hint Already Since I'm Already Smiling Like That)
Me: OK, It's Violin.
(Short Pause)
(Slight Frown Detected!)
(Uh-Oh... What Now?)
Mom: Hey, But That Will Take Your Time And Your Interest Span Is Always Short.
Me: Mmm... (Looking Away. I Do NOT Like Where This Conversation Is Heading. It's Gonna Turn Out Like The Dream Before, Except This Is For Real. T.T)
Mom: You Better Not Give Up Halfway, I Tell You...!
Me: O....K...

Jeez, Her Words Always Discourage Me. This Is Why I Can NEVER Let Her Know Everything That Goes On In My Mind. My Dreams And Fears. My Stress And Pressure. My Troubles And Worries. EVERYTHING!

Unfortunately, I Always Give In And Inform Her In The End, Giving Her High Hopes.

See How Pathetic Am I.

I Waited And Waited. I Washed My Face And Got Dressed.

More Waiting...

He Finally Return But Shown No Sign Of What Happened During Phone Conversation.

No Expression. Nothing. Blank!

I Started Thinking That I've Gone Nuts And Tricked Myself Into Believing That Phone Conversation Happened.

Dad Acted As If Nothing Happened. He Went To Take A Bath And Even Until Dinner Was Served And Finished, He Still Never Spoke A Word To Me. Nothing At All.

I Began Shattering Slowly... Wanting To Kick Myself For Buying That Dream Was Real.

As I Was In The Bathroom, I Overheard Dad Telling Mom That The Music Shop "Yamaha" Will Close At 10PM And That He's Taking Me There. Mom Said She Was Going As Well.

Oh Well, I Don't Mind Her Going Along. Hope Nothing Goes Wrong.

Mom And Dad Got Dressed And Ready To Rock And Roll!

Lolz, Kidding.

We Went To The Music Shop After Finding A Parking Space For The Car.

Inside The Music Shop Near My House For The First Time, I Was Amazed At How Beautiful The Shop Was, What With All The Musical Instruments Everywhere. It Was As If I Entered An Unknown World. A Dream Land.

I Grinned Immediately At The Sight Of The Line Of Violins Hanging On The Wall Near The Drums.

Dad And Mom Asked About The Violin Lessons. I Just Sat Quietly, Not Knowing What To Do.

When It Came To Looking At The Violins, I Could Almost Glow.

Finally, I Held A Full Size Violin. I Tried Placing It But The Shoulder Hurt A Lot.

The Position Felt Awkward And Painful. I Tried On Another Smaller Violin But It Still Hurt.

The Shopkeeper Said That The Teacher Should Be Present To Advice And Determine My Violin Size.

I Was Starting To Worry That I'll Never Be Suited Well With Every Violins.

My Parents Told The Shopkeeper That They Would Think About It And We Went Grocery Shopping. After That, We Head On Home Straight Away.

They Talked About Music Teachers And My Old Piano Teacher...

Just The Talk About The Old Piano Teacher Just Gave Me The Chills. Ugh.

Mom Told Me This During Grocery Shopping...

Mom: So How Does It Feel Holding The Violin?
Me: Painful... Especially The Collarbone.
(That's When It Struck Me That You Shouldn't Put It ON Your Collarbone But The Flesh At Your Collarbone! How Could I Forget?! Guess I Was Nervous At That Time)
Mom: Piano's Just Sitting But Violin Is Standing. See How Troublesome It Is?

See? This Is Why I hate It When She Starts Discouraging And Swaying People's Hopes And Confidence Away, Especially For A Person Like Me With No Confidence Whatsoever...

Dad Assured Me That He Will Find A Teacher For Me, Smiling. Mom Smiled As Well Though There's Something Not Quite Right About It...

Still, I Wish I Stay Interested In It Til The Very End.

Hopefully There Will Be A Violin Suited Well For Me Without Costing Too Much Money.

Have Fun And Take Care, Everyone!^^

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