Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Real Life ~ Allergy, UGH!

ARGH! I Hate Allergies!

I'm Allergic To Dusts. I Will End Up Sneezing Non-Stop, Which Is TOTALLY Annoying.

I'm Allergic To Raw Eggs. The Last Time My Mom Dropped An Egg Onto The Floor, She Scooped It Back Up And Cooked It The Next Day For Me As Lunch. Guess What? It's Probably Food Poisoning Too. I Ended Up Getting Swollen All Over With Itchy Spots. Because They Were So Unbearably Itchy, I Couldn't Help But keep On Scratching, Which The End result Was Horrific. The Back of My Left Leg From Top To bottom Were Seriously Injured And Blood All Over. It Was Torturing When It Came To Bath Time. The Water Would Drip Onto The back Of My Left Leg. *Shivers Back At The Memory* I Couldn't Have proper Meals Because I End Up Vomiting Them back Out Again. I Had No Choice But To Eat only Bread And Drink Only Water. Of Course They Will Be Back out In no Time. =x

I'm Allergic To Spider Webs. Due To Genetic Reasons, My Skin is Very Sensitive. Just A Bit of Scratch, It gets All red. How Hateful. Lolz. I'm Currently Having This Allergy. From The Start of Exam until Now, It's Not Over Yet. The Itchy Spots Are Back. Grr, How I Am Tempted To Skin Myself Out. xD

So Far These Are What I Am Allergic To.

Everyone, Take Care!^^

Hope No One Fell Asleep While reading This. Lolz.

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