Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Real Life ~ YouTube Performance

Yo, I just "successfully" uploaded 2 songs today. Yay....?

This morning was pretty chilly (not chili =P) so my fingers were frozen stiff. Moving was hard, let alone practising the violin. Dx

This rare chilly weather is most welcomed despite what it had done to my fingers.

Don't ask me why... I really do not know why on Earth I chose this day to upload. It's not like I really felt like it or had the patience like that day's. xD

Bad idea. My head throbbed with frustration. My voice was hoarse after trying to upload the third video. =/ My stupid fingers made mistakes. Unbelievable mistakes. It was then when I decided not to push myself any further as I have yet to practise anything for real.

Hehe, I was too used to the piano accompaniment. =S I have played with the Windows Media Player for too long. It was a good idea though. Just not to play this way in a place where sound does not really travel. >=/ I definitely learned my lesson on that one more than once. Unfortunately, hopeful curiosity got the better of me, leaving me repeating it and getting overly upset in the end. Argh!

I'll just give you the links first.


There you go. Hope you enjoy. NO harsh criticism please.

Crap, I mapled until I gotta go.

Take care and have fun~! =D

Monday, November 29, 2010

Real Life ~ Music-ked Out

Can't get music out of my mind. Can't get my violin out of my mind. Can't get musical notes out of my mind.

Gah, I cannot get music out of my mind. =D

It's nothing bad, really. I still do my homework. Tomorrow, I will probably just rest if the weather's good and then only do more English the day after tomorrow.

Wanna know what am I doing now?

Well, maybe not all of you want to know. xD Lol.

Actually, I am just snagging pictures of La Corda D'oro Primo Passo and maybe Secondo Passo as well.

The anime rocks though sometimes the [bishounen and bishoujo (Bishies)] just shine too much that it stings my eyes. xD Lol. Better get the eye-drop when you watch the anime. They're in manga too and from the last time I saw, it was ongoing. Not sure about now though. To be truthful, it's pretty painful seeing all those pictures. Not because of the bishies this time. Lol. I drool but not literally. It was painful only because I still find certain episodes really painful to watch.

Kahoko Hino (the female main character) was overdoing it in a performance. She wanted to make her violin sing louder, making it filled with expressions. Her violin has magic and so, it's not ALL her effort though it that does not matter to me. The painful part came and it happened on stage. 3 of her violin strings snapped at once. When the strings snapped, golden dusts appeared from where it snapped, making the scene glittery. If I've not mistaken, the strings snapped were her 4th, 3rd and 2nd (G, D & A). After that, she started not wanting to play the violin anymore. She kept thinking of how she didn't deserve to play the violin or even say that she loves her violin. These were the painfullest episodes to watch. My heart literally broke for her and the violin (I first watched this way before I became obsessed with the violin). Good news, she finally started playing. Hmm... I think it was also painful to watch at the part where she went to the little violin school for one of her teachers to teach violin with Len Tsukimori (I love this guy and his violin). Kazuki Hihara also came along. Things happened and she was depressed when she couldn't play a normal violin at all.


Well, it was hard to remember back those episodes clearly. Not because of my retarded memory but because it was depressing to remember. Nice anime though. Love it. The secondo passo's just OK to me but the new characters were absolute bishies. I just recalled one of the bishies' name, Aoi. xD He plays the viola, I remember. xD Haha. Don't just trust my poor memory, go and watch. =P

Oh no, I never thought I could rant on and on about one anime. xD Hehe~ *sinistwr snickering* Maybe I should rant on every great anime or manga I come across? >=]

Just kidding. Surely many other fans have done that long before my eyes catch sight of the manga and anime. ;P After all, I only started this at the age of 12. As a kid, it's not counted because I didn't know that they were even anime. xD

You know what? (Of course you don't =P)

I cannot remember why am I even blogging here. xD Still mapling. Have not lost patience yet. But here's something REALLY FUNNY AND STUPID. I got owned by my own stupidity you know? xD Here's what happened. I played characters using my hacked account and forgetting that the rest of the characters got hacked, they have no money at all to put things back into the storage box so that my other characters can take! LOL! They can receive but they cannot give. Hah! My friend laughed when I told her. A round of applause, everybody! Clap and laugh at my total stupidity. Bow, everyone. xD Lol.

Looks like I gotta find a way to get those things back. Haha.

It's almost my bed time. =/ Sorry cannot talk much. Am tired anyways. Today, I think I used too much brain juice to write just one stupid BM essay. Seriously, I referred to a GEOGRAPHY book to write it. By the time I finished the BM essay, it was too long and obviously exceeded the limited words I am supposed to write. Really want to redo it if I had the chance to but oh well, let us JUST BE. Sometimes, we gotta JUST BE. xD This advice is taken from the book "While My Sister Sleeps".

Thank the author for the advice (whether I used it correctly or not). xD

Take care and have fun, peeps! =P

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Real Life ~ Give & Take

Horoscopes did tell me that I will be having more of "give" than "take" today. I sometimes wonder if it meant that people are giving me a lot more shit or does it mean I give people a whole lot more shit. Then again, did it mean people give me the long end of the stick or I give others the long end of the stick, leaving the short end for myself?

Gotta postpone the violin practice today because... today, is THE DAY I get to... go for the best makeover that I've always dreamed of EVER! YAY! hand out the champagne, everyone! Kids get alcohol too! We're gonna die of hangover. =D


Lol. Nah, my reason was to get the text books for next year. My mom planned to leave later than the time we were supposed to be there. I was pretty worried for my friend as he wanted to be there at 9AM. I hoped that he got his books and survived the time in there though I am sure he's not much of an anti-social there. He's not really the one with these problems of getting on with people.

Instead, I felt sick again in the car. Anxiety attack got the best of me there in the car on the way to school. I was afraid of facing people there. I was terrified of seeing my classmates. To be frank, I was even afraid of seeing my own friends. That is, if they saw the message about getting the text books. Hmm, I probably would not mind staying in my shell for a long time. xD Oh well~

Parking was a bit of a problem because this was the time for the rest of the upper forms to have their big exams. =S My heart raced faster than lightning for them, as well as for myself. xD Haha. As I entered the school grounds, I saw no one at the promised place to get books. Hmph... I do know that we should be getting books from there. =/ Again, I sighed and could have broke a sweat when I saw mom's face. Uh-oh, things better end nicely or else my head will be teared off when I DON'T exactly deserve it. Grr...

I raced up that one flight of stairs (yes, those teachers get such special treatment as to just be able to walk one flight of stairs up to where they should be though I suppose they move much more than us students since we've been imprisoned in our own classrooms.) to where the office and teachers' room are.

I ran past the office, thinking the people there would not know much. Then, right into the entrance separating the room for afternoon session and morning session teachers. Of course I headed the morning session's. It's not like there's anyone around for the afternoon session's. xD

Spotted the first teacher and asked her of the teacher's (the one who promised me books and bright future) whereabouts. She said that the teacher should be in the place where I was promised to get books. Well... in my mind, I certainly remembered seeing the place locked up. =S

Thanks to that teacher anyways.

Met a few familiar faces (teachers)and even one school worker recognized me, though we've never introduced one another before. She asked why I was in school and of course I told her. Seeing her over and over again in school as I ran around finding people was comforting for me. She was the first one who gave a warm smile. In fact, like the only who gave me a nice smile for the day (the day's still young...?). As you know, I ran down to look at the place where books were mean to be given out. As I thought, all were locked. Knowing the last one was locked, I still clung tightly onto hope and went there. Guess what?! It was actually opened. Phew~

Actually, I lied. So scrap those last positive words. xD Haha. It was closed. Windows all shut and not even welcoming me anymore like it did when we students are forced to enter that place for the torturous lessons. Sigh. Not welcoming at the right moment? C'mon, man, make my day! I have absolutely no more hope left.

I was nagged at to get to the office first instead of the teachers' room. Ignoring those words that did not help at all, I ran past mom without a glance back at her. Oh, I am sure I would not wanna see her face at that moment anyway. Once again, she never fails to make me feel guilty for something. Eff! Actually, I REALLY wanna write those 4 letter words! T.T Do I really deserve those? Partly, I know but not EVERYHTING dumped on me! Boo hoo, I almost felt tears as I read back this paragraph. *pouts*

Moving on, I flew back up the stairs to the office. It took a LONG time. Long enough for me to notice something that at the back of my mind, I wanted to know. Well, there's my answer, though another question popped up after knowing it. Lol. Curiosity kills the cat! ;)

No one knew where she is and they had to serve my morning session head discipline teacher first. She was the lioness who banned us from playing the piano in the prefects' room, remember? Well, not a pretty memory. And this song now being played is making me feel bitter deep inside. Yikes. This song is "La Cumparista". xD Lol, yes, I am obsessed with that song again. I think I found another way of feeling that song. Got on to that later if I can remember (Though now I have no idea how now. xD)

After what seemed like a light-year, (Sorry, but this part is getting pretty tough for me to write. I am being quite emotional today, I think...?) the office dude got the teacher's phone number and called her. It seemed like she had an emergency and had to go to a place. That place, is the area I stay. Well, hell because just laugh at the irony. I came all the way from there and here to see her when she gets from here to there. Hah! I can freaking laugh my arse off, thank you very much. All this while, I kept it in. Of course I kept it in! What's the use of going semi-hysterical?

All that while, I also mentally apologized my friend for telling him to go to school to get books at a time she probably wouldn't be there because of that emergency. Too many things gone through my head at once. I also worry for my teacher because I was wondering if any of her family or closed ones was in a hospital or sick. Anything could happen.

It seems like I was meant to see the dentist and do scaling (I hope it's spelled this way) today after getting the books though this unexpected event crept up now.

Having to endure an earful in the car, I was driven to the place where the dentist should be. We had to go back at 11.30AM for she will have been back by then.

Mom could not pay for the parking ticket since the parking meter nearby would not work. You know, I do not exactly know WHY in hell would she be so angry for. There was another parking meter on the other side of the road. Only a bit of walking required but maybe it was wrong to get ticket from there if it's not in the same row of where your car is parked? Which was why mom refused so strongly to walk there? No, I don't think so. Mom was still fuming, her anger sipping through her and threatening to possess me if not another passerby. Yikes~

Okay, I was rude and disloyal, wasn't I? I said things that should not be said about my own mom. Sorry then. (I do not sound sorry because I am pretty upset writing these parts.) Honestly speaking, I think I do not care (Usually) who that person is. The problem with me now is that I'm being more and more frank. I say what's in my mind even if it seemed like I am betraying a closed one.

Anyways, she was worried that time is up and time to go for the text books when I was waiting or doing the scaling halfway. She asked if I should/wanted to. I gave a firm and louder than necessary "No."

Really, I do not need to have 2 anxiety attacks in one day. Can always split them up or never have them anymore right? I doubt the latter. Lol. Mom was a little bit surprised, her eyebrows slightly raised. Good. Sock it in, already!

Back in the car, mom droned on and on about what to do. Blamed people. She said she was not feeling well today and yet she drove all the way here to find this thing ending up like that. Well, "big news", because I just so happen felt effing sick as well. Let's celebrate our second FUNNY irony! *fakes bitter laughter*

Oh well, an adult feeling sick is probably more depressing than a child feeling sick. Is that it?

Oh well, an adult driving AND feeling sick, along with many other hidden worries is probably more depressing than a child having their own difficulties with life even when under the shelter of parents, sitting in a car worrying their puny little heads off. Is that it?

I understand it's hard for mom and dad and heck, EVERYONE. But, when do I get to be the one who is seen worth being depressed? Do I have to wait until things seem even MORE obviously painful for everyone to see?

Dammit! Emotional again. Thought too much. Hehe~

Driven to grandma's house. Was glad that mom can have someone she can actually trust her problems with, and that is, her mom. That house probably made her calm down. In fact, her mom's face probably calmed her down a million times more.

My lil cousin bro came down with noisy "machines". I was asked to shake one machine. It was something like an electronic pet. Ever heard of "Tamaguchi"? Well, something like that, anyways. After shaking it, I know from then on, I can do this the whole day without feeling too sore because of my beloved violin. =D After almost one year of violin, I did not increase the strength in the hands at all (instead, weaker) but what it did was make me immune to more pain than others can usually take. Thus, making me an easier person to take advantage of and also a weirder person who does not know when should a normal person feel tired. Yes, that's me. The weirdo. The stamina for my hands became better. Yay...? Hell, I take it as a big "Yay" with a capital "Y"! =P

Oops, how did that topic turn to violin? (Because I was thinking of it...?) [Oh yeah... I always am.]

Crap, now I even talk to myself online! Amazing! xD

Moving on, he totally removed all my current worries. Bless him. He even bothered thinking up things to talk about. Good at it too, though I always end up being sarcastic and teasing him, making him go, "Heeeeey!" Haha. Can actually laugh just remembering it.

I thought I would be returning school with only mom but it looks like I was wrong. Grandma came along. The more the merrier. Lol. Oh yeah, before I left the school gate earlier, I bumped into my girl classmate. She and I haven't been on good terms but I am long over the issue already anyway~ She asked why I was there but before I could ask her back, she stalked off. Maybe being nice to one another ever since the last time made her not used to it, so that was why she went off faster. Or maybe she couldn't stand seeing me? If it were to be that, she didn't seem to be showing any sign of it. Thank goodness. xP

Grandma asked my lil cousin bro whether he wanted to come along with us. I loudly willed him to go with us in my mind. I really need his innocence and strength now. Upon hearing the destination, he said he did not like it because the school atmosphere sucks. Granted, even a kid his age knows of it. What has he been through?

Better than no one else, grandma's company was better than silence and nagging directed at me. ^o^

I did the talking and seeing people myself. Finally, when I thought hope was all gone and that I would have to come again tomorrow, mom said she saw that teacher arriving. I tiredly let out an exhausted sigh and once again ran back down. I followed that teacher along with another familiar guy. Woah, he is taller than me and looks 2 or one year younger than me. =S He did not have a "back off" aura, at least. Still approachable.

The teacher and him went into the office. The teacher really took her time yakking away. Dx Blasted, I saw one of my guy classmates. Uh-oh, please do not cross my path or see me in this shitty state now, all sweaty and ugly from last Friday's mishaps. Darn, he caught me and finally recognized me. He remembered my name and said hi. I think I said hi back though I mainly just wanted to bury my head in the sand right that moment. Dx Ugh.

He was changing school, it seems. =[ Along with another guy with him. Maybe his brother. That's sad, I never even got to have a chance to know him sell enough.

He didn't seem so evil at all.

Guys in my class are nicer when their friends are not around to challenge the guy into looking cool and making a scene, breaking a weak person's heart and hurting feelings that might take a long time mending. No, I am serious. This CAN happen. Because it happened to me. I will be your proof. =P

The other guy was my age! Unbelievable. I cannot believe how short I am compared to him! I suppose I can no longer compete heights with guys my age anymore. *smiles sadly* I will miss those moments.

He was nice to me and I was nice back. Good. The teacher was nice too. Thank God. =D

Ended well. The teacher even gave me the upper form's novel to read though we would not be using that novel anymore. The system changed again. =/ Oh well, it's now nothing but a story book that should not be threatening my future anymore. Hopefully the new ones are easier or equal. @.@

Had lunch with grandma and mom at our usual coffee shop. Trust me, that coffee shop is not as posh as it would sound like in America or anything. Think random food stalls that sells mainly Chinese food, dirty floors (usually), squeezy paths for you to walk and also last but not least, cheap (meant to be but the prices are increasing) coffee. The coffee's taste may be tastier than any ol' Starbucks. Don't ask me. People tell me this. I do not drink those coffee enough to let you know. ;P

Went back home after dropping grandma back at her house. Uh, actually cousin's house. xD

Shoot, I was supposed to be mapling after this "not-so-long" blog but I was wrong. I will read manga instead! =D

Had a long practice after a late bath (it felt long enough since my both arms hurt like crap).

Alrighty, I will rest your eyes by ending this post now and continuing on another post! ^^ Kidding. This will be my last post from now on. Also kidding but I do not see the future so you might never know. Read these posts like there's no tomorrow. Kidding again. Maybe to make up for those pessimistic times? Whatever!

Take care and have fun is all I ask of you now~!^^

Monday, November 22, 2010

Real Life ~ Crazy Practice

Here's a funny thing that happened in one of last week's practice or something. I practised until my mind went blur and exhausted. Then, when I looked over at my left, I saw a violin, a beautiful one. My mind screamed, "Oh my god, it's a violin! Wow!" When I took a second look, I literally sweated. xD Haha, it was my very own violin, Autumn. LOL, I got excited just by looking at my own violin, thinking it's another violin. xD Damn it, it was only then that I wonder what had gotten into my mind, making me forget that I am holding my own violin. So, of course I would look at it.

Lately, I do not think I will be uploading any videos just yet. I still got to perfect certain songs and well, you can say I ran out of energy to upload ever since that day I uploaded the continuation of the whole book of Suzuki Violin Method Book 1.

My teacher gave me the CD to listen to for the Grade 4 and Grade 5 exam pieces. I am currently listening to them. Hell, I listened to them ever since they were ripped (Not raped, lol.) from the CD and into my computer's library.

I see, my teacher sort of made the song I will be performing sound like the CD's. He changed the starting, making the sound a little bit crunchy. I recorded the crunchy start and well... I prefer the CD's version. I will follow the CD's version but change it. That way, I respect Alexandra Wood's violin playing and also try not to copy hers. In a way, I am also listening to my teacher as to when I soften and use a staccato.

This morning, I planned to get the feeling of the song once again by creating a story for that song and writing the dialogue for each bar of the sheet music. As usual, I am more of the type of person who gets ideas for the middle of the story instead of the whole. Dx I dare not not write but I rubbed of my own remark that told myself to do a crunchy start.

From the CD, I cannot help but LOVE another song. =D It's "C6: Estes Indiferente by Nevaldo Veranes". It is 1 minute and 25 seconds long but it's not bad. That song reminded me of that "La Cumparista"! :D

Too bad, it seems like my teacher did not choose that song to be put into the book for me to play. =/ Oh well~ There are still others. Maybe I just did not see that title because I never totally flip through ALL the songs.

Being a Grade 5 does not make me feel cool or anything but it makes me slightly more satisfied since it is my goal(regarding music) for this year. Who would have thought I could do vibrato in less than one year? It's not a Grade 2 or Grade 3 skill it seems but thankfully, my teacher taught me that skill first before my fingers and arms all stiffen. xD

Oh no, this looks like another one of those long rant on violin!

Just one more, please. ;)

My teacher saw one of the songs' remarks made by myself. It has the most remarks. Remember how I rushed myself to learn up that song in one week? It was the 2nd hard song. It's still pretty hard since I have to change my tempo thanks to the CD. The guy I have been recording from on YouTube played differently. So does the pianist but it does not change the fact that he taught me first and that even if he had not taught me face to face, he still successfully taught me. =D My teacher went bug-eyed when he carefully glanced at all my remarks. He said that's not a bad way of expressing every part of the song and that I can actually teach myself. xD Lol. If only. You know how lame I felt when I played with Alexandra Wood's violin playing? Not to mention, me playing as the solo violinist with Nigel Clayton's piano accompaniment? Their names were written on the CD and well, I gotta say, I like Alexandra Wood and also Nigel Clayton. They rock! =D Alexandra Wood's violin sounded beautiful. =o

Okay, you can say I squeezed everything I wanted to say about violins in the previous paragraph. xD Haha.

Bought a new book to read last Saturday. I will not be reading it until I finish 4 books and of course, if I'd already received my school's compulsory novels. I guess I will not really mind reading the school's ENGLISH compulsory novel if it is interesting and nicely phrased but it's the other language that I loathe reading. =/ Seriously, the things they say and the words they use somehow make my hair and goosebumps raise. Ugh!

Manga and anime are still better than any stupid school's compulsory novel! FTW! (Wait, I do not really know what FTW means!) Ah well, who cares...?

Mapled yesterday but only a short while after knowing I lack of something that cannot be achieved in one day. Stupid... Need 12 more Garnet ores! Noooooo! I will ask from my sis. =P Just that she is too busy with her RC and stuff. *Pouts* Ditto me RC! Lol. (copying Jacqueline Wilson)

Gotta jet! Manga's waiting for me. Gonna try to have a blast of my life (considerably) before hell gate (school gate) opens!

Have fun and take care~!^^

Friday, November 19, 2010

Real Life ~ Missed

I miss a bit of my old self. The one who could make people laugh more. Could it be that I am becoming more and more sarcastic and serious than actually cracking a good joke? Or maybe I became somewhat too paranoid to actually talk? Hey, maybe this is why adults usually talk less. They find less things to talk about and they find it really bothering to keep on answering. Some of the adults I know of just doesn't find chatting online fun at all. =/

Today, I could not practise in the morning as I have to go out for lunch later with my grandma. I thought I could sleep in later but guess what? I end up waking up at 9AM instead of 10AM! I woke up 30 minutes earlier than my normal time to wake up for practice! What the hell?

Who would have thought I would become sickly when I was perfectly fine in the morning? It was while waiting for mom to be done with bath that I felt sick. Ignoring it and then sitting in the car, I began to have my nose flooded. =[ How annoying, having to keep on taking tissues. I could barely count how many I used on the way to grandma's house. @.@ At lunch, it worsened because of the terrible heat. Yes, I am allergic to heat. This "cold" (which isn't a cold) has and on and off switch. My mom eventually told me it was allergy, instead of hives, I sneezed uncontrollably. Grrr... BOTH are just as bad! xD Lunch was hell.

When I finally told mom of how the other students of my age already got their textbooks for compulsory subjects, my mom took me to the school to see if I could still get them. I went there hoping not all teachers already went for break time or praying. Unfortunately, the office was closed and only one teacher was inside the office. Guess what? She was the one in charge of giving out books! She told me the details as to when I can get the books.

Right, that's settled. Went back to grandma's house and stayed for a moment for a "chat". More like adults' discussion for mom, grandma and the rest of the ones above the age of 30. xD It was hours before I can finally head back home, feeling equally sickly. T.T In fact, I returned feeling so dirty and oily that I ended up looking uglier (seriously). Argh... Just when I thought I regained confidence, they shatter even when I do not go to school now. Oh wait, I DID go to school. Wearing house clothes, at least. But under the effing hot Sun. yes, I am the enemy of the Sun. I do not need anymore heat, thank you very much. And I do not need to get any blacker.

Anyways, moving on, I played various games with my lil cousin bro. It's not like I really like the games but they're better than many other stuff. Compared to moving on to next year's work, I'd rather stay playing with him under certain circumstances. We watched TV while he slowly ate lunch. At the same time, he tried so hard putting the box over my head, making me have a box-head. Hey, now come to think of it, I'd RATHER have box-head then showing my hideous face. No, really! I wanted paper-bag head or maybe a mask like Erik from Phantom of The Opera! I do not need to care what expressions I show or how I look. xD TV showed "Brother Bear". After that, they flicked the channel to watched 'Spongebob Squarepants". When my lik cousin bro finally finished his lunch, he made an origami bird. Y'know, the ones they make 1000 for so that a person can be safe from a near-death experience or something. Then, we made paper airplanes AGAIN. xD I suck at making paper airplanes, seriously. I can't make them fly. After many times of folding, the paper was as good as garbage (recyclable item). xD In the end, he made it for me. Lol, the plane couldn't fly so well since mine was all crinkly. Haha. What I dreaded more was when we had to launch the paper airplanes. Not just that, he always wants to play them outside, which means... SUNLIGHT AND HEAT! Noooooooo! So in the end, I say that I really hate the Sun and then we threw from the window instead, trying to get it to the neighbor's house for a revenge. Well, sweet sweet revenge. They're not that nice anyways. They bully lil cousin bro's family dog. =[ It's worse. At least let a paper airplane annoy them, right? Anyways, I never bothered aiming at their house that much. In reality, my throwing sucked. I had no space to throw the paper airplane either, thanks to the railings. Oh wait, that wasn't a window. Oh well. xD The first round we failed but he threw it further. Then, he had a big idea, by making a bigger airplane, we have a better chance of getting it there. We spent ages making (He had to make for me again. Lol.) and decorating. His was Duck Force. He likes ducks. Dunno why of all animals that one. xD I just chose Violin Dreams. I do not know how to decorate this time. Not that it matters, this one. I simply did squiggly lines and on the other side, I made a funnier and retarded drawing. My cousin laughed at the retarded drawing of SpongeBob Squarepants. He kept singing a song, repeating "Timmy's here!". No idea where he got that song. Lol. So, I drew a window and a stickman next to it saying "Timmy's here!" Worse, I drew a retarded hamburger (also known as krabby patty, according to my lil cousin bro). Then, I also drew french fries. The doors and windows all look equally retarded. xD Haha. They were so small, my cousin told me. He said that no one's gonna be able to see the outside.

"Do you want your passengers to look outside as they crash?"
"But they need windows to see!"
"Then, you want them to look outside at where their lives are gonna end? (laughs) That's morbid! (more laughing)"

Same goes for the doors.

"Why are there no doors? How do they get in?"
"They shouldn't be getting inside."
"But then they have to!"
"And then later they die in a continuous air crash? (laughs)"

Also same for the big windscreen for pilots. xD

"How can the pilots see?!"
*I drew one side of windscreen*
"Then what about the other pilot?!"
"They can share one windscreen."
"But then he can't see!"
"Then... That's too bad! ;)"

As for the hamburger and french fries I drew...

"(Lots of laughing) Why is that hamburger and french fries for?! (more laughing)"
" This plane carries a LOT of them. =D"
"(Laughing) But this plane is NOT a restaurant!"
"Let passengers enjoy the food before their fated death! xD"
"Just let them enjoy something before dying."

And so on... Haha.

Back at home, I rushed to get clean and ready for practice. Oh yeah, my lil cousin bro's Garde 3 in piano. And he started this year. =D He did tons better than me when I was playing piano as a kid and it seems like he has a talent for it. =o I wish I was told that as well. Oh well, how sad. Though it might be the way of making me do better. Mom told them I am Grade 4 but actually, I am Grade 5! Just not gonna be serious about Grade 5 as long as I am still performing for that year-end concert. Hmph... I gotta sacrifice something, huh? I really wanted to get to Grade 5 officially though... It was my goal ever since I'd been Grade 3. At least the fees hasn't raised yet since will not be focusing on Grade 5 just yet. I suppose I will still bring the Eta Cohen Book 3 even though he says we will not be needing it now as we're working on exam pieces.

After dinner, which was after practice, I played Maple. Met a nice new friend from the guild. I thought that for once, I have someone to chat with every time I log in but... after how I was laughed at for getting hacked, my happiness slowly slip-sided... Still, there's gonna be more people greeting me when I am online. =D After awhile, we got less things to talk about. Then I thought to myself, is that it? Am I going to just be able to chat once only? Like that other time? That would be pititful, wouldn't it? After all, I am no longer someone you can seem to easily get close to even when I am sure we can relate a lot. *sad smile* It's the smile I am lacking of and the good humor that long left me since that day of hacking and probably other issues (tissues! Jk).

Hey, gotta sleep earlier. Can't look uglier. Gonna move back to my own room. I think sleeping on the floor makes me uncomfortable. Well, it IS uncomfortable. xD Lol. I can't read as and when I like, play or sing.

30 minutes left until I go off. Should make up for the sleep I have been lacking. Have been having a bit of sleeping problems. Dreams show what we're going through, it seems. Just not all of them and not to everyone. Mine kept making me startle and feel intense fear. Oh yeah! I dreamed that I had to get the text books! I had been hiding the fact that others got theirs already from my parents because I do not want any accusations hurled. After all, this is the last week of school. xD Hehe, guess my guilt make me tell the truth and get things solved in the end. Phew.

Gonna leave then. Have fun and Take care~!^^ Do that for me, alright? It's painful to hear people suffer, so please do that for me. =]

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Real Life ~ Lazy-Daisy

Really lazy to blog but I should not just stop there like that. Not that I remember what I said in the previous post. Lol.

Violin practice has been confusing because I am not sure whether I am playing that new song right even though I recorded the song already. =/ It's a fast song. The starting is freaking fast but after awhile, you can get used to the speed, just like the other hard song I played.

My teacher made the song I am performing for December 18th a whole lot more nicer. It's all about the bowing. It not only gets you into the beat but makes people think you are expressing the true meaning of the song. I can only get the feeling whenever he plays the song with me but when I practise alone these days, I don't feel anything because firstly, I concentrate too much on the counting, bowing and rhythm and secondly, I've been playing this song for too long/too many times. @.@

Right, the only thing I seem to talk about is violin now, right? Sorry. xD

Have been mapling. Not sure whether I've mentioned this already but there's this new job in Maple: Dual Blade. I am playing that job and also trying not to run out of money if I have no choice but to buy my own potions once I totally wiped out EVERYTHING! Seriously, dual bladers are pretty strong though they cannot attack from afar, unless I get skills that allow me to attack from a distance.

Ever heard of the anime and manga "Paradise Kiss"? It is not that new since I've heard of it when I was like, 11 or 12. Anyways, I would categorize it as "matured" but I like to see their design of clothes. You won't believe me. I hardly show that much of my feminine side but I somehow like designing and matching things, including decorating. @.@ Thanks to that side of mine, I now have problem picking new clothes to buy and wear for New Year. The type of clothes I like are a bit of those type that my mom does not really like, because it seems too small. Anyways, I just showed one I like to her and she reminded me of the miniskirt that I didn't dare to wear after having worn it for like at least 3 times. Lol... I totally forgotten about that skirt. I admit I am lazy to dress up with all the bangles, necklaces and earrings now. Guess what? I started wearing track-bottoms instead of jeans. Jeans and miniskirts are for special occasions. xD (Miniskirts with jeans or 3/4 pants, of course!)

Haha, from manga to clothes. Why do topics travel so fast and so much...?

Gonna read manga now.

Have fun and take care~!^^

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Real Life ~ Quickie

I will most probably be performing on December 18th. Of course in the year 2010. xD That concert will be a year-end concert celebrating Christmas for my music school. =D

My teacher told me to perform a song and made me practise another one in case. Man, I never thought he could get so serious with the practices! xD LOL! And yet, he was the one who said, "Oh, nevermind, it's just for fun, that concert." Hah, that line sure fooled me, alright. Today, he noticed how that song can give a bad meaning if you really think hard about that song. Surely most of you loyal readers will understand which song I mean when it comes to giving a bad meaning. *Hint, Hint! ;)* I was about so say more about the song but I just remembered that I am not telling. Hehe.

It would be wonderful if most of you readers can come though I am slowly growing anxious as days pass by me before knowing how it is soon going to be my school principal's retirement party. And again, before you know it, it will be the day for me to get my big exam's results. Surely anxiety attack will come? =S Hope not, Lol. After getting the results, I will have to go to school continuously until things and classes are settled. =/ After that, I probably will not have time or mood left because again, school is starting. Christmas is great but it can also remind us of how near school is coming.

Surely will miss those nice mornings where I wake up just to practise and end 2 hours later. Hmph.

Damn, why should I lose the feelings now? Because I do not want to miss these precious moments of pure practice too much.

Have been mapling. Will not be that free as to blog so much, hence the title. (Yay! I finally used the word "hence" correctly.^^)

Alright, readers, take care and have fun~!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Real Life ~ 3 Lives

Ever heard of humans having 3 lives? Well, yours truly here has 3 lives today. xD

Firstly, I want to start by telling you that I have once again updated the Mini iPod. For now, there are 16 tracks inside. I found another way you can get to the playlist to choose the song you want to listen to. You can click on the square inside the circle, which is situated right under the screen of the iPod. I thought it was the "stop" button! Lol. Guess I was wrong. xD Now that the playlist has more songs, scrolling down is pretty tricky depending on which song you're choosing. xD Oh well, I hope you do use the iPod. I arranged them nicely for you...? xD I put my current favorite OSTs on the top. Of course, there's this new and popular anime called "Fairy Tail". I choose certain songs from its OST and I hope you like them. After that anime's OST, I chose one song from "Elfen Lied", which is "Rin'ne" or something like that. People often mistaken that for violin version of Lilium. It sounds like it but since it has its own title, I am not going to say that it IS the violin version. After the sad and upbeat OSTs, I put in Techno and Trance. I left a dark song after them. Japanese songs are up next. They are soft and not rock in any way at all. After them will be soft and sad Pop songs. Mind you, as the playlist gets to an end, the songs get more of Rock. Still, I like Three Days Grace! I usually do not really like Rock but Three Days Grace is an exception! =P

Oh my goodness, I wrote a whole paragraph on the playlist?! xD Sorry to babble. xD I just hope you like the songs chosen. Will edit songs from time to time. =x

I woke up practising my violin as usual. There's one tricky little violin study piece that I am having problem with now. So whenever I play it, that tricky part makes my ears just want to fold inwards 10 times over and just seal off! Lol. I just dislike the sound I seem to make on the violin. Oh well, I will most definitely miss that study piece once I move on to the other study pieces! =@ I think I cannot make it anymore for the 2nd piece of Ave Maria in that book. =/ Playing it in first position is difficult enough. I wonder how I can manage to master last week's last hard song in less than one week. T.T That song is much harder than Ave Maria. Why...?! xD Could it be that I chose too many songs for warm up? =S

Was told that gotta get ready for some serious outing to finish some business in the afternoon. I ended practice about 25 minutes earlier. Lunch was surprisingly good for a first time being in that shop. Price was higher but the taste makes up for it.

1st mission, lunch, completed. *Ticked*

We went to an unknown place to settle some insurance thingy. The place had many blocks. A pretty cool place, to me. The toilet there was so clean that I almost wanted to stay there. xD Read another book (yesterday's book finished!) while waiting for it to be settled.

2nd mission, insurance, completed. *Ticked*

Went to hell after that. Oh sorry, I meant China Town. xD Lol. It's just that, that place was so friggin' hot that you can even mistaken that place for a desert! In fact, hot is the understatement of the century! That place, my gosh, I really start to wonder now how I could enjoy being there as a kid. Was it before I started having oily faces, which forces me to wash my face every single day? Hmm, most likely. If not, as a kid, most of us kids have flawless skin. We care less of what we looked like. We just be ourselves, which made adults take most of us for granted, thinking we are silly little whatsits. =/ Going there was an utter waste of time and energy. Still, what could we have known? We have not been there for so long.

3rd mission, China Town, completed. *Ticked in the wrong box because the constant sweat and bad mood rising blurred my vision*

Being in dad's car was like pure heaven compared to China Town. Urgh! We went to an old and dull shopping complex, in search for a book from one of my all-time favorite authors, Cecelia Ahern. Was told that dinner will be taken there. Correction, it was not the usual dull building there in daylight. It was still 4PM+. None of us expected to find the parking lot packed filled with... fillets. Kidding! See? This is what heat has done to me. Lol. Cars of course. Luckily, an empty slot was found. We went straight up to the coolest heaven ever where unlimited mangas, anime, boooks, music or whatever you name it can be found! Just kidding. I would die to go there though, if that place even existed. Not to mention, those things would be free. xD That is how I want my heaven to be like! Yeah, yeah, me and my childish dreams. We just went straight to the book shop. Unfortunately, the book's price was 10 dollars higher than what we saw online. Oh well, there's probably a chance for the book's price to be reduced further. That is, in 10 years time. Lol. Who's gonna wait for that? I would probably forgotten what I had been waiting all the 10 years for. Haha. Dinner at McD. Finally! Mom truly loathes the food there ever since she saw the "shocking" video of how their food were prepared. I wanted to remain innocent and clueless so I do not give a damn about how their food were prepared. Greasy food, really. I worry I will look more like shit tomorrow. Ah well, if I do not eat McD now, when will I ever enjoy life?

Finally, after getting home from that shopping complex, I feel like I lost 3 lives. The 2nd time I lost my life was the worst, that would be China Town. =o I do not ever want to go there unless it is night time and that I did not bring my bag along. That way, I can kick that constant paranoia aside. The insurance thing was when my first life was gone. It's not like I suffered, I just walked more than usual even though I walk a lot at home too. Don't blame me, I have a bad backache. I sure do not act my age physically! If I had not sat down, believe me, you will be seeing me keeled over. xD Haha. The last time I had an X-ray to check my heart, I saw that my backbone seem normal. Weird... Maybe my backbone worsen now but what I am more worried of is my head, whether it got damaged. I feel that my head has been damaged quietly and that it has affected my eyes. This problem started as a kid but recently, it has been troubling me. I do not know if whatever happening to me is normal or not since I do not know how to explain what I seem to be suffering from. I will check my head when I have my own stable income. Let's add that to my list of things to do for when I have my own stable income. xD Haha. That way, I should not be able to trouble anyone or feel guilty of the way I spend my money. Sigh, that is a long way to go. =[

As for my constant paranoia, it worsen my fears of driving. It may seem ridiculous to you since I have not even reached the age of 18 yet. Just being in my parent's car seeing the other drivers' behaviors, I slowly fear driving more and more. =S I seem like I do not mind dying and all to you but I fear pain. Otherwise, what is this fear doing here? xD Not just that, being outside with my bag, I constantly feel as if I will be kidnapped, snatched or hurt by others. Again, it is the unpleasant surprise and pain inflicted that I fear of. In the car, I cannot kick away the feeling that something big is coming. Thankfully, these imaginations/hallucinations do not come true. If not, you would not be seeing me blogging now, right? I sort of envy my friends for wanting to drive so eagerly though it is still not good to be too eager.

*Takes a deep breath* Let's forget the fears now, shall we?

Gonna read tomorrow's Horroscope and manga. Betcha I won't remember what I read in the Horoscope 5 minutes later! >=D

Take care and Have fun~!^^

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Real Life ~ LOL Is All I Can Say

I mean it. xD Haha. My mom just used this generator that translates our English name into Traditional Japanese name. Surprisingly, it was not a direct translation. Mom and dad's name were pretty nice. One thing startles me though, my Japanese name had something to do with the season Autumn. xD What made me laughed was that that name actually belonged to a guy from Nodame Cantabile named Chiaki. I forgotten his other name though. xD

Mine is "Yamaguchi Chiaki". First name then last name.

山口 Yamaguchi (mouth of the mountain) 千秋 Chiaki (very fine in autumn)

I copied and pasted the whole thing from the website. Try it out!

Here's the link:

Gonna continue reading my book now. It is "Helpless" by Marianne Marsh with Toni Maguire. It is a non-fiction book of Marianne Marsh herself. Just reading it really kills me inside. Again and again, as I read the book, my heart bled for her and I actually could not help shedding a few tears though I had been working hard to keep all the tears back. I am almost at the end. I read the book since yesterday or at least 2 days ago. This is like the fastest 200+ pages I've ever read in my life, I think. Lol! (Again with the "Lol"!)xD

Take care and have fun~!^^

Real Life ~ Changed

Woo Hoo! Celebrate! Because I have changed the whole look of the blog, except certain stuff, of course. =P

Hope you love it! Tell me if your eyes hurt. My eyes are truly exhausted from customizing! xD

I even enlarged the right sidebar so that you can see the complete iPod. xD

Enjoy, have fun and take care~!^^

Real Life ~ Corrected iPod

I have changed the iPod by the side again. This time I made sure you can choose which song you want. From time to time, I will slowly add different songs to it. Hopefully you do use it because if not, it would be such a waste. xD Lol. Anyways, to see the current playlist in the iPod, you just click the " <- " arrow on the top left side of the iPod. From there, you can click whichever you want but do not click the " + " sign. By clicking the " + " sign, you will probably get to the website instead. To get back to the original display of the iPod where you can see the video and at the same time listen to the song, you just click on which song you're currently listening to.

That is all I have to say now. Will write more later if there's anything else. Take care and have fun~!^^

Monday, November 8, 2010

Real Life ~ Drowned By Videos

Today, you are going to be drowned by my videos! The thing is, they are all short songs. xD

Here are the links!













I separated them all so that it does not make you go cock-eyed. =P

I woke up doing my BM essay instead of practising my violin. =/ That stupid essay has been frightening me ever since that homework had been given last Thursday. I thought it would take hours since my teacher told us to write 600+ of words. Dx

So instead of doing the essay in the afternoon, I sacrificed my morning practice. Surprisingly, when my pen first started writing, it wouldn't stop. Sure, there were some moments of pausing but it's not like I did not know how to write.

Just right after the lunch, Autumn and I went upstairs together as usual to practise. I got ready for the video recording and felt ever so lazy to record. Lol. Instead of recording then uploading, I recorded all in one shot. @.@ Uploading is the hardest part because the computer just doesn't allow me to rename them before uploading so I am stuck wondering which was which. I had to upload with its original name first before playing the video and renaming them. Damn.

After all the uploading, I noticed one video was missing and that was the video that took quite a few retakes. I had to retake all over again and it took me 3 times before getting it all right again. Grr!

So... You better like them all before you taste my fists. xD It is OK if you do not like the 2nd last one. That one, I won't blame you. But you do not have to let me know whether you like it unless you truly do somehow like it. Lol.

Alright, busy. Gotta jet!^^ You know what I always say at the end.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Real Life ~ Cyber iPod

I apologize. It seems like the iPod I previously chose for the blog is a little bit too big. xD

I had to make it slim so that the iPod works.

Hmm... If I chose another template, it just might work though I do not wanna redo all the gadgets or whatever there are.

Maybe gonna try out...? Damn, I can NEVER read my manga in peace like this! xD

Real Life ~ Healing

I guess that injury is going to recover since I was told that it looks better. Just when I thought it would recover, I accidentally hurt it again today.

Wait till you hear this! xD

I was practising the violin this morning like usual and suddenly, when I looked at the floor, I see blood everywhere. That was weird... I know I sometimes unintentionally hurt my toes because of the computer chair rolling over them. I thought that it was the left tor that I, once again, rolled a little over with the computer chair. Weird, there was no pain at all. So I thought to myself, thinking that I have focused so much to the extent that any pain inflicted(not related to violin) can never be felt until later on. Well, if that were to be true, it is not really funny. Dx So I looked all over again and found that... I stabbed my right foot! Kidding. I found that I stepped on a mosquito. Sweat, right? xD I stepped on it to the extent that it is beyond recognition. My guess told me that it must have been a mosquito.

Any of you believe in Horoscopes? I no longer trust the Love Horoscope. After all, I already met my soul mate - Autumn. xD Well, call me a lesbian or anything. What can I do if my violin just so happen made me think of it as a girl? =P (Yeah, I am nuts! xD) Yahoo's Horoscopes seem pretty accurate. There were times where whatever they say were not true or that they never happen. Sometimes, their advices do not make sense either but most of the time, they are acceptable. After reading their horoscopes for so long, I now only realize the "Next Day", "Next Week" and "Next Month" button. Damn. Wasted all my time in the past when I had to wonder if they have updated yet since their time is not (+8GMT). They update by the time it is at night. Not sure about evening but usually not online at that time. Reading the Horoscope at night is dumb though. My day's almost ending and now I only receive the advices? xD Lol. A tad bit useless, don't you think? Still I kept on reading. Lol.

I was told that blogs are meant to be filled with photos and poem-like form of writing. What the heck...? Not to mention, share music. Photos are a bit of a problem because there are limited spaces from the last time I uploaded my nooby drawings. I am gonna try to share music.

Take care and have fun~!^^ I chose the play list that you can choose but I will not out many songs yet.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Real Life ~ Proudly Injured

Hear me, I am no masochist (well, not in this case) but I am proud of my injury. Of course, that injury has to be caused by violin, then will I only feel proud of it. xD Before you think I'm weirder than I already am, the other violinists are proud of their injuries too, as long as it does not affect their violin playing. Some vain violinists despise injuries though. Actually, some injuries will become a scar.

My violinist friend has a lot of scars and well, she's pretty proud of them too. xD I may be proud of mine too but I do not want to have too many. @.@ I have one small patch of wound. It's dry and yesterday, it was red. Today, mom said it's black. She finds it disgusting. Lol. Maybe to non-violinists, the injuries are disgusting.

Nailed the whole song. Got the speed but gotta stop making the same mistakes while playing and not to slide off a little bit while playing really fast. I had the exact same problem when I had troubles with Gavotte from Suzuki Violin Method Book 1. Now, this song is worse because I have to keep playing fast for quite some time. xD

Recently have been reading "Violin for Dummies". I did not skip the beginner parts. It's best that I relearn everything again in case I am unintentionally damaging Autumn.

Sneezy right now. =/

Take care and have fun~!^^

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Real Life ~ Lying Ears

My ears lied to me. They confused me. xD I printed a score from someone. It was his first time and there were a few mistakes. I saved him the embarrassment by sending him a private message rather than point it out in a comment. I would also prefer a private message if it were to be me. Dx

After a few days, he finally replied that message. Only this morning that I finally received it. I was glad he didn't seem mad. He asked whether I could tell him where the mistakes were. It was morning and I was uploading videos. After uploading, I would feel threatened and panicky because I haven't practised so it would be the worst time to thoroughly run through the whole score and let him know the mistakes. I did some corrections before but they weren't complete. Now that he asked for them, I must not let him down any further. One thing though, I suck at counting so I would not know if there were anything wrong with the slurs and crochets. I envy him. So brave enough to transcribe. He could count. From hearing his video on how the song went according to his score, the length of each notes sounded accurate.

At night, with the air-conditioner, I usually dare not take Autumn out because I would not always practise under an air-conditioner. Thus, the difference in temperature can affect the tuning of the violin. Just before putting Autumn back into the violin bag, I did pizzicato on all strings to check. The 4th string is definitely out but I do not wanna make anymore noise since my mom was watching the TV at that time. To be precise, I took Autumn out twice to check whether the correction was totally correct. Man, I was already in a pissy mood before I switched the computer on to reply his message. Because of my confusing ears, they made me even more stressed out from correcting the sheet music. At least the violin helped me a whole lot more. I used virtual piano before taking my violin out. It obviously didn't sound like violin to me so it was hard to tell whether it was correct or not.

In the end, I've checked through and found a tricky ending the song had. The notes all sounded alike so of course our ears will make us confused. Not unless you're a professional musician. Your ears will have been very well-trained already. So well-trained that you can hear the slightest mistake even if the place was freaking noisy. That's what conductors in orchestras do. They must be able to know how to play almost every instrument in the first place. After that, they should know when to be slow, fast, loud or soft. Maybe add a little tremolo? Maybe make the violin III become louder? See, their job ain't that easy. They gotta be able to lead the whole orchestra.

Oops, sidetracked again. Damn it.

So anyways, I uploaded 5 videos this morning. Here are the links:


I hope I didn't repeat any links. Dx Could have uploaded the whole of Suzuki Violin Method Book 1 but my strict side tugged really hard at me and told me to practise seriously.

So... I got no choice but to practise. Guess what? It was pretty worth it. From just being able to play half of the first page, I could play up the the half of the second page. Still, I need to play faster and to memorize all the notes because the speed required for playing is faster than I can to read all notes while playing. @.@ It could possibly drive me nuts if I'd not split the song up into sections to practise day by day. The only bad point here is that I will only be able to play the front part the best. Haha. xD

If it were to be like how I usually practise or learn a song, it would be playing the whole song over and over. I could never stand repeating the same thing endlessly because I do not want to bore the people who just so happen have no choice but to listen to me because they live under the same roof as I do. It would most likely drive them up the wall too if I am not careful. xD That way, it's not gonna make them like violins. They're gonna have a phobia of violins! =o

As the grade gets higher, the songs get longer. =/ This I already knew and should be prepared for the worst but when the song does come, it always hits me hard, right IN the face. This song I reserved for learning last is something that will make me have my jaw dropped when I hear my teacher played. He had no chance to play it for me yet but he probably will for this week's lesson. Long time no see him. I have many things to ask him about violins. Problem is, I forgotten. Lol. As I thought, I should have written questions down but it would seem really weird because I don't think the other students bother about violins this much. Everything about violins just seem like natural, like nothing to them. After all, it's not like everyone wants to learn violin on their own will.

As for the pissy mood I was in earlier, it was because of reluctance. Maybe not to the extent of wanting to stomp my feet this time but I am dreading it really much. Gotta admit, I HATE socializing. I HATE having to smile just so that people don't run away from me. 2 hours. My gosh. That BM tuition's longer now since the things we gotta go through is effing harder. It's just extra 30 minutes. After the big exam, life's no bed of roses either. We now have extra 30 minutes. Wow. I bet we should be getting at least 3 hours of lesson in order to really get used to everything we gotta go through next year. Another war. Just that this war doesn't involve weapons. Our 'weapons' are only brains and stationery.

Oh forget it... It's not like I can avoid this tuition now that I asked for it. Screw it. If only I can have an online tuition from the teacher or a private one where I don't need to see other students' faces. Yep, I seem like I have no life. I speak more online than real life. I come up with witty things to say online than offline. I am even more honest online than offline. Yeah... What a "Great" person I must be.

Again, forget what I said. Lol. That way, you'll end up forgetting my existence. Haha.

Alright, will update to let you know more next time. Gonna read manga! =D

Take care and have fun~!^^

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Real Life ~ After A Storm

After a storm, what do you usually see? Is it a rainbow? Is it another big storm coming?

Life's unpredictable like that.

Yesterday's over. It was fun for the outing. =D

Was surprised, actually. Didn't think it would turn out this good even if it was a really lame place but it's convenient and near for us all, you know (considering the distance of my house to theirs)?

Met up with my friend. I waited for her at the place we were supposed to meet up at. She was there at 11AM! We were meant to meet up at 12:30PM. Jeez. you will only find her early for unusual events like first day of school, Teacher's Day, outing with friends and so on. Other days, she comes as late as she wants. xD

We went to the top floor or something to buy the movie tickets. We only bought 3 tickets. Each person is 7 dollars. Later, our other friend will be coming to meet up with us at another place at a later time to get the tickets and watch together. I was not sure if the other friend would come since he was freaking fickle-minded.

My friend and I had lunch at Sushi King. I just ate Oyako-Don. It was what my mom usually eats but I, who's a fan of anime and manga, still have much more to know of Japanese delicacies. xD I don't really know what other food have and how they taste like. I only know Sushi. I'm pretty picky when it comes to Sushi so you can't expect me to eat every Sushi thrown at me. =P

My friend seemed to be enjoying her life there. She not only ordered Curry Udon (something like that) but also ordered 2 Sushi that cost 2 dollars for both of them. The sushi I liked cost 3 dollars for both. I was worried that I would spend too much money so I decided to resist. Besides, I didn't really have that much of a mood to eat.

We ate and all this while, I kept checking my phone to see if it is 1:30PM yet. We promised to meet up with our other friend at that time. My friend told me to let him be there because he deserved it. Lol. That was so mean. xD So I set an alarm to remind me of the time. Luckily, by the time we finished our lunch, it was 1:30PM. I actually ate everything! Lol. This outing was more worth it than the one I had last year with different friends(still among the bench groupies). The outing last year, well, I didn't eat much because the food I see in the menu weren't my favorite. They all had meat that I don't like. It was the same for Sushi King but since I've eaten there before, yesterday being my 3rd time or something, I guess the food can't be that bad.

The chicken in the Oyako-Don was surprisingly OK. You see, I don't really like meat. I only like them in patty form (not a healthy thing to like but who cares). I also am OK with steak though I suck at cutting meat with fork and knife. I always hold both utensils in the wrong hand. xD Lol. See, this is what you get for not eating that much meat. Still, I am no vegetarian. I used to wanna be one but let's let this subject slide and get back to the topic.

My friend and I waited there at 1:30PM for quite awhile. It was only then that I heard a familiar voice. There he was, with his friend. I then wondered what to do about the other friend's ticket since we weren't sure whether he would come along with us.

Hmm, I do not know how to address both of them in this post here... Like I said, I will not use names here so surely you get how tricky it is now to mention them. xD

Alright, the guy with the familiar voice will be called "J". The other guy without the ticket will be called "G". The nicknames picked have nothing to do with them.

J ordered food from the restaurant we waited for him at. He shared his food with G. xD Lol, I cannot help but smile at the previous sentence! Hahahahahaha! Don't make me say it.... it's....it's..... never mind. =]

G suddenly said, "Bye!" and left us 3 going, "Huh?!" G went off and if I've not mistaken, he was on his phone. Usually, when G leaves a place or something and needed transport, he would whip his phone out. Oh well, there goes G. It seemed like he came only to eat and chat with us. xD He wasn't sure he liked the movie we planned to watch. Well, more like my friend only planned it. There are not many choices of movies to watch yesterday. Maybe because it's a Monday?

My friend cruelly rushed J to eat and drink quickly. She really wanted to be 30 minutes and above early for the movie, I suppose. Lol. Ever ready, that friend of mine, a trait you can only half admire. xD Haha.

J had no choice but to down his Coke really fast. What a pity, he could not even finish all his fries.

After that, my friend led the way. J and I just followed behind her. My friend made twists and turns, leading us in the end, like last year, in the arcade. I never likes arcades. Smoky and juvenile cases always happen there. I feel guilty by just setting foot in there. I did not buy any tokens. My friend and J both bought tokens.

First, we played the drum game. The both of them versus one another. xD My friend lost twice to J surprisingly. I, watching by my friend's side, felt like an over-protective mom who's watching over her kids. Lol. You should have seen me. I held my friend's bottle for her and laughed as I watched them play. xD At least it's not a feeling of being left out like last year though. Last year, we went with the violinist friend and her sister. At that time, I was not that close to them. They brought their so-called bodyguard along.

The songs my friend chose for the game was not that bad though all words were in Japanese and neither of us could fully understand them! xD In the end, J said that his hands hurt from playing the game. I ended up filling in for him. My friend VS me. xD

Guess what? My first try and I won that one round. It was not what I expected. o.0 Gotta admit, my hands hurt with just that 1 round. I salute to thee, J, because you survived both rounds whereas I could have keeled over before the 2nd round really started. Maybe that's why my both arms are aching now though my violin practice this morning was pretty scary. xD

Oh yeah, before my friend and I have our lunch, we went into the music store to ask whether there's any violin practice mute. Guess they don't have. Oh well, I really wanted to know the price. =/

Moving on, we only saw G when we went out of the arcade and near the cinema. Lol! he did buy the ticket. We could have waited for him if only he told us earlier. xD Poor soul, what did he do when we were walking around aimlessly before being in the arcade and after the arcade? xD Must have been bored for him since he was alone. It's pretty dangerous too since he's not an adult yet.

In the cinema, my friend bought a cup of corn and a drink to watch the movie. The rest of us bought nothing more. J actually sat beside my friend, who was in between J and I with G being behind my friend. G put his both feet up, which were directly behind my friend's head. LOL! My friend was pissed. Haha. When I pointed out to my friend how dirty the seats were, she switched places with J. I only told J about the dirtiness when he sat down. His face was like, "Damn!" xD

The movie we watched was "The Other Guys". Not bad and it's a comedy, so it's funny.

For the 1 hour and 47 minutes, we laughed quite a lot. I think our group laughed and talked the most and loudest in the cinema. The cinema was pretty empty. I thought we were the only people in it until I looked behind us. xD

Everything went smoothly. My phone had only 1 bar left when I arrived at the mall this afternoon. I was worried that I would have not enough to phone mom so that she could fetch me back.

Not to worry, the phone rang just when the movie ended. I had to half shout as we went out of the cinema.

Urgh, I don't feel well...

Anyways, went back and bought dinner before going back home.

I practised violin right after dinner. Autumn, as usual, was by my side during the practice since she IS totally involved in the practice. xD

The practice seemed short but the ache in my both arms told me that it's close to 2 hours of practice or less. It is also possible that I've done too much to nail that last hard song. I'm still stuck at the front but believe me, I've been worried about not being able to nail that song in time. Thank goodness I've nailed the other hard song already, which took me about 1 week or less. I still can't exactly be in sync with the recorder (I recorded the songs using the recorder) but at least I don't lag behind and wish that I could play as well as the guy.

Now I only feel that way about the next hard song. I kept reminding myself that it's OK if I couldn't nail it in time because my teacher will most likely make me repeat the same songs to practise for the next week again. Maybe pass a few of the exercises and La Cumparsita. Oh yeah, La Cumparsita has only 2 times of pizzicato. The actual song is mainly bowing, like any other songs.

OK, gonna go now and read a bit of manga before logging into Maple.

Have fun and take care~!^^