Saturday, October 29, 2011

Real Life ~ Life's Lil Joys

As usual, I fantasize.

Every time I go for my violin lesson, I pretend I am performing. (In a way, I AM performing because people actually listen from the outside and I cannot afford to play badly either as my teacher is the one who decides whether I have the ability to get to the next grade.)

Now that Autumn shares the same room as me (Yes, she's my new roommate!), I often play for a bit after I just woke up, before a bath or when I just entered my room to do something else. With the full-length mirror in the room, I can get to see whether my hand is doing fine while bowing. I also check the vibrato and shifting. As much as I hate looking in the mirror, I think it's OK as long as I do not see my stupid, hideous face. xD

There's also the usual fantasizing while reading manga or watching an anime. As you all already know, I am the type to read/watch shoujo. Being the hopeless romantic here, I enjoy pretending that I am the girl character. Of course bad things happen to the characters in the story too but most of the time, the bishounen/guy character says the best lines (OK, so maybe some are cheesy but they aren't really that old.).

Lately, the iPod playlists are a big deal. I used to have LOTS of playlists but I realized that I do not play most of them even when I want to listen to some of the songs. Now, I have about 4 or 5 playlists. Of course, having so many songs, there's one playlist that lasts a day (24 hours)! There's also another one that lasts 18 hours. Oh well, that's gonna take quite awhile for me to finish a playlist... xD

There are generally 2 types of playlists for me:
-Anger Management
-Stress Management

I actually named a playlist "Anger Management"! It makes me smile whenever I see it. That playlist consists of rock, pop and soul music (Because they all have something in common).

Stress Management-type of playlists consists of instrumental and classical music. ^^

What I've Been Trying To Do:
1. Come up with a good short story
2. Write more poems
3. Finish that story I was supposed to do with my friend (which reminds me, he hasn't given me back the first book)

Of course all these shall be done AFTER the dreadfully time-consuming exams~ (coz they love to get in my way and they always do)

Alright, suddenly ran out of things to say so bye-bye~

Take care and have fun, you know I say that most of the time. ;P

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