Sunday, October 23, 2011

Real Life ~ Violin, Violin, Violin

Let's see... I would LOVE to start this post by saying...

Read that and multiply it by infinite! (Is that even possible?)

Okay, let's cut to the chase. In the last 'Real Life' post, I talked about my violin's A string unraveling. You know what my teacher told me when he saw it?

He said, "Oh, this? You can immediately throw it away."
"WHAT?! But the string is so expensive!" (About 40 dollars or more for that one goddamn string... I'm on budget, you see...)
My teacher then said, "What? Are you crazy? You plan to hurt your fingers? Shifting will be difficult and painful!"

I could only look down and get the new A string out. The new A string is about 3 dollars and 80 cents.

My teacher said to make that temporary... =(

Such a waste, right? You might be surprised to know that he told me that the cheap string matched my violin after all. So now I only have 2 'expensive' strings with 2 cheap strings. What he said can also be taken as an insult because all along, he had been calling my violin "the beginner one" or "the lousy one". He keeps telling me to go upgrade... (Which is what I will be talking about later on! xD)

My teacher taught me how to replace the string this time and well, it ain't bad for my first time!^^ After all, he's there to correct me. =D

The rest of the lesson was not bad even though I had to sorta get used to the new string (which occasionally goes out of tune). He told me once that I have to wait 2 weeks to have the tuning stable.

Fast-forwarding until the moment I reach a music shop in a shopping complex...

My mom surprisingly allowed me to go in and check out the violins there.

I happily tried out 3 violins. Starting with the 1,599 dollars, then 799 dollars and another 1,599 dollars.

The weirdest thing is that the cheaper one will somehow sound louder. My ears literally rung after playing. @.@ Can't say it hurt at all though. :D

Mom thought that the first violin I tested out sounded muffled. It could also be due to my crappy playing. I just didn't play with any 'emotions'. It just didn't feel so right when it ain't Autumn... xD

To be frank, even though my teacher let me play his violin during lessons (not throughout the whole lesson), I still do not have the confidence to judge a violin that's worth buying. (>.<)

My teacher also told me before that it's all depending on our preference in the end, which is what books said as well.

*Shrugs* I gotta admit that I am scared of getting scammed again when it comes to buying musical instruments...

I truly wish that I am wise when it comes to picking out the best music-related stuff! *Sighs*

I also wished that I could play better so that I didn't have to feel plain!

Maybe La Cora D'oro Primo Passo got something right:
No one can beat the connection/bond(corda) between the instrument and its owner.

Just love that line because in my case, I play Autumn the best among the rest of the violins. Well, of course there's the chance of me playing better once I get used to other violins. Didn't I say I want to treat all violins as an individual? This will be one of the disadvantages of being like that and... I am still going to keep my word on that! ;P

My mom liked the 800 dollar violin but she wants to think a bit more. She still thinks 10,000 dollar violin is just outrageous. Sigh, till now, she just doesn't understand how serious I am but you know what? I worry that I will suddenly change and become one who doesn't play the violin anymore. Mom wants to save the money for college anyways (which is a good reason for not upgrading).

Can't even imagine how long I will have to take to get 10,000 dollars to get a violin like my teachers and that is NOT including the good bow because my teacher's bow costs 2000 dollars... *Faints* Been thinking of getting a part-time job (some day... somewhere.... somehow...) to get that violin...

Of course I also worry about not having the time in the future... I had this dream of performing at parties for my colleagues (If there's ever any), friends and family. Again, the fear and shivering will start the moment I go out to perform. In fact, I'll start shivering when I wait to have my name called out. This is why I rather perform at any time I want and also to perform quite a few songs so that I can get used to the crowd and atmosphere.

To be able to play like how I did in the store while testing is considered a big achievement already... Last year, I could not play a song and did not even know how to hold a violin nor a bow. A few months back when I tested out in another store, I couldn't play well even though I was about Grade 5 or 6. Back then, I was not used to the 'expensive' strings because I could only play steel strings at that time. xD

Now, I come back to haunt the stores to see I can do any better. Well, not the same as when I usually play but I can definitely tell the difference. =x I kinda know what to look for in a violin...

Oops, sorry, people, I am talking mindlessly! Didn't upgrade but it was a good chance to test out other violins besides my teachers'. xD

Take care and have fun, everyone!^^

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