Saturday, December 4, 2010

Real Life ~ Storm Gone For Lunch

Thank goodness today is fine. Yesterday's horoscopes told me that whoever or whatever that's holding me back will be revealed. I was worried that I might not want to know... =S The result's funny. Trust me. xD

Before going for the violin lesson, I was helping dad open the air-conditioner so that he can get hold of the filter to clean them or something. =/ I was short so I had no choice but to step on the sofa. As I turned my head back, I saw mom's face look upset. Wondered why but it turned out she did not like the sofa being creased...

What the hell...? I could have easily fall and broke my neck then die... And all you thought of was the sofa? My feelings were not hurt but I just dislike seeing that face of hers with that expression since it seems like I am forever making her do that expression. =/ Even if I tried real hard to escape scolding in a day, it never happens. I am sure there are hardly days without scolding or a face like that made. Miserable, right? Still, better than having no one to be with. =/

I was worried things would not be well at the lesson but I was looking forward to meeting that mysterious accompanist. For the whole week, I started liking the idea of playing with an accompanist. Just only hoping that things turn out smoothly (as usual) and that I can get along well with him/her.

My teacher's room (the usual room where I have lessons) was quiet. Surely no one was there learning before me...? I waited for my student card as the fees were being paid.

By the time I saw my teacher waving at me, telling me to get in for lesson, I could not wait for the card anymore. In I went.

Before that, there was a curious guy wandering everywhere in the music centre. He followed mom and I up there but did no harm as far as I know. He saw me playing the violin. Jeez. I hated how I sort of messed up "Gavotte In D by J.S Bach" at the start. Luckily he only saw me when I played La Cumparista. xD Then again, it did not mean that he hadn't heard the horrific start. My mind suddenly went many places. Dunno why. xD Hey, maybe my brain is a time traveler. xD

My teacher suddenly seem to be teaching a whole lot more better today. =o He was a whole lot more particular but I like it this way. xD

He actually pointed out a tiny mistake I didn't catch when I played La Cumparista for him. Guess I gotta remember that. xD

Last night, I prepared about 8 questions to ask him. After all, I kept forgetting what to ask. He was astounded when he heard how many questions there were gonna be. I managed to get 2 questions answered. Haha.

It turned out that skill he taught me last week was known as "spiccato". He said that the skill is not for me yet but that's weird, it was used in a Grade 4 song and including the first ABRSM Grade 5 exam piece I am learning now. Damn that Garde 5 exam piece is tough. xD To be honest, Alexandra Wood probably did not follow everything the sheet music said. After all, not everyone follows it as long as it still sounds like how it should be. Since she's obviously over Grade 8, why should she use the usual staccato? =P Even my teacher does what she did for the CD. xD Haha.

Things went really well for lesson today though I have yet to see my accompanist and gotta make sure the date of concert is still the same. I remember hearing someone said December 19th, not December 18th. =/ Looks like it's back to 7 questions now. xD Hope I remember to ask.

When playing maple, suddenly this dude wanted to party me so OK, fine, I did. He was rude and he went missing just because 2x exp was over. Really, I do not know what to say. I intended to save potions and just do my quest but I ended up getting 200+ ligator skin for nothing... Damn him but thanks to him, I got to 40% not long after that. Still wished I didn't have to use a lot of potions on that though. @.@ He was lvl 32 and I was lvl 55. =/ Oh well. And so, he is the one holding me back today. Lol. Didn't think it would be from Maple. xD

OK, gonna read manga. Do not feel like saying anymore. Sorry. =P

Take care and have fun~! ^^


  1. Well, sad to hear that little drama happened when assisting someone. I would agree life if more important than sofa.
    Do extend a helping hand when someone needed assistance. Again, think of the best possible ways before acting.

  2. That grill's kinda hard to step on. @.@ xD
