Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Real Life ~ Recovered By Night

Can you believe that a person about 14 years younger than me can actually cheer me up? Hehe.

Hey, just so you know, guys CAN be cute; when they are babies. Lol!

A 19-month-old baby boy came to my house at night today. His family were going to see if my family and house are suitable for him to be babysat at.

When I first saw him, he looked so cute! xD Hehe. His eyes were like o.0 and his mouth like =0

xD I've not seen any cuter babies like that. He's pretty active. =3

He played with the rubics cube. Not that he could solve it but if he does get to be babysat at my house, I'd like to teach him. There are so many things you can teach him. Haha. There's always the drawing and writing. Writing will be tough though. Dx I suck at drawing but sometimes my drawing can be recognized. xD

At first, I was wondering whether to hide or just sit at the computer minding my own business like normal. In the end, it was too late for me to move another inch because the "mother" (I put inverted commas because she ended up being the grandmother). To be honest, I thought the grandmother was too young to be one. o.0lll

I just greeted them a bit and went back to the computer since I'd feel self-conscious. I dare not read the manga so much in front of them in case an unnecessary hentai part appeared just when they looked my way. =S I would have a hard time convincing them by then. Lol.

Earlier before they came, I had been browsing for amazing violin videos by David Garrett. There were fast and slow ones. xD I had "Tzigane by Maurice Ravel" and "Caprice No.24 in A Minor by Nicolo Paganini" played first. It was only after that that I watched other violin videos. I only had one Japanese song by an anime played. xP

They stayed 1 hour.

After awhile, they started telling the baby to say "jie jie". In Chinese, it means "sister" but it does not have to be blood-related. I suppose he gave his family the idea that after he called out to me. It was only after he called me that when they started asking him to repeat after that. Man, I was pretty surprised earlier. I didn't think that the baby would notice my existence. After all, the attention was meant to be for my mother. She's the babysitter after all. xD I usually just help out in the past.

It's a pretty tiring job for me even as an assistant. At that time, I was about 12 or something only. I did not like playing those games because at that age and younger, I never liked playing with my own lil cousin bro. I used to get pissed really quick. Dx

I noticed changes. In a way, I've gotten pretty patient. I began enduring more than I could before. =/ I still have limits since I am nonetheless, just a human.

In fact, it's pretty fun to play with younger kids. As long as they can understand and listen to people, that is. Lol.

Most of the time, I ended up dealing with hyper kids. I suppose there was one kid I dealt with who had ADD/ADHD. To be frank, I always end up with hyper and active kids. @.@ Usually boys though (have girls extincted?!). Sure I do get tired from it all. xD It's only normal for an easily tired person like me, right? As a kid, I was active as well. I couldn't stop walking and playing with toys.

Sorry, sidetracked. -.- A bad habit of mine. Lol.

The grandmother took the baby to see me face to face. He looked just as cute up close. ^^ He's a shy one. xD His grandmother asked things and looked around the rest of my house.

After that, she left then came again. Talked again.

Then AGAIN, lol, the mother came with the baby. The baby walked on his own while holding his mother's hand. xD He looked cute that way too.

The mother talked to me and stuff. I gave him the rubics cube to play with. He twisted and twisted. After some time of twisting, he showed me an even more incomplete rubics cube. He looked so happy though. Lol. He sat on the chair to keep on playing the rubics cube. After awhile, he got bored. My hands were nearby and he finally did what his mom told him to do: shake hands with me. He didn't shake hands with me but at least held my hand by himself. xD I shook hands with him then. His hands were so tiny(and slightly wet and sticky from putting his own hands in his mouth)!

The baby tore stuff from my small notebook but it's not that important as long as I can still see things from that page.

It was only then when the baby was called to go home but to say goodbye to mom and I first.

I've been thinking, if I failed to be psychologist, journalist and even musician, I will stop trying to be smart or talented. I'd be someone to handle kids even though it's not any easier.

It's better than being a NEET (unemployed person).

Take care and have fun, everyone out there~! xD

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