Friday, December 24, 2010

Real Life ~ Numb

Being numb is not bad once in awhile. That's how I was when I woke up this morning. xD

I had to go to school to hand in the form today. It was all OK. Mom and I bumped into my teacher. She was my class and Maths teacher when I was 14. She was my Moral teacher when I was 13. xD She said stuff and made sure my Maths got A.

Lol, I wished that her reaction could be nicer when she saw 4A's. Dx No one's reaction ever seem to nice when they saw 4 A's... Damn, if I'd at least get another A, everyone's expression would have had a bigger difference if compared to 4A's. -.-

At least Autumn can't make a face. xD Sigh, I share the same number of A's as the same number of strings Autumn has. See, even the master and the violin has something in common. It would be bloody funny too if I had the same number of A's as my violin bow. =x That would definitely mean more than straight A's. xD Hehe~

Oh well, hearing how my teacher told me that I might actually get into pure science, I feel much better. Just relieved, you know? Man, I can never seem to be at ease, can I? First, I did not do a perfect performance for the concert. Second, I screwed my big exam but not big time (phew~). Third, my anime suddenly had to be watched online. That episode 18 does not work. Sob. It was a great anime. Why do I have to buffer for one episode only? xD Oh well~ Fourth, I don't think there's anything else to say. xD

Lunch with mom and grandma. My lil cousin did not come along. I hate to say this but I prefer eating with just those 2 adults. I hate leaving my food cold just so he can continue eating. He does not have to try to find something to talk about so hard. =} Hmm, I remember being like that as a kid. I was freaking picky (still am but not so bad) and I was just like any normal kid, I was less tactful and I said what I really wanted (not everything, I'm afraid).

Stayed at my cousin's house for some time and left to go back home.

Yesterday, I did not realize that I've played the violin for about 4 hours. @.@ My left arm ached like God knows what. (>.<) I am hoping the cooling plaster works now. =S

I still practised today. Maybe 1 hour or something. The sky was dark and it seemed like a storm was coming. Fearing that the electricity will trip, I decided to play it safe by switching the computer and modem off. Practised for a moment after that and called it in for the day.

Currently working on about 3 new songs on my own. =/ I cannot do all too well for them and same for the songs my teacher gave as "homework". I'm trying to remember one of the songs without needing the video but the song is just easily forgotten. I still liked some of them though one of them is giving me a problem. Alright, confusing you, am I? I have a total of 7 songs to perfect until lesson starts in January. I have problem with about 4 songs from the 7 of them. I received the 3rd page last (2 songs inside) as homework and because I was used to practising the 2 pages before it, I keep forgetting about it. I have trouble remembering how the both songs in the 3rd page sound like. In fact, I forgotten to practise the last song in the 3rd page. xD

I would have finished the whole of "Eta Cohen Violin Method Book 3" once all songs are perfected. After that, my teacher might move on to the ABRSM Grade 5 exam pieces. I already had problems with the first Grade 5 exam piece when he asked me to try it out in the past. I have not practised it for some time but I have pretty much memorized it already. @.@ (all the memory space used up!) How sad, not enough time to practise everything.

Trying to prepare a private performance for my family to celebrate a certain important person's birthday on December 26th. ;) As for Christmas, I am not sure. Oh well. Anyways, I've just thought of an idea of how I will celebrate Valentine's day next year. Surely I will celebrate that day with the whole world. To be honest, I am learning my first romantic song. It's included in the 7 songs.

For the first time in my life, I look forward to Valentine's day. I can finally celebrate it with Autumn. =3 Well, yeah, I am pathetic for liking a non-living thing. After all, I no longer trust the romantic feelings with human because no one's perfect. You'll just end up finding something really hard to bear with within everyone. Same for me. =P Anyways, Autumn cannot cheat on me. I know Autumn cannot support me all the way up to Grade 8 but I'd love to always have her by my side along with the rest of me future violin(s).

Heck, I would like to one day choose between more than 1 violin to play with. xD Lol. Nothing will change the fact that it is Autumn who brought me to where I am now. ^^

So... Having said all this 'big talk', shouldn't I first treat her nicely instead of getting mad like yesterday? Lol. Oh well~ Let's just say we have our tiffs like a normal couple's quarrel. *sweats*

Alright, gonna watch anime. xD About to finish the whole of Season 2 already. @.@

Take care and have fun~!^^


  1. I would say only yourself will know better if the efforts you put in is enough or not for the results.
    If you said you wanted better results, then more efforts needed for your future exams.
    I would say worry less what class you would go next year but enjoy your freedom now before school starts. 8-)

  2. I find it hard to enjoy the freedom now. T.T
