Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Real Life ~ Welcome Me Back?

Anyone gonna welcome me back after those days of not blogging?

Just kidding. I am now writing this blog to bring you a surprising news (I think).

The news is... Mapling days are BACK. xD Just patched the other day (Which is, I don't know when. Lol).

There's this new event keeping me active so far but it's gonna end on 3rd of November. I am getting pretty bored of it now though, since the quest is hard. I just logged off, actually.

Well, I am currently multitasking. Facebook, Horoscopes and blogging. Wait, before you sigh and go, "Oh, for cryin' out loud, why are ALL teenagers obsessed with Facebook?!", I want you to know that I am busy discussing about something important with my friend so there you go! xD

Violin... 2 hard songs but thank goodness the sliding skill had been nailed and had been nailed the day after the one blogging angrily about it. xD Now this new skill is worse that I almost wished I had not complained about it but I WILL and MUST nail it all in the end - Harmonics. You know, I still do not really get how harmonics can be nice in a song but oh well. There are 2 types of harmonics to me so far. One is where you can actually hear what note it is and the other is one that you cannot really tell what note is that and that it sounded "breathless" in a way after being played. I am playing the first harmonics I just mentioned. By doing that skill, it uses more of my 4th finger, which can be pretty tiring if your 4th finger is short. I have problems reaching the note sometimes but it will be fine eventually. Hah, why am I so optimistic today? Something to do with aging? Kidding. xD

It's less stressful even though I still have yet to nail those 2 songs and one practice. Wondering why? There are 5 weeks this month and there are no violin classes on every 5th week because it's a holiday to the music teachers. My teacher sleeps late every night and looks tired sometimes. He even yawned. That's not an excuse for him to have a holiday as he slept late going online to find a good vacation package. I only partly agree with the 5th week rest for teachers because I cannot imagine playing violin, not to mention TEACHING violin for more than 4 hours. After teaching a student, he still plays the violin on his own. I once caught him talking to himself while he was trying to learn a new song on his own. xD I only know that he has probably hours of break in the evening or something because I once turned up at the music centre with the place locked up. Damn. That was supposed to be my replacement! xD

I had been reading books and tomorrow, I will be going over to my grandma's house for lunch. She always told me to bring my violin along to duet with my lil cousin bro but you know what? I guess it's a pretty hard thing to do because even after the big exam (when I thought I have the rights to have more freedom), my mom told me that since I have no class this week, if anything happened to Autumn, I would not be able to ask my teacher for help, so I cannot bring her along.

(Skip this paragraph if you think you will be offended easily or feel that you need to leave a nasty comment after reading)
EVERY single freaking time I have lunch with grandma or even just get into their house, I get this strong feeling that I need Autumn to accompany me and get rid of my boredom and slight loneliness, which is why every single time I hold Autumn, I have this strong sense of power, like how it is my one and only violin. NO ONE else owns Autumn. No one else has the right to take her away from me. I can be the only one who loves Autumn the most. You're probably thinking I'm sick in the head but it's like this ever since the day I found out that I can never play any song in peace on the piano in the Prefects' Room. =[ Just playing a song midway, somebody just HAS to butt in and ruin everything. Even when I had my own piano, people easily sat there and disturb me. As for violin, once it is damaged by someone, they're dead meat because you can sit and play it like a piano. There's something you must be able to do first before playing it: Holding it the RIGHT way. I trust only my teacher to hold it but even if it's my violinist friend, I would not dare to let her go near it. I do not care if my violin is like any other violin to others but whatever it is, my violin is still fragile and that you cannot strike the bow too hard on it even if the skills requires that amount of strength to do it. Believe me, I've drew the bow hard more than twice and I regretted it. There goes the tuning. Even tuning became a problem after that because of the stubborn pegs.

Mom was quite right because my little cousin brother, even though almost 12, he is still immature. He will not understand the feelings I have for Autumn. I know that he will probably whack it lightly but not knowing how much force can actually cause a damage, he might actually damage it terribly. Dx

(Also skip these conditions if you feel that you cannot keep your nasty remarks to yourself)
I'm a desperate performer but I only have 2 conditions:

That is all I ask for now. xD

Jeez. I hope you guys out there are having fun. =P Oh yeah, any of you readers remember the post about this thick book that I have been reading for months? I finished it like last week or 2 weeks before. xD It really was the longest time for me to finish a book but the number of pages can be my excuse. =P

Gotta jet now as the hives are coming to get me.

Take care and once again, have fun~! ^^

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