Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Real Life ~ Currently Sober

Hmm, I think I am currently sober now (not drunk earlier but was drowned in own emotions yesterday but I've already apologized anyways). ;P

Today's post is going to be about my day at my grandma's house.

Woke up at 10AM. I actually woke mom up with my loud alarm clock for a short moment but after that, she was back sleeping again. I was not sure what time she planned at wake up at so I did not bother waking her up once again. We were meant to leave the house at 11AM to visit grandma. =/

I did some house chores and read my book BEFORE doing the house chores. Know why? I was not sure what my mom exactly do every morning. xD I was always busy practising my violin that I have no freaking idea what she does in the morning. I only know what she does in the afternoon and evening. =x I only did the simple house chores when I heard her footsteps coming down the stairs.

Wiped and tables and stuff, the normal mundane stuff. When mom reached downstairs, she said this to me, "I woke up a little bit late. I need to get the meat I ordered for grandma. Hmm... Maybe I should go get the meat first."

Off she went to get the meat. I went back up to...
A. Practise the violin
B. Do more house chores
C. Take a bath
D. Read books

Choose one. xD

The answer is... C. xD

We left the house after mom took her bath. Lunch was different today. The usual coffee shop they go for lunch is closed on Wednesday and today just so happened to be that Wednesday. We were lucky enough to get a cooling spot in the coffee shop next door. =P No sweating needed, thankfully and the meal was just OK. It's not that great but what more can I ask for?

The moment I dreaded finally came. Knowing I have no Autumn with me to be my backbone, I felt so bored and restless back at grandma's house. I greeted my cousin brother and sat there on their sofa staring into space. Mom knew I was bored (like my occasional yawn wasn't enough to show) and asked if I wanted to get home. I said "Of course." at first but felt rude so I changed my answer to "Anything." when she said she couldn't hear my first answer. To tell the truth, I was not looking forward to seeing my lil cousin bro that much. I hate to admit but I dislike going under the hot Sun just to see how his plants were doing and that I hate playing weird games that require a lot of running. I just tend to get all sweaty for nothing. Why can't we just draw or play safer games that won't get us in trouble in the end like in the past? I don't even know where to start as an example. xD

Thank goodness, today, when he got home from school, he was less active. He still ate his lunch real slow. We watched cartoons after cartoons on TV. After watching those silly cartoons, I realized how much I missed Cartoon Network. I no longer stay glued to the TV like before as a child until the age of 12. Well, you can say TV made me wear spectacles. xD I suppose I would have to wear specs in the end no matter how much I took care of my eyes, it's genetic, you know, none of us asked for it.

Left grandma's house and got home at about 2PM+. Practised violin as soon as other necessary stuff were done.

It was pretty much like an intensive violin practice. =S I'm unsure of the time I exactly started practising the violin today but I know it ended at about 4PM+ nearing 5PM. Or was it 5PM+? Lol. xD I just know that I repeated the same hard song over and over to the extent that I cursed at the mistake I kept making at the end of the song. =P My both arms throbbed in PAIN! Dx Oh well, as long as the arms can still function well without a problem, it's still OK, right? xD

Alright, I was wrong before. Now my right arm's starting to ache all over again. Dx

Does thinking of pain make our body feel the pain all over again? o.0

Just finished another book. It was "The Gift" by Cecelia Ahern. Lovely book, lovely story, sad but touching ending. I actually cried near the ending but hey, I ain't gonna give you any spoilers in case you come hunting me down accusing me for telling you the ending. Bleh~ =P Would you believe if I told you Cecelia Ahern is actually the daughter of the former Prime Minister of Ireland? =o Well, the truth is, she really is and my gosh, I was so gobsmacked! I cannot believe how talented she is. She has a degree in journalism and media communication or something. Wow... The power of English Literature... That was my plan B. Damn. At least it pains me less when I heard that my dad's friend's daughter went to London to study English Literature. =/ Still unfair that their family have the money to support her studies. Oh well, screw everything! Eventually, I will make sure I am satisfied with what I choose to study. Music's still not what i can choose though. Sigh. Plan C is out then. =[ There's only Plan A and Plan B left. The thing is, I am starting to prefer Plan B though I have quite a problem understanding the full meaning of the poem "Sonnet 18" by William Shakespeare. It's a poem in the syllabus that us 16-year-old's will be studying. Or maybe 17-year-old's. Either. Anyways, it was a beautiful poem, as expected but I like "Life's Brief Candle" a whole lot more. "Life's Brief Candle" is not only easier to understand but it is more meaningful in a way as well. I am not saying that we should live our lives like what he said in the poem but I meant that life can be short and that from the poem, I think we should try to enjoy. He's being morbid in the poem but I still learned a lesson from him.

In the poem "Sonnet 18", it's a poem about his beloved's beauty. He compares his beloved's beauty with the season of Summer. Summer is beautiful to him because the Sun is bright and flowers bloom at that time. He says in the poem that his beloved's beauty is even more beautiful than Summer but like strong winds blow the leaves away during Summer, his beloved's beauty will never remain the same. He states that human lose their beauty because of aging or maybe accidents. In the end, his beloved's beauty remains forever because people will know of his beloved's beauty by reading his poem "Sonnet 18". Basically, his beloved's beauty has been immortalized by his poem.

Man, what a romantic guy he was but if I've not mistaken, he had many women...? xD Like the other musicians, famous musicians now being studied in the History of Music, they had many women they once loved in their lives. =x At the end of the day, when they were still in love, they took the opportunity to compose a song for their current lovers.

Back to the topic, William Shakespeare died at the age of 52. The book I read the poem from showed the years so I calculated and my trusty calculator said "52". xD

Another thing I like about William Shakespeare is because of one of his plays "Romeo and Juliet"! The famous story of forbidden love. An original one indeed. I know the Anime version is slightly different and in fact, can be said TOO different but the feeling of the love they both have for one another is as clear as day. I cried watching. This, I cannot deny. I really wished so badly that they didn't die and that they ended up together eternally.

When I researched the original story, I found that it was more matured than the Anime version. Don't believe? Go check it out on Wikipedia. People made movies about that story over and over. As centuries passed, we humans become more decent in a way and started to cut out the x-rated scenes. I think the Anime was a good way of encouraging people to start reading Classics and appreciate William Shakespeare's works.

The poem "Life's Brief Candle" is from his other play "Macbeth", if I have not mistaken. Sorry, my mind seems to be thinking about "Hamlet" instead though I do not know what "Hamlet" is about. xD

Most of William Shakespeare's works seem to be tragic and depressing. xD Lol. "Macbeth" is also another tragic story that also involves love and greed. I did not read the whole story so do not blame me if it doesn't seem like it involves love in it to you. Greed is definitely in.

Oh yeah, one more thing. William Shakespeare is so unfair. He got to use his own words and probably coin his own words but when we students do that, we get scolded. I am not meaning words like "Lol", "LMFAO", "ROFL", "FK", "BRB, "AFK" etc. but what I meant is words like "turtling" and er... I forgot. xD

The word "turtling" was from the Anime "Fairy Tail". One girl in the Anime used that word and it meant that it is slowly coming/going towards a certain direction. The keyword is "slowly". Like say: She is turtling her way to class.
Doesn't it give you the feeling that it means that she is slowly going to class?

If you examine the sentence deeper, you can imagine that she is probably slowly going to class because she is reluctant, like as if she got into trouble.

There are many possible reasons. xD Let's just leave it at that. Lol.

Oops, I talked a lot in this post. Haha.

Take care and have fun then~!^^


  1. What a long post! Perhaps that's the effect of reading a very thick book. 8-)
    House chores = clean the house compound, watering plants, walk the dog in the playground, buy newspaper & breakfast for your mom. Just kidding, take out the dog part.
    I thought you are good at getting rid of boredom by reading your book ? Unimaginable if you leave the house without your book.

  2. Haha, if I took the book along, I would probably forget to bring it back from grandma's house. After all, who knows if the book just won't come back in one piece? =P

    Lol, maybe take the stuff dog out for a walk? =P

  3. Hmmm, I thought you are really protective especially your books.
    I believe that place is not that bad unless dogs bitten your book. 8-)
    Good idea,I am eager to see you walking a stuff dog as I haven't seen any brave soul done that.

  4. Hmm, I think I protect Autumn more now. Haha. Nah, I am just forgetful whenever I take books.
    Lol, you should walk the stuff dog first and THEN I will join in.
