Thursday, October 14, 2010

Real Life ~ 2 More

Sorry for suddenly ending the previous post. xD

I really was in a rush. I did not go to school today and I rested one day (yesterday) as I never uploaded any at all. I had a muscle cramp after the long hours of violin.

Here's are the links for the 2 new videos. I took my friend's advice and found a way to not bother with which expression I used when recording the violin playing.

Only for the 2nd one that I tried my friend's advice. It's much better that way though it's harder for me to end the recording. I had to put down my bow quick on the table to stop the recording. It made a sound but I only hope that I will soon find a way to solve that unless I start being inconsiderate and do not care whether others buffer more while watching my videos. I feel that the faster my video is, the better it is for the viewers' patience. xD

The rest probably helped and same for the actual practice. Sadly, I haven't been doing very well for one of the songs. It's pretty hard and well, I just cannot get into the song. =/ At least I nailed one song. Just that it needs more practice. I plan to perform that song when I get to bring my violin to others' house. Oh yeah, if you're wondering which song, shh, I ain't telling any of you until I have performed. =D

My muscle cramp is worse today but thank goodness the cooling plaster I put on today is much more effective though the spot where it hurts is bigger than what that stupid plaster can cover. T.T I would have just plastered the whole of my left arm! Dx My right arm's the same too but it's not as bad as the left's. I better not get tendonitis. =[ I will ask for my teacher's advice. My friend told me that I should put both arms in ice cold water first then in hot water to soothe the pain. Have no idea how to get the ice cold water and hot water. @.@

Maybe a small pack of ice would work but it would seem too dramatic. =S

Gonna go watch anime now. MY left arm's still in pain so I do not want to type too much. Bye.

Have fun and take care! Sorry I forgotten to say it for the last post!


  1. These 2 videos are better as you are more relax. Perhaps I could help you to do the recording next time.
    It is OK to have retakes as long as to get the best take.

  2. Hmm, if you don't mind, that is though I probably would have been lazy or tired by then. xD Haha. =P
