Sunday, October 31, 2010

Real Life ~ Not Right

Why do things get not right when this day is ending?

So what if it's 10:12PM now? It feels like the day's gonna end. The only thing is that the curtains ain't gonna close since there will be more drama coming soon. I wish I was watching that drama and am not in it instead. =S

Yesterday, my friend suddenly ask me to hang out with our other friends. It really was sudden but it's better then not being invited at all. There were many changes to the extent that I am probably having a fever now. Things started going wrong since like 1 hour ago or something.

I called my other friend to tell her about the outing and the friend who informed me of the outing already told her. OK, saves the trouble. At night, she called me asking me stuff and making me do stuff. She made the most changes to the plan. =.= I hate it. My mom got mad and started scolding. I don't like where this is going. Why can't we just meet in a place that's the easiest to meet in and shut the eff up already? Thanks to her, I got scolded for it! Dammit.

Now I only hope this drama stops being bad and be good instead. Let's just say that one of my family members is not OK recently. Please, please, please NO MORE bad changes!

Big exam just ended. It's bad enough that our subjects will be a bigger pain in the ass. Don't stress us out more, OK?

Hmm, I don't wanna so no more. I want to sleep but I promised I'd do 11PM bossing in Maple with 2 friends. Guess I'll look like total shit tomorrow for the outing. Cheers!

Take care and have fun~!^^

Friday, October 29, 2010

Real Life ~ Fast One

This post will be a fast one but if I have time later, I will post another one again.

I just took a bath and now waiting for mom to be ready to go out for lunch.

Here are the links of my videos this morning. Hope you enjoy and please be LIGHT on the criticism!

Yes, 4 friggin' videos. I don't even know where I got my patience. Lol. Also, less retakes but I think I still like the first video I uploaded for this morning because I was sad and the more I uploaded, the less sad I become. Lol. Too bad I can't really take advantage of the sadness anymore. Oh well~

There's one retake that was funny. My mom suddenly went behind me not knowing that I was recording but because I laughed, my sadness slowly disappeared. Darn. Lol.

Alright, remember, LIGHT on criticism. Don't break my heart anymore or else I will upload sad songs only. Kidding but don't break my heart again.

Take care and have fun for now~ Kidding. Just take care and have fun~! =P

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Real Life ~ Uploading My Whole Morning

I woke up thinking of only having intensive training. It sort of scared me thinking of what I have to go through but in the end, once I switched the computer on to use a song on YouTube for reference, I couldn't help but think of uploading some since I feel that I should update.

Here are the links:

I still needed retakes. Tiring but not as frustrating as before.

Lol, I wish I can get a NICE comment! xD Starting to feel discouraged but oh well, I am saving one song to upload only after a live performance (may it be other people's house or on a stage). Still not telling which song but there's this new song I heard of last night. It was "Henrietta no Violin" from Gunslinger Girl. The last time I watched it, I was only at the age of 12. It was pretty violent to me at that time but the song shocked me. I loved it and thought it was simple. When I tried this morning, I forgotten how it exactly went. That was why I switched the computer on. xD Desperate, right?

Here's the title & link of the song I just mentioned:
Gunslinger Girl Il Teatrino OST - Henrietta No Violin

One day... Just one day, I will play like that though my violin cannot make that sort of sound that's very similar to an erhu(traditional Chinese instrument). From the song, all notes are clear. I hope to be able to shift my fingers very fast from 1st to 3rd position. It's not exactly an easy task. Mind you, I only started this year.

Oh yeah, yesterday, I managed to remove a small piece of wood that somehow got into the violin's holes. My teacher accidentally dropped that small piece of wood on from the first violin lesson from him. He was shortening my bridge and I guess he dropped some of the wood in or something. I saw it drop when he handed my violin to me. From that day, I cannot stop hearing a light sound coming from the holes. I once tried to remove but failed in the end. Yesterday, when I was looking for the bass line in the violin, I saw a piece of wood that did not belong to the inside of the violin. I shook it to the side and turned Autumn upside down. Out came the piece of wood. (Damn, I kept typing wood as "woof"!Lol.)

It didn't seem like it affected Autumn's sound. I kept that piece of wood. If I feel that my good luck had been removed, I will put it back. Lol. It's not that I'm being superstitious, I just worry that my luck will be gone. Dx

Gonna show that piece of wood to my dad today when he gets back home. He's gonna wonder why that piece of wood looks so weird. Haha.

Got the 'Canon in D' score last night but then it seemed like the wrong one coz no matter how I played it, it does not sound like the actual one. xD How sad. today, I finally got one that so far sounds accurate. Oh well~

Tired now. Gonna go mapling to see my sis on maple! Take care and have fun~!^^

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Real Life ~ Currently Sober

Hmm, I think I am currently sober now (not drunk earlier but was drowned in own emotions yesterday but I've already apologized anyways). ;P

Today's post is going to be about my day at my grandma's house.

Woke up at 10AM. I actually woke mom up with my loud alarm clock for a short moment but after that, she was back sleeping again. I was not sure what time she planned at wake up at so I did not bother waking her up once again. We were meant to leave the house at 11AM to visit grandma. =/

I did some house chores and read my book BEFORE doing the house chores. Know why? I was not sure what my mom exactly do every morning. xD I was always busy practising my violin that I have no freaking idea what she does in the morning. I only know what she does in the afternoon and evening. =x I only did the simple house chores when I heard her footsteps coming down the stairs.

Wiped and tables and stuff, the normal mundane stuff. When mom reached downstairs, she said this to me, "I woke up a little bit late. I need to get the meat I ordered for grandma. Hmm... Maybe I should go get the meat first."

Off she went to get the meat. I went back up to...
A. Practise the violin
B. Do more house chores
C. Take a bath
D. Read books

Choose one. xD

The answer is... C. xD

We left the house after mom took her bath. Lunch was different today. The usual coffee shop they go for lunch is closed on Wednesday and today just so happened to be that Wednesday. We were lucky enough to get a cooling spot in the coffee shop next door. =P No sweating needed, thankfully and the meal was just OK. It's not that great but what more can I ask for?

The moment I dreaded finally came. Knowing I have no Autumn with me to be my backbone, I felt so bored and restless back at grandma's house. I greeted my cousin brother and sat there on their sofa staring into space. Mom knew I was bored (like my occasional yawn wasn't enough to show) and asked if I wanted to get home. I said "Of course." at first but felt rude so I changed my answer to "Anything." when she said she couldn't hear my first answer. To tell the truth, I was not looking forward to seeing my lil cousin bro that much. I hate to admit but I dislike going under the hot Sun just to see how his plants were doing and that I hate playing weird games that require a lot of running. I just tend to get all sweaty for nothing. Why can't we just draw or play safer games that won't get us in trouble in the end like in the past? I don't even know where to start as an example. xD

Thank goodness, today, when he got home from school, he was less active. He still ate his lunch real slow. We watched cartoons after cartoons on TV. After watching those silly cartoons, I realized how much I missed Cartoon Network. I no longer stay glued to the TV like before as a child until the age of 12. Well, you can say TV made me wear spectacles. xD I suppose I would have to wear specs in the end no matter how much I took care of my eyes, it's genetic, you know, none of us asked for it.

Left grandma's house and got home at about 2PM+. Practised violin as soon as other necessary stuff were done.

It was pretty much like an intensive violin practice. =S I'm unsure of the time I exactly started practising the violin today but I know it ended at about 4PM+ nearing 5PM. Or was it 5PM+? Lol. xD I just know that I repeated the same hard song over and over to the extent that I cursed at the mistake I kept making at the end of the song. =P My both arms throbbed in PAIN! Dx Oh well, as long as the arms can still function well without a problem, it's still OK, right? xD

Alright, I was wrong before. Now my right arm's starting to ache all over again. Dx

Does thinking of pain make our body feel the pain all over again? o.0

Just finished another book. It was "The Gift" by Cecelia Ahern. Lovely book, lovely story, sad but touching ending. I actually cried near the ending but hey, I ain't gonna give you any spoilers in case you come hunting me down accusing me for telling you the ending. Bleh~ =P Would you believe if I told you Cecelia Ahern is actually the daughter of the former Prime Minister of Ireland? =o Well, the truth is, she really is and my gosh, I was so gobsmacked! I cannot believe how talented she is. She has a degree in journalism and media communication or something. Wow... The power of English Literature... That was my plan B. Damn. At least it pains me less when I heard that my dad's friend's daughter went to London to study English Literature. =/ Still unfair that their family have the money to support her studies. Oh well, screw everything! Eventually, I will make sure I am satisfied with what I choose to study. Music's still not what i can choose though. Sigh. Plan C is out then. =[ There's only Plan A and Plan B left. The thing is, I am starting to prefer Plan B though I have quite a problem understanding the full meaning of the poem "Sonnet 18" by William Shakespeare. It's a poem in the syllabus that us 16-year-old's will be studying. Or maybe 17-year-old's. Either. Anyways, it was a beautiful poem, as expected but I like "Life's Brief Candle" a whole lot more. "Life's Brief Candle" is not only easier to understand but it is more meaningful in a way as well. I am not saying that we should live our lives like what he said in the poem but I meant that life can be short and that from the poem, I think we should try to enjoy. He's being morbid in the poem but I still learned a lesson from him.

In the poem "Sonnet 18", it's a poem about his beloved's beauty. He compares his beloved's beauty with the season of Summer. Summer is beautiful to him because the Sun is bright and flowers bloom at that time. He says in the poem that his beloved's beauty is even more beautiful than Summer but like strong winds blow the leaves away during Summer, his beloved's beauty will never remain the same. He states that human lose their beauty because of aging or maybe accidents. In the end, his beloved's beauty remains forever because people will know of his beloved's beauty by reading his poem "Sonnet 18". Basically, his beloved's beauty has been immortalized by his poem.

Man, what a romantic guy he was but if I've not mistaken, he had many women...? xD Like the other musicians, famous musicians now being studied in the History of Music, they had many women they once loved in their lives. =x At the end of the day, when they were still in love, they took the opportunity to compose a song for their current lovers.

Back to the topic, William Shakespeare died at the age of 52. The book I read the poem from showed the years so I calculated and my trusty calculator said "52". xD

Another thing I like about William Shakespeare is because of one of his plays "Romeo and Juliet"! The famous story of forbidden love. An original one indeed. I know the Anime version is slightly different and in fact, can be said TOO different but the feeling of the love they both have for one another is as clear as day. I cried watching. This, I cannot deny. I really wished so badly that they didn't die and that they ended up together eternally.

When I researched the original story, I found that it was more matured than the Anime version. Don't believe? Go check it out on Wikipedia. People made movies about that story over and over. As centuries passed, we humans become more decent in a way and started to cut out the x-rated scenes. I think the Anime was a good way of encouraging people to start reading Classics and appreciate William Shakespeare's works.

The poem "Life's Brief Candle" is from his other play "Macbeth", if I have not mistaken. Sorry, my mind seems to be thinking about "Hamlet" instead though I do not know what "Hamlet" is about. xD

Most of William Shakespeare's works seem to be tragic and depressing. xD Lol. "Macbeth" is also another tragic story that also involves love and greed. I did not read the whole story so do not blame me if it doesn't seem like it involves love in it to you. Greed is definitely in.

Oh yeah, one more thing. William Shakespeare is so unfair. He got to use his own words and probably coin his own words but when we students do that, we get scolded. I am not meaning words like "Lol", "LMFAO", "ROFL", "FK", "BRB, "AFK" etc. but what I meant is words like "turtling" and er... I forgot. xD

The word "turtling" was from the Anime "Fairy Tail". One girl in the Anime used that word and it meant that it is slowly coming/going towards a certain direction. The keyword is "slowly". Like say: She is turtling her way to class.
Doesn't it give you the feeling that it means that she is slowly going to class?

If you examine the sentence deeper, you can imagine that she is probably slowly going to class because she is reluctant, like as if she got into trouble.

There are many possible reasons. xD Let's just leave it at that. Lol.

Oops, I talked a lot in this post. Haha.

Take care and have fun then~!^^

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Real Life ~ Take Back

OK, I was emotional back there in the previous post. Forgive me, AGAIN. Damn it, I cannot seem to shut my mouth these days.

Alright, take care and have fun~!^^

Real Life ~ Welcome Me Back?

Anyone gonna welcome me back after those days of not blogging?

Just kidding. I am now writing this blog to bring you a surprising news (I think).

The news is... Mapling days are BACK. xD Just patched the other day (Which is, I don't know when. Lol).

There's this new event keeping me active so far but it's gonna end on 3rd of November. I am getting pretty bored of it now though, since the quest is hard. I just logged off, actually.

Well, I am currently multitasking. Facebook, Horoscopes and blogging. Wait, before you sigh and go, "Oh, for cryin' out loud, why are ALL teenagers obsessed with Facebook?!", I want you to know that I am busy discussing about something important with my friend so there you go! xD

Violin... 2 hard songs but thank goodness the sliding skill had been nailed and had been nailed the day after the one blogging angrily about it. xD Now this new skill is worse that I almost wished I had not complained about it but I WILL and MUST nail it all in the end - Harmonics. You know, I still do not really get how harmonics can be nice in a song but oh well. There are 2 types of harmonics to me so far. One is where you can actually hear what note it is and the other is one that you cannot really tell what note is that and that it sounded "breathless" in a way after being played. I am playing the first harmonics I just mentioned. By doing that skill, it uses more of my 4th finger, which can be pretty tiring if your 4th finger is short. I have problems reaching the note sometimes but it will be fine eventually. Hah, why am I so optimistic today? Something to do with aging? Kidding. xD

It's less stressful even though I still have yet to nail those 2 songs and one practice. Wondering why? There are 5 weeks this month and there are no violin classes on every 5th week because it's a holiday to the music teachers. My teacher sleeps late every night and looks tired sometimes. He even yawned. That's not an excuse for him to have a holiday as he slept late going online to find a good vacation package. I only partly agree with the 5th week rest for teachers because I cannot imagine playing violin, not to mention TEACHING violin for more than 4 hours. After teaching a student, he still plays the violin on his own. I once caught him talking to himself while he was trying to learn a new song on his own. xD I only know that he has probably hours of break in the evening or something because I once turned up at the music centre with the place locked up. Damn. That was supposed to be my replacement! xD

I had been reading books and tomorrow, I will be going over to my grandma's house for lunch. She always told me to bring my violin along to duet with my lil cousin bro but you know what? I guess it's a pretty hard thing to do because even after the big exam (when I thought I have the rights to have more freedom), my mom told me that since I have no class this week, if anything happened to Autumn, I would not be able to ask my teacher for help, so I cannot bring her along.

(Skip this paragraph if you think you will be offended easily or feel that you need to leave a nasty comment after reading)
EVERY single freaking time I have lunch with grandma or even just get into their house, I get this strong feeling that I need Autumn to accompany me and get rid of my boredom and slight loneliness, which is why every single time I hold Autumn, I have this strong sense of power, like how it is my one and only violin. NO ONE else owns Autumn. No one else has the right to take her away from me. I can be the only one who loves Autumn the most. You're probably thinking I'm sick in the head but it's like this ever since the day I found out that I can never play any song in peace on the piano in the Prefects' Room. =[ Just playing a song midway, somebody just HAS to butt in and ruin everything. Even when I had my own piano, people easily sat there and disturb me. As for violin, once it is damaged by someone, they're dead meat because you can sit and play it like a piano. There's something you must be able to do first before playing it: Holding it the RIGHT way. I trust only my teacher to hold it but even if it's my violinist friend, I would not dare to let her go near it. I do not care if my violin is like any other violin to others but whatever it is, my violin is still fragile and that you cannot strike the bow too hard on it even if the skills requires that amount of strength to do it. Believe me, I've drew the bow hard more than twice and I regretted it. There goes the tuning. Even tuning became a problem after that because of the stubborn pegs.

Mom was quite right because my little cousin brother, even though almost 12, he is still immature. He will not understand the feelings I have for Autumn. I know that he will probably whack it lightly but not knowing how much force can actually cause a damage, he might actually damage it terribly. Dx

(Also skip these conditions if you feel that you cannot keep your nasty remarks to yourself)
I'm a desperate performer but I only have 2 conditions:

That is all I ask for now. xD

Jeez. I hope you guys out there are having fun. =P Oh yeah, any of you readers remember the post about this thick book that I have been reading for months? I finished it like last week or 2 weeks before. xD It really was the longest time for me to finish a book but the number of pages can be my excuse. =P

Gotta jet now as the hives are coming to get me.

Take care and once again, have fun~! ^^

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Real Life ~ Short Continuation

This post is a short continuation of the previous post about forced decision.

I decided that I will have no choice but to please her by at least taking psychology. She wanted me to be a dentist as it seems that dentists are earning the most now. I have NO INTEREST whatsoever about teeth. Seeing as I cannot take good care of my own teeth, why in hell would I go for dentistry?

If I ever have a stable income, I MUST make sure I still love violins enough to perform as much as I can because, it's what my heart now ONLY desires.

Even one of my new Youtube friends said to take it as day job. Well, he plays guitars and banjos. xD At least he performed before. =/ Lucky guy but he already had 35 years of experience.

Oh well, toodles~

Real Life ~ Forced Decision

Yes, I was forced. Gonna get to that later.

Here is how the whole school's so-called important talk of career goes.

Firstly, yesterday, when I asked the host (teacher) what we were gonna do for the next day, which is today, he told me that we would be answering those questions that are somewhat related to psychological test. It was then that I knew it wouldn't be that worth but since it's about career, I thought it would be OK and that he would be more specific. Guess what? It's not really worth but it did help let me know how aggressive, honest, critical, analytical (and many more) I am. They are in percentage.

The next psychological test we had was to tell whether we're artistic, investigative, realistic, socialistic, enterprising or conver-God-Knows-What. xD Am lazy to check the paper. xD I was labeled artistic. =/ That means, not suitable for Science Stream. xD What can I do? The subject I like that has anything to do with Science is not taught in school at the age of 16 and 17 yet. xD See? So matured of me. Hmph! Kidding. xD

Had a tiff with one of the friend but she was OK after that.

Alright, about the title, I finally said that I preferred music. And... She ended up not letting me take, saying that hobby is good enough. Sigh. See? What's the point of asking me which stream I wanna go when I can't even choose what I want?! That's my effing point all this while. Still, I have no choice but to go for Pure Science IF I HAVE ENOUGH A'S TO GET IN.

You see, people keep on looking down on Art stream that I even began to think that art stream = no life, no future. After being reminded about it being not a bad thing, I finally thought back, "Oh yeah, some smart people went there in the end." Then again, I wouldn't have Biology there. I'd rather drop Physics and Chemistry! I really think it has NOTHING to do with Psychology! =[ I don't get why we have to suffer so much for something we have no interest in. Can you believe that we are forced to score an A for Moral, which is freaking hard? Damn it.

Oh well, in the end, pure science students have this torturing journey to take. T.T

Let us all survive~! take care and have fun~!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Real Life ~ Choices To Be Made

Today I finally go to school for the stream talking, which is supposed to clarify certain things and to let us be able to easily make a choice to choose which stream we want.

I naturally would prefer Pure Science Stream but after knowing how tough the compulsory subjects are, I have no guts anymore. xD

I cannot take English Literature as it is not offered by the school. Oh well, enough on my plate already anyway. xD Here's another 2 more videos. They are as usual, not perfect but oh well. xD

Here's the link for both:

Here's the link to my YouTube channel:

Lol, I don't even know why I work so hard pasting the links. I would be very glad if you subscribed. If you did, you will be able to know the latest videos I upload.

There should be no way that I would be told to remove those violin videos as I do not play as well as a pro. So if they scanned the music without watching the videos, they will be able to tell that it's not recorded from theirs. Hah! But then again, I don't wanna remain noob on Youtube! xD Whatever~

My friend was really sick. =[ He had to go back home before the actual talk begun.

There's another important talk on career tomorrow and I think I will have to help him copy notes down in case he has to go back home again.

Get well soon, my friend. If you're reading this (you are one of the loyal readers after all =P), I hope you get the sincerest wish of GET WELL SOON! xD

The funnest(Woah, there's such word as "funnest"!) part of school was the last where the teacher did another fun moment. He separated us girl and boys. So that makes 2 groups. We girls of our own bench group did our own fun stuff though I was mainly the victim. The race does not matter at all when it comes to having general fun activities. My 3 friends had fun playing with my hair. They actually tied and untied. Luckily I lied to them about having no comb or else they're gonna comb out every little hair I have left. xD You can say that I've become their personal barbie doll. @.@

Well, nothing much. I'm getting used to wearing the new spectacles for the whole day. xD

Take care and have fun~!^^

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Real Life ~ Late Violin Update

I apologize once again for not updating this earlier. xD

You can say it's because I have been busy in a way and that I keep forgetting to tell you. xD

Let's start with what I can remember...

I'm Grade 4 now. My teacher ended up making me pay the Grade 4 fees whether I took theory or not. I thought I could stay paying the same price as long as I did not take theory but I guess this is probably different from piano though I took theory when I learned piano in the past. @.@ OK, sorry for those who've I just confused just now. xD

The fees are now a hundred and sixty-five per month as long as I am still Grade 4. I am not surprised but then again, I was hoping that it would be a bit more cheaper. Dx Oh yeah, now come to think of it, I think I have an answer as to why I could not do well with piano in the past. Maybe it was because I didn't practise everyday. Also, I didn't appreciate music enough at that time so of course I would not take the initiative to get better but to hope that I could stop piano at that age. Just think about it, I started piano at about 4 years old and stopped at 9 years old. For most of the kids these days, they can surely do better and get to a further grade. As for me, I only got to Grade 3 at the age of 9. I feel tremendously stupid and lame... Maybe learning theory slowed me down but to start playing an instrument without knowing the basics like theory ain't gonna help either. xD OK, OK. I admit it! I was SLOW! xD There, I said it.

My mom thinks that my teacher simply lets me get to another Grade without bothering what Grade I SHOULD be in. Man, I feel so heartbroken hearing that! I felt so insulted... It's like, after all the crazy months of practising, I do not deserve to be in Grade 4 even when I am ALREADY playing Grade 4 songs! She kept asking what grade of songs I am playing. Urgh, does nothing strike her that whatever she said could really hurt my feelings? She said that maybe another teacher wouldn't think I am suitable for that grade. =/ Damn her. Yeah, I suck at counting. I am more of a soloist. I play better by ear, which is why my counting sucked. I play faster when I shouldn't have most of the time and slow down at the wrong time once in awhile. Loom the bright side, at least I could play fast. xD

When I was still in Grade 1 or 2, I remember my teacher giving my these 4th finger exercises. He would keep increasing the speed and I had to rush to make sure my 4th finger (the pinky finger) could accurately press the right spot. Haha, it was a hassle but it was pretty fun. He said I was quit close to being Grade 4 speed. After he said that, he used the metronome to let me know the actual speed. He let me try again but it still wouldn't. I was pretty sat at that moment but knowing how much big a gap that would be just made me think it would be a waste. After all, to suddenly play simple songs to a probably scary and nerve-wrecking song? What the heck is that, man?!

Anyways, the 4th finger is not much of a problem anymore. Now my problem is this lil skill that needs all fingers to be able to slide a wider distance when playing a song. I must not slow down when sliding and I must stop at the right place. Well, even after all those months of playing, my finger will still get injured from all that sliding. xD Wait, wrong expression. T.T Now that's more like it! Haha. My problem is with the 1st and 2nd finger. 1st finger(index finger) at the 4th string (G) as I have problem sliding back into place. My thumb has to be at the right place and the right place would hurt my ENTIRE left arm. Guess what? my left arm has been hurting for the past few days! ^^ Lol, don't ask me why I used that facial expression. As for the 2nd finger(your favorite-MIDDLE finger) at the Bb of the 4th string. It hurts... What's worse is that I snipped the skin, forgetting that I have not practised yet this morning. I was prepared for the worst but luckily, it was bearable. xD *thumbs up*

My violinist friend wanted to perform the song "Czardas" on the day of my school principal's retirement. When she heard about me wanting to perform too, she started pestering me about playing that song with her and maybe her sis as well. Holy crap, NO WAY! After watching the video of that song yesterday, I know very well that I am NOT ready whatsoever for that song! She doesn't seem to remember that I just started violin this year, does she? xD

Oh well, my obsession for violin drives people away so I guess they sometimes forget how long I've been with Autumn. xD

Today, I practised the sliding thing again and partly because of the hot weather, my mood was bad too. Not to mention the patience as well. Every mistake, I sighed and cursed with what breath I have left. Damn it! I almost wanted to smash anything in my way. I played in the living room today. You won't believe me, the hallway's too warm that it's like Sahara Desert! What a pity, I was planning to make videos today as well. Oh well, not that the violin playing would be nice either. With my current mood, Hell gate's gonna open. xD My old spectacles had problem last night and today, when I tried to fix it, I got pissed that I snapped it. Hey, don't blame me, I was already in a bad mood the second my eyes opened wide this morning. Wait, that's not an excuse, THIS is: it rotted and turned green from all the years of sweat so it's no surprise that it finally twisted last night. =x

I already "fixed" it with tape and well, I didn't do a terrific job of that so it's hard to wear the old specs now. I will let my dad fix it. That is, IF it is STILL fixable. xD Any of you wonder how I feel about that? (No.) Oh OK, never mind then. Kidding! I do not feel guilty or anything. The old specs is definitely older than 3 years. It's made of metal and it does not fit my age anymore either. Oh come on, it was Winnie The Pooh for crying out loud! xD Sometimes, the "new and improved" old specs made me itch so it did not help with my mood or patience. Dx

Thanks to all the above excuses given, I do pizzicato better than bowing. =/

I was really discouraged by today's practice, if you must know. =[ I hated how I wanted to destroy EVERYTHING. The house, the... the... the... vio....lin... YES, I WAS THAT ANGRY! THAT FRUSTRATED! So pissed that I cannot do any better. Now, I am better because I realize today's just Tuesday and that he didn't give too much for me to nail in a week. I just gotta get that one Grade 4 song nailed and that mainly 2 pages of 'new' skills done. As for the weird exercise and song on the 2nd page, screw them! I am gonna get myself done with the rest first before moving onto them. xD

Wanna apologize to Autumn for today's inhuman behavior. Thank goodness she is still in one piece. xD It's not her fault that the songs played do not sound as good at the ones played in the afternoon. =/

Oh well, I will shut up now.

Look on the bright side, there's still time to improve until next year. I've set this goal of reaching Grade 8 by the end of next year. Starting next year, life must be filled with 'lemons' because of the difficulty of subjects. the year after next year, Hell gate surely must be constantly open and there will be my final Big Exam for high school life too. That year's gonna be busy as faeces that I do not dare to picture it. Surely my life would be better if I followed my violinist friend's footsteps: think nothing but violin as the only career but think Language and Maths as something important.

Sorry but I don't want to fail my other subjects, violinist friend! xD I cannot afford to be exactly like her. Seriously, I mean it financially and.... parent-ially? Lol.

Heck with it, music can never be my one and only career as much as I wish for it! =(

Come psychology, come to me! xD That is one of the only things I can do better at alone among my group of friends. Listen here, I do not want to clash with any of them. Music's obviously taken so that leaves psychology. There's also my plan B! xD

Damn, I think too much. I promise to shut up now! Haha.

Take care and have fun~! ^^

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Real Life ~ 2 More

Sorry for suddenly ending the previous post. xD

I really was in a rush. I did not go to school today and I rested one day (yesterday) as I never uploaded any at all. I had a muscle cramp after the long hours of violin.

Here's are the links for the 2 new videos. I took my friend's advice and found a way to not bother with which expression I used when recording the violin playing.

Only for the 2nd one that I tried my friend's advice. It's much better that way though it's harder for me to end the recording. I had to put down my bow quick on the table to stop the recording. It made a sound but I only hope that I will soon find a way to solve that unless I start being inconsiderate and do not care whether others buffer more while watching my videos. I feel that the faster my video is, the better it is for the viewers' patience. xD

The rest probably helped and same for the actual practice. Sadly, I haven't been doing very well for one of the songs. It's pretty hard and well, I just cannot get into the song. =/ At least I nailed one song. Just that it needs more practice. I plan to perform that song when I get to bring my violin to others' house. Oh yeah, if you're wondering which song, shh, I ain't telling any of you until I have performed. =D

My muscle cramp is worse today but thank goodness the cooling plaster I put on today is much more effective though the spot where it hurts is bigger than what that stupid plaster can cover. T.T I would have just plastered the whole of my left arm! Dx My right arm's the same too but it's not as bad as the left's. I better not get tendonitis. =[ I will ask for my teacher's advice. My friend told me that I should put both arms in ice cold water first then in hot water to soothe the pain. Have no idea how to get the ice cold water and hot water. @.@

Maybe a small pack of ice would work but it would seem too dramatic. =S

Gonna go watch anime now. MY left arm's still in pain so I do not want to type too much. Bye.

Have fun and take care! Sorry I forgotten to say it for the last post!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Real Life ~ Time To Put Weapons Down

It's time to put the weapons down... AND TAKE OUT THE BOOZE! Kidding.

The reason for not being able to blog recently was thanks to the big exam. We studied 3 freaking years for 5 freaking days. But you know what? Those 5 days were TIRING. Believe me, less rest, more hardcore reading. Damn would it have been a miracle for me to have survived those torturous days. xD And well, it was a miracle since I survived. I was so close to killing myself just the day before the last paper - CHINESE. ARGH! NO!

I cried yesterday too (Chinese exam was today)... The total number of days that I have not been able to touch my violin for the whole day were 2. I came back after the exam at 4PM and there's not much time left for practice, which was what happened yesterday. The only thing keeping me going yesterday was thinking of it as a sacrifice since today's the last day of the big exam and that after that, I can screw my violin even if I wanted to. Well, not screw it literally! Lol.

Only 2 friends from the bench group took Chinese but only one of them belonged to my class. I really want to thank him for accompanying me the whole day so that I do not make a complete fool of myself.

Damn, when I waited for mom after school to pick me up, I sweated like crap and ended up looking like faeces! Utter faeces! Seriously. None of me looked peaceful. It's like I was going to attack people for even looking at me.

Anyways, forget what I've just said in the previous paragraph. It's just me being my usual self. Haha. So... YOU BETTER STICK WITH IT! Kidding~ Or not...?

Back at home, I was dying (literally) to play my violin and quickly upload the first video I can think of. Oops, I forgotten that I was supposed to give my friend a list of songs so that he can request the next one for me to play! Damn. Gomenasai to him then~ *message sent* Kidding.

Guess what? Things went hectic after the lunch and bath. I was sweating like crap by the time I got the cam on. But first, you gotta know this. As I took my violin out and tuner to tune it, the tuner went retarded. It won't work. I tried really hard to take the battery out but then I didn't know how to open it. T.T I had no choice but to disturb my mom and ask for her help. She opened it with a coin. xD

It went slightly retarded again when I went back up. I left it switched on for a moment when I was handling the cam and stuff. It turned off by itself. I broke a sweat but immediately got it back into my skin (...?) after it managed to be switched on again. After that, I had trouble recording a PERFECT video because I kept getting nervous and playing the wrong note. Just as I was about to finish the song up well, I played wrongly at the end. Noooooo! I took yonks to make it seem acceptable. Jeez! By the time that happened, I was exhausted and pissed. Lol. It was only then that this fact came to me: It was freaking tough to record my own violin playing.

I could hardly smile since I was concentrating too much.

OK, I was on the phone with my friend for a long time so I gotta make this quick. Sorry.

I uploaded 3 videos in the end. I will give you the 3 links.

They are in order so I hope you enjoy~!^^