Friday, September 30, 2011

Real Life ~ Rant-a-thon

Hey there, people! I am supposed to be copying notes now but you know what? Exam is near but I think I will not be able to gain anything if I write anything more for now. My hand is absolutely aching! (Psst, typing is pretty tiring to my already-aching hand but it's much faster than writing when the sentences are forming real quick in my messy mind.)

Let's see... I have been gathering topics after topics to rant on for days and possibly weeks. I imagined things to say and titles to give to this post.

Starting with what happened today (while I can still remember), I will not give details or anything so that the person will not kill me (>.<)

Recap: That girl is not an entirely nice person. She's really bossy and she usually just wants everything to go her way. She rarely accepts other people's way of doing things. She doesn't always watch what she says and LOVES to interrupt when people are talking.

Don't hate me for saying all of that because apparently, quite a few agree with me.

Right, back to topic. My friend was teaching me and my other friend but then, as expected, this girl suddenly budge in and do all the asking and talking. I was like, fine, go do whatever you want because I am fine with studying myself too. I don't need you to ruin my life any longer. My friend who was learning with me also gave up and eventually left my class. Before she left, she told me she had things to ask but because of you-know-who, she stopped waiting for a chance and walked off.

This girl made me think that it would be the end of the world when she and I are apart. She made me think that I will not be able to get anything done without her. Who knew... She was the one holding me back all along... And I was even told that, just that I kept denying at that time. This is why I TRY real hard not to think that i cannot live without certain people.

Hyper-Realistically, most of us humans need others to be able to live a somewhat perfect life. Not saying that anything's perfect but just good enough or just plain good. Even rich people need connections and help from others to make things work out. We, whether we are a 'somebody' or a 'nobody', we still need people to help out. (Okay, maybe I usually turn down my closest friends' help and some other people's along the way but that's because I think I relied too much on people.)

Woah, I gave myself a surprise by writing this much just on ONE thing. There are more but sadly, I did not write it all down and cannot remember more. So... goodbye people.


Second thing to rant on - my dearest classmate this year.

Most of my friends including the girl I mentioned back in the first rant have agreed with one another that this classmate of mine ain't no nice kitty to play with.

I hate to have to say this but even my other classmates find it a big problem to get along with her. =x

This classmate of mine here loves to sleep in class. She can be hot and cold. She is a hypocrite and she does not really care about your feelings all the time. Naturally, she just says what comes to mind. Funnily enough, she can still think of how you're feeling at times. She doesn't always pay attention in class because it's either sleeping or just drawing. (Oh my gosh, she will MURDER me when she sees this!) This classmate does not care much of her own health. She just drinks and eats whatever she pleases.

Oh yes, the guilt is kicking in real fast. I feel like a complete b!tch. =( Oh well, I deserved it anyways.

Continuing, this classmate sits beside me so she EXPECTS me to actually wake her up when I am busy paying attention to what the teacher is saying and what work we're supposed to be doing. What crosses the line is when she makes me her goddamn stupid alarm clock.

"Wake me up 10 minutes later."
"Give me 5 more minutes."
"Wake me up at (insert time here)."

It is absolutely useless waking her up because she continues sleeping.

After the teacher is done with the explaining or after the bell rings (or after she got scolded by the teacher), she wakes up with usually bloodshot eyes accusing me of not waking her up.

That was what ticks me off the most. I feel like punching or slapping her without a thought. THAT ought to wake her up! Hmph! *turns back pouting and fuming*

Many times I try to let her know not to keep on saying things like that and expecting me to be wonder woman doing everything for people all the time. Sadly, my weaker side just never lets me defend myself.

Wow, way to go, I really SUCK at defending. Not only defending myself but others as well. And when I DO try my best to defend, it always end up awkward or just taken as pathetic. *facepalm*

Hmm... Now I am really cracking my brain wondering what is the other thing I want to rant on.

Dang it. This time, I am sorry but I really forgotten. @.@

It is not goodbye yet though because I haven't started on what I've been doing lately. xD

Amazingly chatty today, right? (How did this happen, I wonder?)

Violin News: I finally learned left pizzicato plus bowing at the same time. Well, not exactly same time but both put together in a way. xD In the music score, there will be a "+" sign to show left pizzicato above the music notes. There are some notes without the "+" above them so it means normal bowing (most never mention the bowing direction). Gah, one of the ABRSM Grade 7 songs have that skill in it. I cannot remember the full title for the song but I remember part of the title that says "Sarasate". *shrugs*

Before I forget (Ooh, I am aging no matter how young I seem to look), I have been trying to write an incredibly good poem with the theme of love. Yes, I said that word. I actually did not plan to let any of you know the theme of the poem but oh well, must have slipped my... fingers? o.0

I have been thinking about it for months, writing over and over (all different), thinking hard of ways to change my usual boring style of writing poems. Today I finally got to make some of the poems rhyme but it just isn't long enough or good enough. I just cannot seem to feel the 'oopmh" or what people like to call "impact" from reading the poems I've tried writing.

You see, I cannot capture the actual feelings. Not sure if they can EVEN be captured but just to let you know, I won't write anything of what I haven't been through for poems. I'll save those other sort of works for the future to write. Hopefully, by then, my imagination widens.

Another topic I want to touch on before I publish this post - Teenagers I never knew existed in my country.

You've seen shopaholics (often females) shop for clothes, accessories and shoes for hours. You've seen crazy girls after brands of all sorts. In fact, those brands are so out of this world that they are not even known to me! The price must have cost a billion bodies! You've seen females crazy for the latest stuffs.

Well, whatcha waitin' for? They're in my world too! I am not just talking about the common female dogs you usually meet in my school and life but I am talking about from those common female dogs to my very own cousin(s). Brands, Parties, Showing off.... EVERYTHING! Nothing left out.

What made me realize once and for all was that I have finally come to know girls who spend hundreds over ONE dress. And, what's more shocking is that her/their mother/mothers actually bother CONSIDERING!

Not long ago, as usual, I do not know the things going on at my school but there was a party held by the Christian Fellowship or something. This girl is a cheerleader and she is graduating this year. You know about cheerleaders (sociable, popular, extremely vain, attention-seeker) ... She bought a dress that cost a hundred plus just for that one night of party. I think she bought high heels too. 2 high heels, if I have not mistaken.

That was not the end, it seems. These dresses usually need dry-cleaning. NOW, there is this prom night thingy held for the students graduating. I didn't know there's prom night held every year for those students until my pretty friend told me. This girl obviously wants to stand out and look the best.prettiest and bla bla bla so now, she goes for a great big evening gown hunt.

She went shops after shops and could find none with hundred dollars as the cheapest piece of clothing. Finally, after a VERY long time of hunting, she came upon a dress she and her sister love that cost.... *drum rolls* a whopping 400 + dollars!

Her mother considered whether to buy it for her or not. If I've not mistaken, I think her mom agrees to let her have it. *faints* With 400 dollars, you could have bought so much more... Well, who am I to say? I buy anime DVDs and books while she buys girl stuff. *shrugs*

Her mother went to the shop for wedding gowns and most probably for the flower girls and so on too. Her mom was thinking of renting one instead of always buying more dresses. Just so you know, the daughter said she wants a dress no one has seen before when her mom told her to wear the one she wore for the Christian Fellowship party (or whatever it is...)

Come on, I never knew such princess-like girls existed so close to me. Well, not THAT close but wow, I cannot get over the fact that girls in my country can be like that. Even my mom was shocked to know about it.

The mother decided not to rent the dress because the package including hair, makeup and dress cost about 320 dollars. Thing is, you cannot keep the dress!

I know I've seen many of my acquaintances wearing expensive-looking dresses but never has it ever crossed my mind that those dresses could really be what they seem to be! They all have their hair done nicely and even my pretty friend says that it is absolutely boring to not change the hairstyle. She straightened her hair months ago.

My goodness, then I must have been one hell of a boring piece of crap! I have never straightened my hair nor curled it. I never dyed my hair before and the only ways of changing hairstyle is to cut it differently but NEVER anything that stands out or look nice as other girls. You see, those hairstyles never last forever because my stubborn hair loves to go their own way.

Funny, right? I am thinking of staying far away from makeup too in the future. I just hate to turn into those type of people who rely on makeup to look good. I am also thinking of not straightening my hair because I will have to maintain it. =/ Maintaining it costs MORE money and with those money, I could have upgraded my violin once and for all (Not saying I am ready to leave Autumn anytime soon but I know upgrading is necessary now).

Of course no guys will want to get close to me because of my lack of beauty. I will just be a plain person living a plain and normal life.

It's amusing to think of how I used to think of wanting to be the prettiest girl. I used to want to be a princess as a kid. In fact, I was quite a normal person as a kid. So... WHERE did I go wrong and become this peculiar person? From WHICH part of my life did I become this anti-social who just loves to be alone yet long for certain accompany?

My pretty friend thinks she does not have enough friends even though she has billion times more friends than I do. She says she wants to change her name and be a happy, crazy and wild girl in college.

Well, go ahead, girl, because you're gonna be another fake.

I admit I tried to be a fake this year but I cannot stand faking so many smiles. I cannot hide my feelings so easily anymore.

It's much more comfortable being in my own skin anyways. Being a fake is like being a hypocrite in a way and I hate hypocrites though I'd say I can be one in a blink of an eye.

Okay, people. Thank you for having reached this far. Hope you have not snored throughout this whole ranting session. More to come for those who actually don't mind or have the patience of a God to continue reading in the future.

No hard feelings, I hope! Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors - this lazy bum here just doesn't re-read before publishing. xD

Take care and have fun as always! ^^

This time, I am ending with a happy tone despite the post that seems to be moody and angry.

Truth is, I am not that angry as I write this post but just letting you know what sort of people are there out in this crazy world (of school).

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