Friday, September 16, 2011

Real Life ~ Forgotten Things To Say

Gomenasai ne... (Sorry)

I forgotten to say something I promised to mention from the previous post. Lol.

See? It doesn't matter if I am a kid, teenager, young adult or not because we're ALL aging! ;P

As for the people who are not nice in the tuition, they're both guys and girls.

They laughed at me whenever I made a mistake or say something wrong. Even if I read what the teacher told me to, they like to laugh. They just HAVE to find something funny!

The girls only talk to me or be nice to me when they need to ask for something. I used to think 2 certain girls were my friends. But one day, I realized one of them weren't. And RECENTLY, I realized that other friend also cannot be called a friend anymore. They always pestered me, asking me for answers. Can't they see I also DON'T EFFING KNOW HOW TO DO?! You DON'T see me asking people how to do, right? You DON'T see me trying to sneak a peek at answers, right?

Sheesh, just admit it, it ain't exam. What have you lose there even if you're wrong? I got almost everything wrong sometimes and do you see me want to copy answers the next time? Sure, I don't like being wrong and sometimes I want to copy answers but I refuse to lose to that temptation.

ESPECIALLY EXAMS! My classmates (the girls) just LOVE to ask me for answers. Well, eff that because I DON'T EFFING KNOW THE ANSWERS EITHER! I hate how I had to purposely sleep even though I cannot even sleep a wink. Oh, guess what? They STILL have the guts to ask me last minute before passing the papers up.

I felt as if I wasted time TRYING to sleep!

Sorry, sidetracked again. Lol.

It's just that they treat pretty girls with more respect. They don't simply go laughing at pretty girls in a mean way.

Gah, I got distracted somehow by something. Haha...

Whatever it is, I just cannot stop thinking that people are like that these days. They all judge people by their looks (as in pretty or not).

They see pretty girls, they go, "*whistles* Woah! Must check her out. Be nice to her. First impressions and all that sh*t!"

They see plain or boring nerdy girls like me, they go, "BLEH! What did you come out from? A drain? Must make you help me hook up with that pretty girl over there! Hope you're her best friend. Oh, girls love to hug each other and stuff right? Maybe they don't need to be friends to help me out! Woo hoo!"

Well, not LITERALLY always like that for the plain or boring nerdy girls. But close enough. xD

Alright, the end of rant part number 2 for today! >=D

Take care and have fun anyways. xD

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