Saturday, September 17, 2011

Real Life ~ Fluttering Heart

Fluttering heart is... QUARTER of what I'm... feeling now. Not gonna say everything but only a part of it. ;)

First off, I slept late last night (Like most nights, I cannot sleep early to try improve the skin anymore. Besides, it doesn't seem to be working and I was NEVER happy to have to sleep and waste the nights away.) knowing that I have violin lesson and should not be sleeping too late.

I woke up at 10AM instead of 9.30AM. To be honest, have been waking up at 10AM lately... For weeks already...

Practised until it was time to go. This time, I focused on the 2 songs. I LOVE "Adoration from Felix Borowski"! One of the best~ As for the other song, which is "Presto by Haydn", I don't quite like it though the CD sounded MUCH better. I have to slow the song down.

Anyways, skipping to during the violin lesson, I started out with "Adoration" and it was heaven. I am glad it didn't sound as HORRIBLE as when I first started it. I still have problem with the shifting at one part but oh well, that will eventually be solved as long as I keep on trying.

Today, people kept on coming close to watch my teacher and I play. Usually, people don't really look but this time, I think my teacher and I made more people want to learn violin. xD I saw a bunch of parents at the counter.

True enough, a parent DID ask about the violin lessons and the fees. The parent is the one whose little son learns guitar. Seeing the way the son cares for his guitar gives me the shivers. He dropped it numerous times and the poor guitar bang the couch, walls and doors as he walks around. @.@ I cannot imagine if he did the same for the violin when he takes it out or even try to tune it...

I always thought the parent had an issue with me playing/learning the violin... She and her husband (I think) stared at me when I got out of the music room. My class just ended and it was a great song and a great lesson that day. Thought they didn't think so. (>.<)

Today, the parent asked my mom how old I am and whether I started from young. This is where my heart 'fluttered' because the parent told my mom she thinks I play well.

Where's the holy light? I can feel it comin'! Have been extremely frustrated lately so I keep thinking of how bad I am doing... So every compliment means a lot to me and shall be appreciated! This is the first time a stranger complimented after watching me play live despite the mistakes made. ^^

I hope that days like these keep on coming. :D

Oh, know what's funny? I had more things to say but I forgotten. Lol.

But~ I remember to wish you readers to have fun and take a good care of yourself! ;P

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