Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Real Life ~ Oh.My.Gosh!

Yes, that's all I can say now right after reading the e-mail sent from my dad.

TOO MUCH water can make you BLIND. =x

He sent me the photo of a newspaper cutting. It said a lady drank about 7 litres of water per day and it went on for like, 3 months. One day, she fainted and after she woke up, she was blind.

The lady drank lots of water to keep her blood pressure stable or something. Like me in a way, she thought the more she drank, the better it would be. She had something like "chronic water intoxication". =x

I already have chronic urticaria but getting chronic water intoxication that can make me go blind? Na-ah! I CANNOT go blind now that I've decided NOT to give up living anymore. I have violin to think about! And no, this is not because I HAVE to not be blind just for violin. It's because I love my violin, I love music and that I am still healing from the past sufferings, that's why I do not want to go blind. If I did go blind, my life's like the end since I depend a lot on the eyes. I still need to see the sheet music and read books! =[

Yeah, I know there are blind people out there who still lived but really, it's tough.

Anyways, moving on, I might as well tell you what happened today.

I didn't go to school. Yay and Nooo!

I say "Nooo" because thanks to mom, she made me worried that someone will get mad at me or that something bad will happen. Damn it! Why can't I EVER enjoy a day without going through suffering things?

Couldn't wake up at 9:30AM to practise violin. Gotta go for lunch with mom and grandma today. Would be leaving the house at 11AM. I usually start the practice at 9:45AM and end it about 11AM plus. It would be too rushing for me.

I took a cold pill yesterday too. I fought the drowsiness that the pill brought me yesterday too. =[ I kept denying the fact that I was damn sleepy by the time it was 11PM plus. It would be quite a waste to end such a day (even though filled with guilt) since not going to school the next day, which is today.

Yeah, yeah, I can hear you. You're saying it is a ridiculous thought but hey, SOME others think that way too and I know I cannot sleep too late because I do not want to worsen my skin condition (Yes, I am vain!).

Darn, the sarcasm and nastiness is still with me. Oh well, deal with it! Muahahahahah!

Anyways, I left house with mom feeling like an ugly oaf. Ugh! Had lunch, a very boring one, I assure you. I hardly got the chance to hang out with my grandma but every time I do get to see her, my mom would obviously be with me. Because my mom's there, they both talked endlessly. Grandma is stubborn. She just cannot change this habit of cutting others' words. Like say, if I were to be talking to mom, she would cut in and talk to mom. The thing is, mom is FINE with that!

When I was a kid, this happened often. I would ALWAYS get ever so pissed off. xD Just listening to her usual Chinese people's English pronunciation made me want to correct her a lot as a kid at that time. You know what? After my 15 years with her, she is STILL the same. She still pronounce certain things wrongly. =P

Continuing... (I cannot remember where I left off!)

Oh yeah, sorry, I forgotten since I was chatting with someone earlier. Haha.

They both are like the SLOWEST thing in the world when they are together. They cross the road so slowly, they eat so slowly and they walk so slowly. Crossing the read with them is a difficult and fatal thing to do. God knows! I am like, behind them getting roasted by the sun (I am NOT looking forward to getting darker, thank you very much!) and also, they think they're fast but boy do they not know that the way they drag me to "safety" while crossing the road is making my head dizzy. It's not my grandma's age that's making her slow but more like both mom and grandma's mouth that couldn't SHUT UP. Yes, I am being semi-rude here, whatever!

I could have reached the cafe MUCH earlier than them AND at the same time save my skin from getting any darker. >=[ The walk made me sweat too. Urgh!

I'm a girl, of course I think like that but no worries, guys, not ALL girls are like that. =P

After the lunch and another LONG time getting back to the car, mom and I finally headed home. I was dreading that moment too... xD

Although I was absent in school, I surely did my fair share of homework. See? Fair enough yet I still feel guilty for leaving my friends in school, which in the end, I just found out not long that most of them didn't turn up! LOL!

Oh right, I was distracted just now. I forgotten what more I should say. Haha...

Violin practice started at 3:22PM or something and ended at 4:22PM+

I felt noob while playing but that's alright, I know I will not be saying that one day... Just one day...

My friend once made fun of me and told me that I will get bored of violin latest by the time I start work. I would be too busy for it and ask it to F.O.

No sir-ee, I am TRYING to keep it my longest passion and companion. I am Trying NOT to give it up halfway. I do NOT want to give it up even if I finished grade 8. As long as I have many classical music to listen to, I will continue being inspired. I just gotta NOT give in to what my friend said! NEVER!!

Hmph, I am too dramatic today. Loud and dramatic on the INSIDE. xD

I am even starting to give up and wonder why I stay alive too these days. I may have my violin but I cannot play with it 2 times in a day because of what I feared as I've already mentioned in previous posts.

Dinner was not so fantastic but I did have the chance to chomp on KitKat this afternoon while doing homework to get rid of the fatigue. I was seriously out of breath and tired. Beats me why though. xD

I listened to classical music while trying to sleep after dinner. Guess what? I was too focused on the notes being played by different types of instrument that the focussing had screwed up my face and make me can't sleep.

Alright, bye for now. Take care and have fun~!^^

Note: Edited on 2nd September 2010. I've just spotted yet another wrong word. This time it is thanks to my dad. Lol. xD Why didn't the Spell Check correct me?! xD

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